neutralized's potential member: oh akemi


( oh akemi )

and i love you, random citizen
username┊ -naegatokki
name┊anything.. hana?
can't get anymore basic than this
character's name┊ oh akemi / kyungmi (which is her korean name)
nickname(s)┊ her members normally call her kyung, as it's just a shortened version of her korean birthname but they'll often call her the umma of the group too because she's very motherly around the other members especially the younger ones. her parent's don't really have any nickname for her but they'll often call her their baby as she's the youngest.
international age┊19
birthplace┊incheon, korea
timeline┊incheon (from her birth until she was 3), fukuoka, (from the age of 3 until she was 12 years old), tokyo (from the age of 12 - 14), seoul (from the age of 14 until the present)
ethnicity┊ japanese - korean
languages┊japanese (fluent), korean (fluent), chinese (very, very basic)
blood type┊o+
uality┊ straight
stand in front of the mirror and freak out over your flawless beauty
first first-claim┊ jang chom mi
pictures/galleriesgallery / gallery
second/back-up face-claim┊ kim sooyeon 'mint'
pictures/galleriesgallery / gallery
akemi's normally very laid back in what she wears, if it goes she'll wear it. she doesn't often dress crazily or in your face with bright colors and idiotic fashion accessories. she's very chic however, normally in something classed as fashionable like a plaid shirt, shorts and sneakers. if she's going out and doesn't want to be noticed she'll add a hat or a hooded sweater. she does however prefer to wear comfortable clothes and sneakers in stead of something that flatters her but is uncomfortable and high heels. when she's going out and there's a chance of her being seen, she'll put on very light makeup such as bb cream and eyeliner but she doesn't put on much. — casual
although she doesn't often have to dress up in formal wear, she does make an effort when she has to. when she is required to wear something formal, it will normally be white or another light color  such as pastel pink or a light yellow, she's also aware that wearing short dresses will show off her long legs and adding high heels will add definition but because she's already tall she's reluctant to wear them. — formal
in the dorm akemi's very very casual, she'll put on a pair of jeans and a sweater quite happily just to hang around the dorm. unless she knows they'll be seen, she won't bother with any makeup and will either leave her hair down or tie it up in a loose bun / ponytail. — dorm
training wear is basically just sweatpants and an oversized shirt, she doesn't plan on getting any good clothes of her own ruined. the only important thing she brings for training is her favorite sneakers that she finds easy to dance in.— training
if akemi's the one dressing herself, her airport fashion is normally just something comfortable such as jeans and a shirt, of course it'll be chich like her casual wear though as airport fashion seems to be a big thing. sometimes she's dressed by others though, most of it is sponsored, so it's not often her favorite kind of thing.— airport
extra┊akemi has her ears pierced multiple times, four on her right ear and two on her left. she's also got her navel pierced like many others her age.  she has a medium sized scar on the back of her left thigh from when she fell out of a tree as a child and cut her thigh on a sharp branch.
personal items┊akemi always has her favorite backpack filled with essentials such as her phone, perfume and headphones.
i just met you and this is crazy but i ate some glue so call me daisy
personality key traits┊shy, laid-back, motherly, mature, optimistic
personality┊akemi's an extremely shy girl, this stems back to when she first moved back to korea and was teased for her slight accent and not being as fluent in the language, ever since then she's been shy and rarely speaks unless she's spoken to or she's around people that she feels comfortable with. despite being shy and a bit stand-off-ish, she's rather laid back and doesn't often make a big fuss about things. akemi's gets her laid back attitude from her mother, she actually gets a lot of her personality from her mother and not her father. if you asked akemi to do something, chances are she will do it...just a few hours later once she feels like doing it or once she's finished doing other things that she considers more important. akemi's a natural mother-like figure to the other girls, unlike some of the others she's a very good cook and always makes sure the younger members have eaten or done everything they have to. she likes to think that the other members feel like they can talk to her and she'll always be there as a shoulder to cry on if they're upset  or stressed out. this also comes in with her mature side, the side of herself that she shows to strangers and her fans when they're at fansignings and other events. she doesn't often mess around with the other members unless she's in a good mood, then she'll join in and act like the biggest kid out of them all. akemi's an optimistic person, she never used to be but with her past she learned to look at the positives in every bad situation, this is why she's probably the mother of the group.
background┊ born in south korea, akemi grew up around her father's family and friends for the first three years of her life although she doesn't remember much about her first three years which is why she struggled with her korean when she first moved back. akemi and her family moved to fukuoka for her father's work shortly after her third birthday, she stayed in fukuoka until the age of twelve. she loved fukuoka because it was close to the beach meaning that she got to spend a lot of time there with her friends while she was growing up. in fukuoka, akemi was extremely popular because she was half-korean and she loved living there but her father had another job offer in tokyo so they decided to pack up and move. neither akemi or her family enjoyed their time in tokyo purely because it was so busy. therefore, when her father got his final job offer in seoul, they were more than happy to move back to korea and live a more family oriented lifestyle. because akemi wasn't perfect with her korean and she was still young, the 'popular' kids at her school a lot and used to teach her the wrong words or give her the wrong answers when she was called on in class. although, because of this she tried harder to perfect her korean and even took up singing lessons to help improve her pronunciation.
likes┊akemi loves traditional homemade foods, she'll try almost anything that her mother cooks up.
