Blabberings of a Weird Fangirl

Hello, and welcome to my profile. I just started...ermm... about a week ago? There weren't a lot of VIXX fanfics on Wattpad (my other writing obsession), and so my fangirl senses traced them to here, and I absolutely loved it.

Us fangirls (and fanboys) are wierd, but hey, who can blame us? Asian idols are too hot and cute for us to bear. Other people can't see what we see, though. I pity them, those poor souls.

They don't know what they are missing out on ;)

Actually, I had just finished an EXO fanfiction that is on Wattpad. I am a little hesitant to put it up on here, to be quite honest with you. Maybe a lightning bolt will strike me and rearrange my nerve wirings to my brain and I'll just post it. But until then... I will just keep in Wattpad. Just keeping my baby safe :)

BWARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHAR I feel like such a troll. Just kidding I'm not. I just feel sleepy, or maybe it was that candy bar that I just finished.

Whatever the reason is for my rambling, I don't care. I just need to let it all out.

Am I going to post stuff on here? Maybe. I just created this account originally for the sole purpose to comment and save up all the VIXX treasures that I would find trudging through this wonderful website.

Great, I've been watching too much Pirates of the Caribbean again. How the hell is Jack Sparrow so hot? Aren't sailors and pirates supposed to be dirty and have no teeth and be all lanky with scurvy and stuff? O-o

Maybe he's a super pirate. A hot one at that ;)

Oh wait, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, my account. This account is mainly for commenting and fangirling and ranting. That's it. My real stories are all going to be on Wattpad. Oh, and posting my fangirl blubberings and stuff, if you are interesting.

Wait, you wouldn't be reading this if you weren't interested, would you? Maybe I'm just different. I read stuff out of boredom, too. My Nook is filled with books that don't make a whole lot of sense, but I just read them out of boredom.

And there I go yet again. I was talking about my fanfic on Wattpad, right? Right. Let's get back on track here.

If you really DO want to know what my EXO fanfic is about, its called "The Nerd Dancer and the Casanova". My username is MagicalPanda.

There, now you can go and fangirl over Lay's 4D personality and Xiumin's cuteness. Be sure to leave a comment and feedback on it. It is a bit cliche, but whatever. Life's too short to live in reality sometimes :3

My random utterings and blubberings are over. I'm going to go take a nap, or maybe fangirl over Ravi. Either way, I'm done. Ahnyeong~! <33


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striped-cat #1
Oh Jack Sparrow. I sortof claimed him, but... I guess we can share, right? :/
You take top i take bottom :D

lol watamievendoing
im too tired sorry kbye
Jack is not being fair cause he is to handsome to be a pirate xD