The EXO Member(s) Who.... (Stolen from 98kaisoo)


is my ultimate bias: XiuMin (& SuHo, but XiuMin more <3~)
is wrecking my bias list: BaekHyun, Tao, Kris
is my bias in EXO-K: SuHo, D.O
is my bias in EXO-M: XiuMin, Chen
makes my heart flutter even if he's not my bias: Kris, LuHan, Lay
was once my bias but still owns my heart: Lay, Lay, Lay, Kris, Tao... did i mention Lay? XP
is my secret bias: Kris, BaekHyun, & Ace
compose my favorite ship: TaoRis, HunHan, BaekYeol
should do more skinship: TaoRis & SuLay
should screw the existence of girls and just end up together: HunHan (I think they already have though XD)
I'd love to marry: XiuMin or SuHo or Kris or D.O
is my ideal guy: Kris's height,  y face and airport fahion mixed with XiuMin's adorableness and BaekHyun beautiful voice with a dash of Chen's troll, D.O's dorkiness and cooking skills along with Lay's smile, dancing, and dimple
I think I'll pass as his ideal type: XIUMIN'S~!!!!! -sings DBSK's Hug-
I'd love to be my boyfriend: BaekHyun, XiuMin, SuHo, LuHan, Lay, Tao, Kris, & D.O
I'd be most awkward with: idk... Ace? XD maybe SeHun
I'd love to have as my brother: Lay & SeHun maybe Kai
I'd love to be my bestfriend: LuHan, Tao, ChanYeol, & Chen
I'd love to go out on dates: BaekHyun, ChanYeol, XiuMin, SuHo, LuHan, Lay
make/s my hormones explode: KRIS YOU Y BASTARD >< XiuMin the closet stripper, as well as Lay & LuHan when they dance like omgomfomffmofajdjjdlakdgaaaaah
I'd kiss: ALL OF THEMM~~ <3 ehehheehee~


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I stopped reading at "was your bias but still owns your heart"