ー ★ starlite ; Shin Hayoung.


Thelandofbrownsugar // ACTIVITY 9 \\ Anna

the name's Shin Hayoung.

☆ // let's start with the basics.

character name / english name } Shin Hayoung || Hayley (English) || Huan-Yue (Chinese)

nickname(s) } Byeol (star), Energy Pill, TwinklesYokhjB

age / birthday } September 12, 1994 (18) (

ethnicity } Korean

birthplace & hometown } Seoul, South Korea

blood type } B

height & weight } 168 cm & 50 kg

languages } Korean (fluent), Chinese, English

★ // ulzzangs. ulzzangs everywhere.

visual's name } Do Hwe Ji

links / gallery } Click here

back-up } Shin Ae Sol

links / gallery } Click here

other } Ears pierced once each

☆ // ugh. writing.

personality } Hayoung is hard-working and ambitious girl. Being a bit of a perfectionist, she spent many hours perfecting her abilities and finishing what she started. She is a dreamy person who can be a little bit naïve, but she can also be a prankster and a trickster. Ever since she was young, she loved exploring the wonders of the night sky and the universe. Mythology was also a passion of hers for a while, especially Norse and Greek mythology. She has a lot of questions, and being as curious as she is, she may go far in order to find an answer.

Hayoung used to babysit her niece back in middle school and developed a personality aimed for children only, meaning she can be childish and wild, but also calm and collected. She likes to get reactions out of people, resulting in different attempts at different reactions, like wearing fake glasses to school or wear a new hairstyle every single day. She loves experimenting and finding out about herself and others.

background } Shin Hayoung was born on September 12, 1994 to Shin Donghwa, a doctor, and Oh Nabin, a nurse, in Beijing, China. She is the second of three children and the second to be in the entertainment business. Her childhood consisted of a lot of moving due to her father's endless amounts of relocations before finally settling down in Seoul at age 10. As the family realized they were here to stay, Hayoung took the opportunity to find out more about herself. She entered a variety of activities during the next few years, trying everything from karate and archery to piano. She fell in love with music during that time.

Hayoung's dream of becoming an artist began when she attended her first concert, a Super Junior concert with her big sister. She was mesmerized by their team spirit and synchronized dancing, and began researching the different boy and girl groups out there. In the privacy of her bedroom, she danced to online tutorials and practiced singing in front of the mirror. Her big opportunity came when she was scouted on her way home from school with friends.g

style } Her style is often very modest and laid-back, but she isn't afraid to show some skin and a bit of creativity with her outfits. She dresses to impress, as she enjoys standing out in a crowd in a positive kind of way. Her casual fashion is mostly jeans, a nice shirt, a jacket and sneakers, but she can also go outside wearing dresses, skirts, shorts, and eye-catching yet simple accessories such as hats, jewelry and scarves.

In the dorm, she wears what she feels like. She can go around all day wearing track pants and a tank top or just put on a dress and some light make-up. On stage, she has nothing against hotpants or a bit of cleavage, but she's not a big fan of showing her belly. It makes her uncomfortable and thinks it doesn't suit her very well.

likes }

  • Astronomy; because stars and planets fascinate her.
  • Children; she used to babysit them and thinks they are adorable.
  • Reading; relaxing and a good time-consumer.
  • Dancing; fun and good work-out.
  • Playing pranks; she's a prankster and a trickster.
  • Magic; magicians and fantasy are amazing, she'll just say.
  • Mythology; the stories are amazing. Norse and Greek are her favorites.
  • The smell of rain; she finds it refreshing and gives her a good feeling.
  • Snow; she loves to play in it, but she is not fond of skating.

dislikes }

  • Figure skating; she's pretty bad at it.
  • Cooking; it's only fun when she gets to cook what she likes.
  • Heights; she's paranoid about heights. (She can't even sleep at the top of a bunk bed in fear of falling through)
  • Bullies; because they're bullies.
  • Rain; she likes the aftermath, but not the process during it.
  • Cleaning; she's not dirty or anything, but it's just boring.
  • Taken pictures of; she likes being behind it more than in front of it.

hobbies }

  • Mythologies; they fascinate her and have a long history to tell whether they're real or not.
  • Reading detective novels; she loves those guys. Her favorite is Sherlock Holmes.
  • Watching movies; children's movies are her guilty pleasure.
  • Archery; a surprising hobby she discovered while learning it.

habits }

  • Plays with hair; she's bored easily and she has a lot of it.
  • Bites her bottom lip; a habit of childhood. Her sister has it also.
  • Raps in the shower; it's the shower. Everyone does something in there.
  • Squeals when lying; she's a bad liar, is all.

