Screw Sasaeng Fans

     Read the title and you'll know what I mean. If you still don't get it, then I'll tell you what I mean... I hate sasaeng fans. I know that those type of fans are usually the ones who provide us with much information and also pictures of our idols upclose and I'm thankful for that but sometimes they just go overboard and they don't just harm our idols, also the people near them and the innocent fans too. I'm an Exo stan and the fandom's image has been ruined by sasaeng fans (since Exo has a lot of them) and that's not the only thing we're worried about. The members might get frightened whenever near a fan, thinking that they're just like ones who creep up to get into their waiting room, start a riot at the airport just to see them upclose, and lots more of horrible events. Just like today at the music bank pre-recording. Some Kfans concluded that there were three sasaengs who went inside Exo's waiting room and were caught by security. They were mad and wanted to punish the sasaengs but said people already escaped. And because of that, only sixty fans were allowed to go inside music bank and watch Exo's pre-recording. If the sasaeng fans haven't realized the bad thing yet, then let me tell you now, they're not just scarring the boys and ruining the fandom's image. They're also dragging the innocent and proper fans into the issue. I just hope that sasaeng fans will stop. It's just so... frustrating to see our idols get hurt by their own fans.


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