Growl Ver 2 / Original MV

ANYONE WANT TO SPAZZ WITH MY? I THINK MY LIFE IS COMPLETED. LOL no not really. I was practically jumping in my seat when I saw this new MV. SHIEEET. ;----; so perfect. Everyone is so perfect there idk. I was like, should I talk about -how freaking wonder if Tao in that hair idk but I think it's seriously afsgdhgkglskgsg life, don't leave me. -Joonmyun look so so so so so so so so so gooooooood in that outfit and omg that y leader.. -KRIS OMG SO....... STOP BEING SO DAMN GODLY I HATE YOU. No. /sigh dreamily. - I am not gonna miss talking about Kai. Never. This lil ruined my life. That smirk. That hair! That body moves. /asfdgfhgjxlskdjfhfl wake me up when the world end. Basically, do I need to list out one by one the perfection shown in the MV? Just, I love their costume there, like wow es, you look so fabulous. Come into my bed? LOLOLOL Ahahaahahah failed. I am this tempted to rate this post M because EXO = . Bye. Typing using IPad, there's something with the spacing. WHY???? How to fix this? now this whole post look like a poop pile.


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OMFG. You should make this post RATED. lol.

I laughed so hard. You are crazy just like me. OMGGGG =))))


UGH! fck this internet connection is killing me. I can't load the video.
How can I watch said if the connection is like freaking trolling me?! ARG!! =)))

lol OMG.