Fanfic Prototype 3

[inspired/based on FMA]


I groaned in pain as I was thrown against the wall. I coughed out blood and changed back into my regular human state.

"What's wrong? Are you too weak to fight?" He asked.

"As if!" I smirked and quickly ran over to him unnoticed. I grabbed him by the throat and pinned him down to the floor.

"Your eyes keep changing."

"They become bright yellow when I'm killing someone." I grinned and made my grip around his neck tighter.

"Are you really going to kill me?" He smirked.


"Aren't I one of your stupid sacrifices?" 

"You were, but I killed my Father. I have no use for you." I heard something moving in the shadows and stuck my arm out to protect the man that was underneath me. I moaned as the shadown was stuck straight through my arm.

"Damn it Pride, why the hell are you still here?!" I exclaimed and turned my head to the little boy.

"Because you're still alive, Greed. I'm still surprised Father made a female Greed after Father killed him."

"Like that's a big deal. The rest of you Homonculus are men except Lust. Damn Father was so ist. He doesn't even KNOW how greedy woman can get." 

"G-Greed... Can you get your hand off of me?" I looked back down at the man.

"Damn it Mustang, why did you have to keep fighting me earlier? Now Pride's going to go after you as well." I muttered and let him loose. Pride took his shadow out of my arm and I regenerated the empty space, healing whatever was broken.

"And why are you still with this petty... human? We have no use of him." Pride let his shadows loose and attacked straight at Roy. I ran in front of him and took the hits instead.

"Because... He's become one of my possessions, and I will NOT allow anyone, not even my own brother take him away from me!" I yelled.

"G-Greed?" Roy stuttered in shock.

"What? I may be a Homonculus, but I once was human. I know how to feel still." I said through my gritted teeth. Pride pulled out and I healed quickly.

"I'm surprised you haven't used your Ultimate Shield yet, Greed." Pride told me.

"I know that if I did, you would use the ricochet and attack Mustang."

"You know me too well."

"I am your sister, aren't I?"

"An annoying one at it." Pride threw a shadow straight at me but I changed my enter body surface into my Ultimate Shield.

"Mustang, get out of here, right now."

"But Greed-"

"You're useless here, haven't you realized it? You've been combatting with me for the past hour and your gloves are wet. Just go, I'll be fine."

"I'll get Fullmetal-"

"I'm fine here Mustang. Elric needs to help his brother. Just go."


"NOW!" Roy sighed and ran off.

"Where do you think you're going?" Pride asked and went to attack Roy as he ran. Roy's eyes widened in shock as the shadows approached him.

"No you don't." I took out all of the lights in the underground room, preventing shadows to be made. 

"Damn it." Pride hissed.

"GO!" I shouted at Roy. I ran to Pride and attacked him without mercy.

"This isn't fair, I have no powers against you." He muttered.

"Would it matter? You're done for now, Pride. Tell Father I said hello when you meet him." I stuck my arm deep into the little boy's body and pulled out his Philosopher's stone. 

"Goodbye sister. I hope you die in the most tragic way possible." He disintegrated into black dust and vanished. I let out a breath as I changed into my normal state.

"Damn annoying brother. Thank goodness he's the last one. I don't think I'd last if I had to deal with Wrath or Envy." I groaned in annoyance as I went upstairs. The bright sunlight made me squint my eyes and cover them with my arm, trying to get used to the light.

"Greed!" I heard my name from several voices. I lowered my arm and saw Roy running over with the Elric brothers, the Xing prince Ling and his subordinate.

"What's with the party?" I asked.

"Are you alright?" Roy asked.

"I'm fine Mustang, don't worry about me."

"So he was right, the old Greed was killed." Ling frowned and lowered his head.

"Don't worry kid, I may be a woman, but that doesn't mean that the old Greed's memories aren't with me. You were one hell of a vessel, thanks. And you're right. All I wanted was this, friends. And I think I've finally got it." I grinned. Ling raised his head and grinned back.

"Why do I feel as if I'll like the female Greed much better?" He asked.

"Trust me kid, you'll love me just as much as the old Greed. We can say that I'm like his twin sister, but hotter." 

"HEY, THAT IS NOT COOL!" Another voice came out of my mouth.

"What? So you're not dead. I knew I felt your presence." I snickered.

"It's too bad I'm not like how I was with the Prince. I'm barely 1% of you, but I'm still here baby!"

"Damn you're annoying. No wonder Ling hated you." I said and punched him in the face, of course it was mentally but it still hurt him.


"It didn't hurt me idiot, I'm the shield now." 

"I'm so glad that you're alright." 

"Hm?" I looked up and turned to Roy.

"Yeah, I guess I am too. Besides, I was not going to get killed by the pipsqueak, even if he was the eldest." Suddenly, I was pulled into a hug.

"What's this? Mustang, have you fallen for a Homonculus?" I whispered.

"I think I have. You've saved me multiple times, and without knowing it, you've done humaine things."

"Hell if you know that I didn't secretly devour Lust, and I've only seduced you this entire time."

"But you haven't. Because even though you want everything, you wouldn't stoop low enough to eat your own siblings."

"You're right. Damn it, why did it have to be you that I wanted?" I sighed.


"Hey Greed!" I looked up from my book to see the Fullmetal kid running over.

"I thought I had a new name."

"Right, Evaris."

"What do you want?" 

"Can you help us out?"

"Help? I'm more useless than you think Ed." I laughed.

"It's something quick. We can't get through this gate without getting hurt and they have some alkahestry research inside the building... It would be awesome if you could-"

"You're just using me now, aren't you?"

"Now now Evaris, they did save your life." I turned my head around to see Roy decsending from the stairs.

"I've saved their asses mulltiple times too Roy! Why couldn't you just stay inside a little longer?" I grumbled.

"Because I couldn't stand being away from you for long periods of time." He whispered and kissed me on the cheek.

"I've been out here for half an hour fool."

"Just go and help the brothers. I'm sure there's a way to help you." I put my book down and stood up to stretch.

"Trust me hon, there's no way back. That is unless I give myself up back to the owner of this body and I wouldn't exactly be the same person anymore." I kissed Roy on the lips for a brief moment before following Edward to wherever the building was. 

"It's almost impossible to get through to, Brother." Alphonse said.

"Not if I can help it." I hardened my skin and easily slipped past the gate. I went into the building and grabbed everything I thought would be useful for the boys and came back out.

"There. Now leave me alone, I said that I was on vacation starting yesterday." I told the boys and left.

"Thanks Evaris!" They exclaimed as I went back home. Roy was still sitting on the front steps towards our house.

"That was fairly quick." Roy told me.

"Did you want me to go back and take my time?" He laughed and shook his head as he pulled me towards him by my hand.

"Of course not. I want you here with me."

"Aren't you getting a little greedy now?" I smirked.

"I learned it from you." He leaned in and kissed me. Of course, my greed slowly started blooming again and I took control over the kiss. I wanted Roy at that moment. I pulled away when I ran out of breath and rested my forehead on his. 

"I want to grow old with you, but we all know that it's impossible."

"We can find a way."

"We can't, and you know that Roy. Even if I return this body to the girl, she's still immortal because of me."

"We can Evaris. We'll find a way. And I'm sure the Elric brothers will help."

"And if by then it's still impossible, I'll just kill myself and join you." Roy smiled at me and pecked me on the lips.

"I still don't know how I've fallen for such a greedy non-human."

"Because you're just as greedy as I am." I smiled.


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