why do I need xoxo?

hello there!


EXO is the only band I've fallen this hard, I have to admit. They are just beauttiful in their own way and especially they were born with multi-talents. I really wished I started liking them ever since the first time they debuted.

Why do I need XOXO album, you asked. I really one to have one of EXO's albums, and even the three of them yet I can't. I saved up my own money but my parents make it hard for me to own one. But, I don't think I support them enough since I cannot buy for an album only, after they had worked so hard for almost a year (for XOXO I mean).

Yes, I was impatient before XOXO was released (I wasn't an exotic back then) but after watching the Wolf MV & listening too all their songs, I think it's worth it. 

Some or even most were complaining about how bad the Wolf songs are. I was curious since I hadn't watched it when I heard about the complain but after I watched it, I personally think it was cool, it was amazing, the choreography and all.

XOXO album made me become an exotic. That was why I really love XOXO even though I love MAMA & GROWL as much as I love XOXO. I don't see the need to make this like a long essay so I will just end it here. xoxo - ekshoe.




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