So, Tao is a little .

At KCON the members were asked who they would chose for a roommate. Krisyeol picked each other, and so did XiuHan, and on and on until Baekhyun was the last one. He picked who he would room with, then hastily added on Tao at the end when he realized no one had picked him and Tao looked more and more angry every time they didn't say his name. So he said he would just room by himself.


Then later on at the concert he was being really cute and teasing the crowd, getting really close to he edge of the stage and even sitting down. He totally nailed the "Are you having a good time" thing this time, though. At the end of the concert all of the artists came out and Tao was holding the left side of his face and jumping up and down all over the stage. He seemed very excited.


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Omg, were you at KCON???? I was there! :D
Angelika5378 #2
If nobody wants to share room with tao i will do it voluntary ;) ㅋㅋ