trivia }

  • Her favorite flower is the sunflower.
  • She enjoys Chocolate Sundae the most.
  • She's addicted to almonds.
  • Her internet activity is insane; it's mostly games and random videos.
  • Out of everything, her favorite part of herself is her eyes and smile.
  • She knows the structure of bacteria, animal and plant cells.
  • She's a closet basketball fan.
  • When she was twelve, she was rushed to the hospital due to a broken leg; she had been biking and ended up falling down a pair of stairs.
  • She sprained her ankle during gym once because one of the girls had kicked the ball so hard, as she catched it with her foot, it was bent too far back.
  • Her ideal man has kind eyes and can sing well.
  • Her favorite subject in school was science.
  • When she was young, she wanted to be a teacher.
  • Her mother is her idol.
  • If she could be any animal in the world, she'd be a wolf because they always stick together no matter what.
  • Her favorite international artist is 1D and Kelly Clarkson.
  • She can say "I love you" in eight languages.
  • One word she'd use to describe herself: insane.

★ // get onstage. now.

stage name } Cora

position } Main vocalist, dancer.

back - up position } Lead vocalist, dancer.

personal fanclub name } Astros.

personal fanclub color } #71BDF0

singing twin ) Gayoon (4minute)

rapping twin ) Hyoyeon (SNSD)

dancing twin ) Yura (Girl's Day)

trainee years

how many? } 3 years and 8 months

what were they like? } It was very exciting, knowing I'd be a little bit closer to my goal, but it was also incredibly stressful. There were times where I wanted nothing but to run away. I had to use everything in my power to stay, because I hadn't come this far to back out now. Trust me, though, I wanted to get away a lot.

predebut } N/A

☆ // i hate you.


Shin Donghwa / 46 / Doctor / Father / Calm, collected, strict and loving

Oh Nabin / 43 / Nurse / Mother / Loving, sweet, bubbly, nurturing

Shin Soyoung / 22 / Student / Sister / Smart, kind, quiet, supporting

Shin Haeyoung / 17 / Actress / Sister / Energetic, passionate, observing, kind


Seo Joo-hyun / 22 / Singer / Friends / Polite, obedient, studious, healthy

Lee Hyeri / 19 / Singer / Friends / Tough, sensitive, not very brave

rivals / other people

Krystal Jung / 18 / Singer / Rival / Reserved, cold, a little rude

daehyun-smiling.gif -Jung-Daehyun-bap-34481605-500-281.gif

★ // you're stupid. i love you.

love interest } Jung Daehyun

back-up } Oh Sehun

how you met / will meet }

Daehyun: She used to be a huge fan of him and his group. Once, as she was exiting the cinema with her younger sister, she bumped into him. She nearly screamed at the recognition, but was able to ask for a autograph instead. When he asked about her name, he commented, "Pretty."he

Sehun: They've known each other since they were trainee at each respective company. They met up sometimes to talk and have fun. They used to be able to tell each other everything.

current relationship } Senior-junior relationship/Crushes

how you act around each other } It's often a little awkward because of different personalities and interests, but they always have something to share and will eventually warm up and just laugh.

☆ // surprise! we have an interview.

answer all questions in third person.

annyeong! please sit. sorry about such short notice on the interview.

She bowed deeply before greeting the interviewer with a bright smile and a nod. "Hello! I'm happy to be here!"

let's start... so, why did you want to be a trainee at DSP in the first place?

She thought about it for a moment. "I wanted to be an artist since I was young. I actually auditioned for several companies, but someone from DSP came up to me and asked me if I wanted to audition."

anyone in your sights lately? or do you just want to keep that to yourself?

"I don't have anyone in sight," she commented and laughed wholeheartedly.

who is one idol you would like to meet along the way if you are chosen to be in starlite?

"I'd love to meet BoA unnie. She's a talented singer and I've always looked up to her as a mentor."

how is it at DSP so far? did you ever make any friends, ever think of giving up? in other words, how was your experience up until now?

She tried changing her position a little. "I've been great, though it is hard work. I've made some friends, it's nice to have someone there with you. It's very exciting, but I do miss having a bit more freetime at times."

if you are picked for the group, what do you think it's concept will be? remember, the image is undecided.

"I know a lot of girl groups debut with a cute image, but it'd be fun if this group did something different, like a science fiction or action concept. I see it with boy groups a lot, but not so much with girl groups."

thank you for your time, it was a pleasure talking to you!

"Thank you for having me!" she replied with a big grin.


★ // okay. bye.

suggestions } N/A

comments / questions } I hope you liked my application, author-nim!

scene requests } I'd love to see Hayoung bonding with the other girls and with other artists at the company. Perhaps getting some training from love interest, hehehe.

password } Suggestion




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