( ➙ Shade || YG's New Girl Group || Oh Hyeri )

Oh Hyeri



Who are you?

Username: TheLandofBrownSugar

How Active?: 9

What should I call you?: Anna


What's Your name

Character's name: Oh Hyeri

Nickname(s): Crocodile (large grin), Dunoe (Korean for brains)

Date of Birth: June 18, 1994

Age: 19

Birthplace: Beijing, China

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean

Language(s): Korean (fluent; obvious), Chinese (fluent; the language fascinated her), English (basic; school and movies)


Everyone Has Secrets

Personality: On the surface, Hyeri is a calm, cool and collected kind of person. She gives off this charismatic aura, especially on stage, that leads people to discovering her mature and confident personality. That's one side of her, at least. Hyeri is a prankster with a wish to have fun and just discover the world. She has an almost child-like view of certain things, such as intimacy and love. She has a huge understanding of things deep down and might come off as pessimistic and arrogant to some people.

Hyeri loves children and would play with them for hours if she could. She gets a bit uncomfortable around infants and babies at first, but if given some time, she is there to hold them when their parents need some rest. She is quick to jump to conclusions at times and a bit loud-mouthed, but she has manners and knows how to treat her elders. She knows the customs of her country, but she still eager to learn more and explore the variety of this world.

Background: Oh Hyeri was born on June 18, 1994 to Oh Yoo, an author, and Nam Nabin, a doctor. Her family was living in Beijing, China, at the time, as a part of her father's research for his next book. She picked up a bit of the language there, but moved back to South Korea as a 3-year-old. At six, her mother enrolled her in ballet classes, hoping she'd discover the wonders of dance as she herself once had. Hyeri did discover it, but not exactly in the way that was expected a young girl. It was hip-hop and tango that fascinated this girl.

As she went through elementary school and middle school, she tried out a variety of activities. She did everything from archery and martial arts to painting and piano lessons. She was looking for her true identity, the place where she belonged. In everything, she found a tiny piece of herself, like solving a puzzle with thousands of tiny, tiny pieces. As she entered high school, she began auditioning for commercials and small roles in upcoming movies. It was then, after attending such an audition, that she was scouted by YG Entertainment. At first, she was hesitant. The life of an entertainer was tough and ferocious, not to say exhausting with a lack of proper privacy. She consulted her friend, an aspiring actress, for advice. She just told her, "Do what your heart tells you to." So she did, and auditioned for the company.


  • Language
  • Culture
  • Art
  • Watching movies
  • Detective novels
  • Music
  • Pranking others
  • Joking around
  • Sneaking up on people


  • Sweet stuff
  • Cooking
  • Rings
  • Raspberries
  • Biking
  • Fakes


  • Learning a new language
  • Archery
  • Music


  • Her voice gets high-pitched when nervous or lying
  • She sweats easily
  • When presenting something or talking before a large crowd, she tends to move a lot (one foot to another, hand gestures, etc.)
  • If she is scared, she hugs the nearest object and screams because of the adrenaline


  • Her favorite flower is the sunflower, which had been an inspiration for her
  • She wants to go hiking in the mountains some time
  • When it comes to acting, she's always wanted to play a ghost
  • Her dream guy is a bit nerdy with a kind heart and a nice smile
  • Brawn or brains? Brains, she'd say
  • Her favorite color is blue, but also secretly orange
  • She never learned how to ride a bike
  • She used to visit Japan and China as a girl
  • If she wasn't an artist, she'd probably be a photographer or linguist
  • She knows all the parts of bacteria, animal and plant cells
  • Her sense of humor consists of puns and wordplay
  • She's allergic to raspberries and citrus fruit
  • She's a bit of a neat freak
  • She's proud to be Korean, but she's always wanted to be try living in America or France
  • She can say "I love you" in eight languages
  • Despite not being a big fan of sweets, her favorite dessert is Chocolate Sundae ice cream
  • Her shoe size is 230 mm
  • She was a little chubby as a child
  • Her favorite song is Taylor Swift's "Twenty-Two"


What a Pretty Face~!!

Idol Name: AOA Yuna

Links or Gallery: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Dorm: [1] [2] [3]

Formal: [1] [2] [3]

Practice: [1] [2] [3]

Casual: [1] [2] [3]

Extra(s): A scar in the back of her neck from a surgery; both ears pierced twice; a dark spot on her hand from an unfortunate cut from pre-debut


Back-Up Idol Name: AOA Chanmi

Links or Gallery: Click here


Those who love you!

