Specially thanks to Supergirl27 and inSHININGspirit for hosting this contest at ...



A year ago, a normal ordinary human being was just attending school as usual when she saw a bunch of her friends staring at something particular together. Not wanting to miss anything out, she peek over their shoulders and saw poster. Posters of idols everywhere. All of different unfamiliar faces. She picked one up and began reading their face. There's a gigantic huge group name and it reads EXO K. That's when she find interested in them. At first it was their faces that attracts her attention. Next, it was their voices, aspecially Kyungsoo's. He was her first bias. Besides that, was their dorkiness. And her bias eventually became Sehun. Despite his shy personality, she likes him the best.

Slowly, she began joining her friends more often in facebook, and most of all, reading fanfictions. See what these boys did to her?

Just for EXO, she began stepping deeper into the world of KPOP where she finds Infinite, BtoB, Bap and others attractive. She finds herself liking Kpop more than she really should and worst. she began WRITING fanfictions. No one would actually assume that EXO would somehow change someone's heart and action.


The above 'story' is really based on what exactly happened to me. LOL I know I probably won't win but I actually have the urge to join for fun although I really wanted the album. I'm pretty sure I won't be chosen as the other contestant wrote their feeling and EXO being their inspiration and stuffs. Nah. I won't lie about them being my inspiration but they are what I call idols and the motivation that kept me going. That sounded the same didn't they? LOL


Exo. What could you say about them?

Handsome? Godess? Awesome?

For me, they're perfect in their own ways.

They're actually the group that brought me into the world of Kpop. My bias was Kris at first but the other members tends to destroy my bias list that does not exist any  longer. -sobs-


I specially dislike some fans out there who thought negatives stuffs about them. About Xiumin being fat, Chen lish dancing, Kris y face, and etc...

They're just the way they are and who are you to judge them? I doubt you're actually prettier than them anyway. =P


I really wanted the album. But my mom opposed the idea of me liking Kpop. She said it was a total waste of money and time when I was supposed to study like normal students would. I even tried fasting with my malay friends to save money LOL I'm stupid aren't I?

I'm really jealous  of my friends who get to buy every albums of their idols without even asking their parents.

Besides EXO, I actually have other artist that I liked. (Read my profile if you want) But I never get the chance to own any of their albums.


After finding out about this contest, I'm determine to try harder in the future to get them.

I really appreaciate you for hosting this contest that inspired me. Thank you.


I live in Malaysia and the chance of winning is probably as thin as a sheet.



Really in hope of winning....





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