▲┊〔野生 // WILD 〕김별순。


野生 // WILD 〕



〔約 // ABOUT 〕


USERNAME ¦ haekyung
ACTIVENESS ¦ 10jeom manjeom 10jeom!
VISUAL ¦ byeon seo eun / eun
HYPERLINK ¦ • • • • • →  
BACKUP VISUAL ¦ lee dasom
HYPERLINK ¦   •   →  
FASHION STYLE ¦ as a girl who finds everyday an occasion, byeolsun is usually a person who dresses up quite fashionably. now, since we're talking about byeolsun, she has a certain type of style she's accoustmed to. although opposed from her personality, byeolsun never appears to dress as fancy as she states she would. no, because this is a girl who is usually wearing long sleeves, skinny jeans, beanies and sweaters all day. a type of style that remains fashionable, yet comforting at the same time. afterall she does quote, "it's to look good, but feel comfortable doing it". and that's not to say she isn't a fancy person because when it does come to parties, she does go out of her way to flare it up a little. be it a y look, a feminine look or something just out of the ord, byeolsun dresses to impress when she needs to. so when it comes to training and the dorm, she's probably just prancing around in an oversized sweater or tee, while wearing a nice pair of sweat pants or shorts. accesories is another thing, because this girl has it all. from earrings to braclets, sunglasses and hats - if it makes her simplicty style any better, than she's sure to make it that way.
HYPERLINK ¦   •   • 

〔私 // I 〕


CHARACTER NAME ¦ kim, byeolsun [ 김별순 ]
▲ byeol [ 별 ] + a simplified ver. of "byeolsun", which also means star in korean + parents, friends and members; technically by everyone because she always insists on being called a star.
▲ byuntae [ 변태 ] + because she's a natural ert who likes to playfully her friends, play-on skinship & comment on  various bust sizes + her friends, members and a lot of girls and boys; practically anyone who's been victimized.
▲ bigstar + because of her abnormally tall height for a girl + mainly friends and members; is rarely ever used
AGE ¦ twenty
DATE OF BIRTH ¦ 03/01/1993
PLACE OF BIRTH ¦ busan, south korea
HOMETOWN ¦ busan, south korea
HEIGHT ¦ 173 cm
WEIGHT ¦ 55 kg
ETHNICITY ¦ full korean
LANGUAGES SPOKEN ¦ korean [ fluent ], english [ moderate ]

〔彼女 // SHE〕

PERSONALITY TRAITS ¦ narcissist, blunt, sassy, impulsive, flippant, androgynous
PERSONALITY ¦ kim byeolsun is your typical "party-hard" kind of girl. and when I mean party-hard, I mean party-hard. this is a girl who used to sneak out of her house every monday to friday to go out to parties she was never supposed to be at; she's often reckless, a little carefree and a person who moves to the beat of her own drum, and a girl who likes taking the meaning of "living only once" to it's full initiative.  well, not to the point of actually living only once where she's jumping off a bridge. she's dumb, but not that kind of dumb; dumb as in a sense of academics because asking byeolsun a simple math equation is like asking a fish to breath air. but whatever right? it's not like byeolsun thinks she's capable of anything - but, oops. she does. usually, byeolsun's pretty arrogant about herself, boasting about her height, or beauty or something. she's a real bragger who just happens to like pissing people off. most of the time she just pisses people off without even trying, being too idiotically blunt and honest about her opinions. it's to feed the truth rather than feeding lies. it's not to see it as a bad thing though!.. or is it? we won't know. just think of it like this. one day, you could ask her, "hey, do these jeans make me look fat?" and she'll look at you with a look of shame, saying, "honey, it's not just the jeans." yeah. she can be a little ingly blunt, but if you really get to know her you'll see that she's not that bad. yes, she goes on about the most stupidest things, cracks the most weirdest of jokes, has this weird, sick-erted mind, talks a little sassy, talks a little sarcastic, and may carry on flirtaious with the first boy that steps (out of bordem and entertainment because love's just not something she's willing to understand. "byeolsun unnie, andwae!"), she's truly a good person at heart. aside from all her traits that make other girls cringe, how she has no shame or any common sense, byeolsun has the decency to know what to do - and when. she might not be the leader type, but if you ask her for help, she'll give it to you. when you say your heart got broken, she'll be half-way down to the corner store, pajamas and all, buying you a tub of rocky-road ice cream, and a box of tissues as well as renting some movie like "eat, pray, love". 

