D A Y  T W O


Day two of KCON in one word: BESTINGDAYOFMYLIFE.


There are multiple reasons why the second day was the best-day-of-my-ing-life. The biggest was the EXO Viewing of course. Thank God for good cameras with 30x zoom. 

PROS: EXO VIEWING. Duh. BIGGEST PROS EVER: Meeting eyes with my husband Luhan and my PLAN B (inside joke) Kris. I seriously wanted to cry and was getting emotional when I found out I met eyes with Luhan and Kris, AND GOT IT ON ING CAMERA. I'll be uploading a lot of my pics and videos soon! But, that made my day. Seeing EXO. I got a lot of good pics of EXO. Met a lot of people yesterday :). Another big con, was meeting my favorite kpop youtuber freshlyFLIPPED. My god, while I was dancing to GD and Missy Elliott, I turned around and saw him there right behind me! HOLY . I fangirled to the excent of screaming. When the concert ended he was recording EXO but I was like wondering if I could take a pic with him. CAUSE I REALLY WANTED TOO. And, my new concert buddy friend helped and took a picture of him and I. OMFG night complete.

CONS: The EXO viewing line. It was ing long once again, and hot. Also, before Exo's viewing, Teen Top had one. But, there was a BIG incident with Angels (Teen Top fans) during their line-up at the bridge (a place were you line up for viewings etc.). Apparently, Angels were crazy trouble. Like there was pushing and fights? That's was a girl told me. But, before people found out about that, us EXO fans made a line in this free spot. While waiting in line, a girl (a fan) informed us that we had to be on our BEST behavior. If we RAN or PUSHED each other while heading to the bride to line up, the staff would cancel the EXO viewing ENTIRELY. This was bad, because the staff already canceled the hi-touch and fansigning (supposedly but I think they still had the signing). This was because of the incident with the Angels. Teen Top's viewing was moved to 4:30. While in line for a few hours, my friend (Brenda, my other friend's friend came in her place)and I were waiting in line. We started to talk to other fans about this whole comotion. I told them none of these fans better run or do something stupid to ruin my chance to see EXO. They understood what I meant and felt the same way. I told them the only reason I am in this fandom was because of EXO themselves and their music. In general, I hate Exo fans (the crazy ones). Again, they definitely felt the same way. Why, I hate Exo fans, cause they give the tolerable fans a bad name. Hell, it was after seeing the article about EXO getting interviewed about Sasaeng fans, I hated Exo fans with a passion. Sorry, but true. Yes, some of the EXO fans I know aren't those kinds of fans, but this is how I feel about this fandom. Besides that fact, the line went smoothly. Again, the weather was a nuisance. Another con, was the concert. VIP 1 and VIP 2 were all on the same level floor. I believed we would be on a different level than VIP 1, but we weren't. But that wasn't the big problem, it was the light sticks and the people in general. I know, its not their fault, but I wished people would stop waving their hands around during the songs while Im trying to take good pictures. Also, the screaming. Jesus christ. I could not here the music at all. I couldn't hear anyone of the artist singing. Like literally, all I heard were fangirls and boys screaming their heads off. Especially around EXO and Teen TOP. Holy , I was partially deaf that night, no lie. Sad thing about the concert, after EXO finished, most people on the floor left. Like it was so empty. I was able to move around! Before, I was scrunched up with a bunch of people, body to body. to some person's front side. Not comfortable. Next, time I'm getting the third best seats instead of the ground. that. I think I enjoyed GD's performance the best, of course the others too. The reason was because, I had more freedom to move my body along to his songs. I was really dancing next to this girl I met aha! That's when I started to enjoy myself the most! We were both just dancing along to GD's smooth raps, including the collab with Missy Elliott, boy that blew me away. I was sad that I couldn't enjoy myself while watching EXO or Teen Top cause I couldn't properly hear the concert. 


Few things I bought:

  • Alpaca doll for $35. The most expensive I bought at KCON.
  • EXO and Luhan for a total of $25:
    • One mini $5 poster
    • Two big posters of EXO and Luhan ($5 each) 
    • Bookmark things (i think that's what it is) of Luhan ($10) Cause can.
  • A sheer jacket with a pattern like this:


(more black and sheer, but it had this unqiue style to it)

  • Floral Crop shirt 


Things I got for FREE

  • Fan signs:
    • ​2 CHEN fansigns
    • 2 LUHAN fansigns
    • 1 LAY fansign
    • 1 KRIS fansign
  • A big pink pen
  • Mnet gift bag
  • 5 KCON pins
  • KCON light Stick
  • EXO pin
  • Asiana airline bandana
  • Free shirt


Overall, KCON was part good, part bad. But I did enjoy myself. The the second day was the best for me, since I was hanging out with a lot of my new friends^^.Yeah, those are some of the things I got. Idk if I have anymore, since there are little things here and there. But yeah. Lost of emotions this weekend. And a lot of sunburn.

Everyone, please don't get hurt about my thoughts about the EXO fandom. And if you are, sorry, that's just how I feel. This year, I've really been disappointed in this fandom quite a few times already. And I expressed myself once or twice. It got worse once I saw that article. This fandom already has a bad reputation, and it's constantly getting worse. I'm only sticking around for the boys and the music. 




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shoelaceuu #1
So lucky! I wish I could've gone. It makes me sad to hear that Exo's in a state thats faaaaar away from mine ;~;
You got Luhan's autograph ?
So lucky.
Omg, I'm so glad you had fun bby <3
How did my lil prince seungwoo do? Ahaha
(tbh i agree with you about the exo fans, you're one of the few i really like <3)
about the gifts :( they really should've said something about gifts beforehand :/
I'll for sure be going next year though! haha
saving up my money rn eue/
OMG, you are so lucky to even meet EXO. I never seen EXO before, I would of had this year, if school hadn't start so early. So instead, my dad bought me a Super Junior backpack and EXO posters for my misery. Could you upload like pics of you and your bias? ^^^
I really wish I lived in the States sometimes. XD
Lol, kcon was better this year than last year I think