- she's got a little bit of an obsession with strawberry milk and she's always got some stored in the dorm.
- unlike stereotypical girls, akemi enjoys trying out new sports even if she's terrible at it which is most of the time.
- as a trainee, she enjoyed helping out at concerts or anywhere. she just likes helping out when she can.
- she likes learning new things, whether it's a language or how to play a song on piano.
- akemi loves animals, especially rabbits.
- she likes when people take the time to ask her about her day.
- cooking. cooking tends to take her mind off of things and makes her calmer.
dislikes┊although she loves animals, akemi doesn't like insects.
- when people ignore her opinions or don't really care to ask her for them.
- apples. for some reason, the taste of apple makes her feel sick.
- being forced to wear ridiculous clothing to the airport or events.
- sushi, it's the only thing that she really hated eating while she lived in japan.
- when she isn't able to speak to her parent's she gets really upset.
- horror movies.
hobbies┊jogging - this keeps akemi fit and healthy but she loves it because it helps her to clear her mind.
dancing - since she was young, she has been taking dance lessons and she still loves it to this day because it's a form of art.
cooking / baking - just being in the kitchen helps akemi to relax when she feels stressed out.
fears┊heights - while she was in fukuoka, she went up fukuoka tower and was instantly petrified.
planes / flying - this ties in with her fear of heights, as long as she doesn't see out of the window she's not too bad.
health defects┊none.
instruments┊piano (she's very good at this as she's been learning since the age of seven), guitar (basics, still learning)
trivia┊when she was two, her parents thought she might have breathing issues but it turned out to be a simple cold.
- she's had two dogs growing up with her family.
- she loves to eat out in small restaurants.
- in japan she had a crazier sense of fashion.
- she had her ears pierced at the age of thirteen while she was in tokyo.
- she's extremely close with her family and calls them almost every night.
- akemi is an afterschool fangirl, she looks up to kahi and jungah.
- while she helped out at concerts, she was able to briefly meet a lot of idols.
- she has a puppy back home with her parents called Tamiko.
- she took ballet lessons from the age of five then later started learning jazz and hip-hop.
- she hopes to go to university although she's not sure on what to study.
habits┊ when akemi's happy you'll often see that she can't sit still and constantly stares at people with a big grin on her face. when akemi's sad however she'll avoid eyecontact all together and pull her sleeves down to cover her hands, she also does this when she's nervous or she'll bite/ her lips continuously until the nerves are over.
social media
kyungmi94— twitter
neutralkyung --- me2day
kyungmimi --- instagram
spicy ramen, mint ice cream, shabu shabu— foods
strawberry milk, bubble tea, cappuccino— drinks
red, dark green, black— colours
14 — number
who are you people
oh taehyun | 52 | businessman | he's very strict in his ways, always saying that akemi should think of a real career. he's very serious, very rarely messing around with people. / strict, serious, professional, smart | 7 — father
oh kyomi | 51 | stay at home mother | she's relatively playfull especially with her children,  she's also a natural mother which is why she decided to quit her job to stay home with her children. she's quite laid back just like akemi. / loving, motherly, playfull, laid back | 10— mother
oh chiyo | 21 | medical student | chiyo is extremely smart but unlike their father she does know how to be playfull and she's very outgoing. / smart, outgoing, modest, sensible | 9 — sibling
best friends
jung eunji | 21 | idol | eunji is the happy virus friend that everyone wants, she's always looking for fun and making sure that everyone else has a smile on their face / bubbly, energetic, funny | eunji brings out the best in akemi, always teasing her playfully about things or getting her into some sort of trouble but when either one of them needs to be serious, the other will be there to listen.— best friend
park minyoung | 19 | waitress / university student | minyoung isn't shy like akemi but she's also quiet and keeps herself to herself which is what makes them such good friends. she's also very creative and likes to try out new things like the latest fashion trend or a new hobby. / quiet, polite, creative, friendly | akemi and minyoung are good friends and have been since she moved to seoul but they don't see each other as much. | 8 — friend
bang yongguk | 23 | idol | yongguk's a very musical person, he often writes his own songs and helps to compose songs for b.a.p. as well as being musical, yongguk's also artistic and does a lot of good drawings. he's a calm kind of person and doesn't show his stress often. / artistic, musical, calm, caring | akemi and yongguk act like brother and sister, he's protective over her yet they play pranks on one another all of the time. | 10 --- friend
started from the bottom, now we're here
trainee years┊five.
