~~My World~~

I don't care if everyone said i'm crazy!! I'm not crazy!!! Let me leave in my world, the world that no one can hurt me!! The world that i cant feel any torture!! The world that full of love!! The world without wound n war!! That my world n nobody can deny me!!! NOBODY can call me CRAZY!!!


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Jin_Riri #1
you are nice, who said that? karma will go after her/him for sure ==
Your not crazy, you are nice and have a beautiful heart...so don't listen to anyone and let them get to you;-) ♥
Unnie! You aren't crazy! No one is calling you that! Whoever is calling you that, they are crazy themselves!
Don't worry, be safe and get well soon! We're waiting for you to come back fully :3 Are you still in Japan?
Don't worry Unnie! We still love you! With all our hearts <3
Aww baby you aren't crazy .___. why would you even be :O
In my world I have an army of cats (and Zelo and Chen, but ssshh). OTL xD
Thats it baby!!!! FIGHTING!!!
*hugs u tight* i dont think ur crazy
Can you please tell me your worlds address i wanna come too :(
I am also not Crazy, I am just a simple girl wanna live my life,
IAmAPotato21 #9
I don't think you're crazy buddy~