p e r i w i n k l e | a p p l i c a t i o n

Application Form:

Contact Information


AFF Username: bangmil

AFF Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/68259

E-Mail: [email protected]


Character Information


Character Name: Jung Mirae

Nicknames: Mirae

Age: 17

Birthdate: 21 March 1994

Hometown: Busan, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean

Languages Spoken: (Fluent)  Korean,  Japanese. (Moderate) English, Mandarin.

Height: 162 cm

Weight: 49 kg


About Yourself



She is easy going and the mood-maker of the group. She doesn’t mind to make a fool of herself so that people will laugh. But she can be very serious when it comes to sport. She likes challenge, such as action and dangerous sports. She is kinda tomboyish, so she doesn't really pay attention to her wearings. She is very friendly, so she has many friends, both male and female. She is also a lazy-bum, and loves sleeping. She always be the last to wake up. Not forget to mention, she is an early-adapter. She has all of the latest gadgets and video games. She is great in composing, but she is the worst in writing lyrics.

She is like a typical blood B type. She is very straight-forward, and sometimes her words are harsh. She didn’t realize that her words can make people hurt. It is bacause that she also can’t grab the situation quickly. But despite of all that, her friends still find her lovable because her straight-forwardness often make a peace on fight.


  • Sleeping
  • Animals
  • Sports
  • Milk
  • Beef
  • Video games
  • Gadgets


  • Sweets
  • Raw seafoods
  • Excessive aegyo
  • Crowded place
  • Shopping


  • Talking when sleeping
  • Doodling when she’s bored
  • Biting her lower lip when she’s nervous
  • Sweating easily
  • Mispelling things


  • Singing
  • Dancing
  • Composing
  • Playing video games
  • Playing instruments
  • Collecting gadgets


  • Black-belt Taekwondo
  • Loves baseball very much
  • Likes to copy boygroup dances
  • Can do b-boy dances
  • Can’t do aegyo
  • Really loves animals, especially cats
  • Can play classical instruments, such as violin and cello.
  • Learn how to play guitar since ten.
  • A fast learner.

Talents: Singing, Composing, MC-ing

Appearance: One | Two | Three | Four | Five

Ulzzang/Model Used: Baek Jae-Ah


Casual - One | Two | Three

Practice - One | Two

Formal - One | Two 

Family Information


Family History/Background:

Her father used to be an athlete. Now, he is a baseball coach, that’s why Mirae loves baseball very much.
Her mother is celloist, but unfortunately she is died when Mirae was twelve.
Her brother follows her father steps as an athlete. He is now a famous football player.
So, if you have read above, Mirae’s sports skill is from her father, and music skill is from her mother. After her mother died, her father became very strict.

Family Members:

  • Father: Jung Jaewon.
  • Mother: Jung Minah.
  • Older Brother: Jung Taewoo.


Stage Info


Stage Name: Mirae

Persona: Jokes Machine, Princess on the Field (sports).


  • 2nd Lead Vocalist and Lead Rapper
  • Main Vocalist
  • Sub-Vocalist and Lead Dancer

Length of Trainee Years: 2 years

Trainee Experience: MC-ing, back-dancer.

Trainee Story:

It was a sad Saturday. Mirae had a fight with his father, and she ran away from home. Her father always forced her to be an athlete, but she didn’t want to do that. It was raining heavily, but she didin’t want to go home. She walk around the river and crying.

Suddenly, she felt someone put an umbrella above her, and it was Hoya. Hoya was still a trainee at that time. They know each other because they used to study at the same school. He knew about her talents and her family conditions. Then, he asked Mirae whether she really wants to do that (father’s wishes) or not. He began to sang a song for her and showed some dances. He said Mirae should think about that, and go to the audition that Woollim held.

After some deep thoughts, she realized that she really loves music. Without her father’s knowing, she go to the audition. Because of her talents, she was easily accepted, but it was still a half-way for her. After gaining enough guts, she told her father about her dream. Her father was angry, and without thinking, he told Mirae to get out from home. He didn’t want to see his daughter walking in the same path as his mother. Mirae know that, then she go to Woollim herself and began her life as a trainee. Until now, she didn’t know whether her father has forgave her or not. But she promised to come home after she is succeeded.


Relationship Info


Love Interest: Hoya, Myungsoo, Minwoo (ZEA)

Who Do You Want to End Up With?: Hoya

2nd Choice: Myungsoo

Have You Met and How?:
Hoya and Mirae used to study at the same school. They know each other because they both love sports and music. Hoya was the one who made her realized what she want to do. Also, Hoya is her first love.

Your Status: Single

Bestfriends: Suzy (Miss A), Bomi (A-Pink), Sungyeol (Infinite)

Friends: Dongho (U-KISS), Krystal (fx), Jiyeon (T-ara), Jeongmin (Boyfriend), Sohyun (4Minute).



P-A-S-S-W-O-R-D: VincaMinor


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