got in by| akemi was scouted during her first month of living in seoul while she was out shopping with her mother and sister for school wear.
trainee background┊akemi's life as a trainee was hard purely because she wasn't fluent in the language when she first started and then she was in her third year, she injured her ankle during her dance training which she felt hurt her chances of ever debuting. while she was a trainee though ,she was able to stay with her family and continue with school which made it somewhat better.
strengths┊dancing, especially smooth dances but if you give her a routine she'll learn it before anyone else.
weaknesses┊singing high notes is her weakness, she's a good singer but she's not great like a couple of others in the group. sometimes she can also become nervous before going on stage.
super junior tutor┊ henry, siwon, ryeowook
girls' generation tutor┊hyoyeon, yoona, sooyoung
stage name┊kyungmi
persona┊timid dancer
fanclub name┊ballerina's
fanclub colour┊crimson / #DC143C
motto┊'you fall so many times, but always stand up'
first position┊main dancer/vocal
second/back-up position┊lead vocal/dancer
are you contented with the idea of sub-groups?┊yes
kiss kiss fall in love
first love interest┊jung jinyoung | 22 + 18.11.91 | idol
personality┊jinyoung is very lively, he's always bouncing around and making people laugh. he's extremely caring though as he's a leader and it comes naturally to him, he's also caring towards anyone that's close to him especially people he considers family. he can act a little silly at times but doesn't everyone? some people say he's got the 'prince disease'...and he really does, he's quite honest about it and admits to having a mirror with him at all times. like akemi, he enjoys cooking and sees this as a charm of his.
first meeting┊ akemi first met jinyoung during her trainee years while she was helping out at one of the concerts. they bumped into eachother as she was handing out towels to the acts that had been performing and directing them to their waiting areas and the stage. jinyoung and akemi seemed to get along well from the start, they talked while he was waiting to go on stage and discovered that they had some things in common. when jinyoung had finished performing, he gave his number to akemi and promised to keep in touch with her, even as just friends. this of course left the other members of b1a4 jealous and they forced akemi to promise that when she debuted she would introduce them to her own members so they 'wouldn't die alone'.
interaction┊akemi and jinyoung can be flirts around each other but neither notice it, it's natural for them to be standing close and hugging as they've been friends for so long. akemi has a crush on jinyoung but she knows he wont really want to do anything that will hut his career or her own. when they're on shows together, jinyoung often teases her and makes comments to embarrass her.
closeness level┊10
second/back-up love interest┊ zhang yixing | 22 | 07.10.91 | idol
personality┊yixing's every mothers dream son-in-law. he's caring, respectful and helpful. everything that a mother wants and everything that a girl wants in her husband. he's extremely caring towards s and those around him, he does everything to make them happy and comfortable. as well as being caring and respectful, yixing is extremely talented and could probably do anything that you asked of him, he can dance, he can play guitar, he can sing and he can play piano.
first meeting┊ they trained together so they were relatively close once both of them were able to speak a good amount of korean but beforehand they struggled to speak to one another since they couldn't comunicate properly. as they're both dancers, they spent a lot of time dancing together.
interaction┊they act like a real couple even though they aren't. yixing takes care of akemi a lot and she tries her best to care for him too. they'll often play around, teasing each other while dancing but when they aren't dancing you'll find them subtly touching each other's hands or arms.
closeness level┊9

replace this picture with your first love interest. width is 150.
dammit jim, i'm a doctor, not an interviewer
ideal type┊ akemi's ideal type is someone that can care for her but isn't too protective of her, she doesn't want to feel like they're together all of the time. she would like someone that will cook with her, or do another kind of hobby with her so they have something to bond over but she doesn't really mind what it is. she would like to date someone that is laid back and mature like her but knows how to have fun and mess around.
ideal first date┊ akemi would like to go to a small restaurant, one where they wouldn't be surrounded by fans and unable to enjoy themselves then she would enjoy a long walk together. just the typical romantic date where they get to know each other better.
if you were the opposite gender, what would you be like┊ she would probably be the same as a guy, maybe not as shy and more outspoken.
are you comfortable with the concept of dressing up as the opposite gender┊yes.
space, the final frontier
scene suggestions┊uhm. there should probably be scenes with the group around eachother, just having fun in the training room and bringing up each others spirits before debuting.  there could be scenes of them getting to know other groups during their debut stages, maybe talking to some of their own friends and seeking out their own idols.  a good scene would be maybe one of them messing up during a show and being scolded by the manager but the group comforting them or their tutors?
dorm question┊living together would be fun.
group activity suggestions┊VARIETY SHOWS! ahaha, i've yet to see an apply fic with them going to the idol olympics?
anything else?┊nope.
are you ok with the idea of a love interest within the group┊yes, i like the idea of that!
password one┊ jennifer lawrence or julia roberts.
password two┊MUSHU!!!
password three┊....lucy. hands down. lucy.
jane or wendy?┊wendy?

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