If you are smart, read. (⌒▽⌒)☆

Hi everyone. I'm doing this blog because I want to do something. 
Something different.
We can write with someone, I did that, we didn't finish our story
but I had the luck to do a story with sweetstrawberry. And we can do the apply fics.
But I wanna do something like, everyone chooses a character and they have to write their story. 
Just like an rp?  Somehow?
It wouldn't work, or maybe it would?  I just need ideas. Please, HELP.

And here is Gikwang being perfect. I just want to add him everywhere I go.

Bless Lee Gikwang. Bless his mom and father for having . BLESS.


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I wanna do it *^*
I think it'd work depending on how many dedicated people you have. I think doing a fairy tale book of fics in that style would be really fun.
coercion #3
asdfghjkl. i wanna join if you make it. otl.
i'm braindead rn.