Family Members:

Oh Yoo || 41 || Author || Alive || Father

Nam Nabin || 39 || Doctor || Alive || Mother

Oh Hyo Rin || 16 || Student || Alive || Sister


Friend(s): ( 4 Max. )

Seohyun || 22 || Singer || 6

How did you meet?: She was a back-up dancer in "Twinkle"

How do you treat each other?: They treat each other with respect

Personality: Seohyun is a studious and obedient girl with great knowledge and a healthy view of right food. She is rather quiet and calm unlike Hyeri's sometimes wild personality. They are both mature for their ages and smart, they both like healthy food and can be very different onstage and off. Seohyun is a lot more clumsy, though.


Kim Soo Jin || 20 || Actress || 8

How did you meet? They met each other in high school.

How do you treat each other? When they get together, they can be wild, mischievous and unpredictable. They treat each other like friends.

Personality: Soo Jin is a sweet and friendly girl who likes to offer advice that may be both good and bad. She's a bit of an airhead at times, but she has a good heart and her head is mostly in the right place. Acting is her OTP (one true passion) and she wouldn't exchange it for anything in the world.

Best Friend(s):

Park Haebyeol || 19 || Dancer || 9

How did you met?: She was a back-up dancer along with Hyeri in "Twinkle"

How do you treat each other?: They are respectful towards each other, but aren't afraid to speak their minds when they're alone. Because they trust each other, they often tell each others secrets and gossip. A LOT.

Personality: Haebyeol is an elegant and sophisticated young lady who spends a lot of her practicing and going to dancing auditions. She has been on stage with some big names, like TaeTiSeo, and has earned a bit of a reputation in the world of showbiz as a wild, but entertaining young dancer. She's unpredictable and likes physical contact, but is fierce and competitive once she enters the stage. She can play cute, rough or y, but her favorite is when she can go freestyle.

Love is Like Cotton Candy~!
Name: Seungri
Age: 22
Personality: Seungri is a responsible and reserved young man who puts his responsibilities before himself. He always has extra smiles to give to those who need them, and is often thought of one of the cutest male maknaes. He is a very lively and energetic person, resulting in a sort of unpredictable person.
He matches Hyeri's tendency of hyperactiveness, but he is also very quiet and a little lonely. He is brave and knows how to be respectable towards his hyungs, like a real maknae should. He always takes big effort in learning the language of whatever destination they are headed towards, something linguist Hyeri appreaciates as well as his fans.
How did both of you met?: Hyeri was a fan of him and asked for his autograph once. When asked about her name, he commented, "Pretty."
Relationship: They are good friends and hang out when possible.
Back-up Love Interest Name: Kang Daesung
Age: 24
Personality: Kang Daesung is a gentle person at heart. He is a very hard working member of BIGBANG, always trying to avoid getting in anyone’s way while maintaining his passionate drive to do what he loves most with his music, whether it be singing or dancing. When it comes to his incredibly supportive band, he makes sure to always try his best to practice endlessly so that he can ensure he performs without error. This includes maintaining his figure, voice and practicing his moves. It gives him a great relief to help his fellow members to have a lighter mood as well.
With a tendency to act cutely from time to time, he also specializes in making them laugh or smile. As a result, even when he’s made a mistake that’s his fault or even during awkward situations, if appropriate, he will continue to try and lighten the mood with his constant joking. Even if no one is laughing. He’s simply the type of person who tries to avoid negative situations if at all possible but it also warms his heart to see others happy.
How did both of you met?: Hyeri had a fangirl crush on him since she first saw him in "Fantastic Baby." She thought he was really cool, and was shocked when they met at the cinema of all places.
Relationship: They are good friends and they both like to joke a lot.
Idol Time!

Leader, Vocalist

Main Vocalist

Lead Vocalist, Lead Rapper

Main Rapper, Vocalist - Taken By Author~~

Vocalist, Maknae

Stage Name: Robin
Persona: Tall as Sunflowers
Trainee Years: 4 years and 4 months
Trainee History: She auditioned for YG and got in
How Did It Felt During Trainee Years: There were times where she just wanted to run away and forget everything known as the "real life" or "reality." She handled stress quite badly at the time, and high expectations made her doubt herself at times. She decided to get her act together and show the world what she was worth.
Personal Fanclub: Little Robins
Personal Fanclub's Color: #33cccc
Twitter: ( optional )
Instagram: ( optional )
Singing Twin: Sojin (Girl's Day)
Dancing Twin: Seo Joo-hyun
Rapping Twin: N/A
Talking Twin: Im Yoona
Goodbye's the new hello~
Scene Request/Suggestion(s): It would be very nice to see her connect with the other members of Shade and also other YG artists. Perhaps getting caught in public with love interest (juicy~)
Comments: Thank you for reading!


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