although, kind in a sense that she's willing to help, byeolsun doesn't always put her words in the nicest of terms, yet she's still human. look past her attitude, and past her words, and you might find yourself understanding her. with her somewhat bad attitude comes not the best advice giver ever, but sometimes a peron who just knows what to say. just remember though, don't come to her for love, because she's absolutely no help in that category. she just likes guys. hot ones. cute ones. just guys in general, yet she's so unfamiliar with love that she's of no use to it. i mean, seriously, what is love nowadays anyways? it's not like she'd know; 
lastly, we have a side to byeolsun that not a lot of people get to see. sadly, she's somewhat of the typical tsundere - where becoming embarassed isn't something she's honestly used to. byeolsun's able to initiate skinship, but let's just say that if you're the one doing it first, she'll either feel pressured and try to dominate, or shrug you off with a pokerface stating that you're a (which is hypocritical). but, behind that pokerface might just be byeolsun questioning why her heart's beating so fast. it's true that she doesn't care about love, but when it happens she gets so confused and will eventually just throw it all away. byeolsun's also a little possesive. she gets easily attached to others if they've treated her right, and will end up jealous if you're treating someone an inch nicer, or an inch meaner to someone other than herself. byeolsun just likes to feel special whether it's someone liking her or hating her, they'd have to like/hate her more than the other person. in reality, she's not very open about liking someone, or rather, not very clear about her own emotions. whatever emotion she'll feel, byeolsun always gets so frusturated, where in the end, she'll end up just.. angry. cuz, you know, she has to act cool? whether she's too happy, too sad, too confused or just plainly angered, byeolsun will think of it too much thinking, "why am I so happy? why am I so sad?!" and will eventually start taking it her frustration out on others. you may end up teased, may end up getting called short, but just remember, it's byeolsun who's getting beaten down. so, yes. byeolsun's your overall troublesome troublemaker. she's often diffcult to handle, but with presistence, patience and sadly, plenty of love, you'll learn to see that byeolsun's nothing more than a tedious , but somewhat loveable .
▲ money
▲ guys ; because she's only human
▲ cute girls
▲ getting complicated (warning: it boosts her stupid)
▲ greasy foods (pizza, hamburgers, fries)
▲ dogs ; because cats are es
▲ music; it's a given
▲ her height ; she towers over a lot of people, especially with heels
▲ mirrors ; "ohmy, who's that y mo'fo over- ohwait. that's me!"
▲ drinking ; soju is jjang!
▲ making ahjumma impressions (reason goes unknown; it's just fun)
▲ taking selcas
▲ acoustic guitar and piano
▲ singing in acapella
▲ break-dancing, although her version is closer to face-planting..
▲ when books can make her cry
▲ english ; because she can't speak it correctly, and it just makes her life difficult tbh
▲ overused ageyo ; she'll swat you like a fly
▲ lovey-dovey, mushy, ; because ew. what is love.
▲ waking up early ; just.. no, you
▲ when she talks in satoori
▲ getting dirty ; just dirt in general
▲ oceans/swimming/swimming in open waters ; "my limbs are too long to keep a float"
▲ when she's prevented from eating what she wants
▲ when she's prevented from doing what she wants
▲ being at fault
▲ reading ; mainly angst and slice-of-life
▲ internet surfing, to catch up on life
▲ covering songs or dances from other idol groups
▲ playing acoustic guitar
▲ swearing ; something she has troubles refraining from
▲ talking, mumbling, singing to herself
▲ talking informally
▲ invading personal space
▲ forgetting everything and everything (all accept for choreo and lyrics)
▲ has a fear of the ocean and/or swimming
▲ is absolutely terrified of bugs (includes butterflies), rodents, amphibians, reptiles, needles, ghosts, the dentish and the doctors
▲ if you haven't noticed already, is truthfully a really big scaredy-cat
▲ because byeolsun was born and raised in busan, she's carried around a satoori accent for quite some time, but has learned to prevent it when she wanted to fit in; it'll only appear when she's upset or angered, or when she's talking to family
▲ squeals when she gets too overly excited, and unintentionally hits people
▲ named her phone "betty"; iphone 
▲ snorts when she laughs too hard; always claps her hands when she laughs
▲ always prefers to sit in the back of the car or vehicle
▲ gets uncomfortable when it comes to saying oppa, so she usually avoids saying it
▲ has been playing the acoustic guitar since she was young and is currently trying to learn piano
▲ started dating when she was 13, but only went through relationships for experiences of "love"; isn't as interested as she was when she was younger, but is easily attracted to guys (espeically ones named choi minho koffkoffkoff)
▲ is a really big shinee fan, and is totally biased over choi minho compared to the other sm artists
▲ aegyo is her enemy, because she can't do any 
▲ twitter acc. → @byeol_star699
IDEAL TYPE ¦ choi minho from shinee + someone who's taller than she is in height, for the fact that she's a little tall herself, especially when she's wearing heels. she likes a guy who carries a charming smile and can be considered a man. it's also for the fact that minho's progressing into an actor, and what kind of girl isn't into a tall, hot, adorable, rapping, korean, idol-actor? byeolsun sure likes it. she likes it a lot. as an added note though, byeolsun really likes guys who know how to dance and also likes guys with prettiful singing voices.
BACKGROUND ¦ born into a wealthy family of four was how kim byeolsun lived for the past 17 years of her life. set as the eldest daughter amongst the kim family was byeolsun, who was sadly shunned into being the little girl who would never grow up. unfortunately, byeolsun was also shunned as the no-good, for even at a young age, byeolsun was constantly paired up with her younger sister, who was supposedly flawless (even for a girl who was two years younger than her). always being lectured for how she was a bad influence from bringing boys home and talking about how it was always better to do what you want than what other people told her. because her sister was apparently blessed with not only an angelic face, but an angeltic heart, soul and mind, byeolsun was outcasted as the runt of the litter - and she was freakin' taller than her parents by the time she was 15! (her parents are on the short side, so they never really understood how byeolsun got so tall). during school, byeolsun never had the best grades and even then was often compared to her sister. it was also around this time that byeolsun learned that guys would only come to her for money, and girls would only come to her with hope they'd have chances into becoming models. it wasn't until byeolsun decided that a lot of people acted like crap and ended up keeping quiet about her parents and her sister, when they became old enough. eventually, her sister gyeolsun became a model (something byeolsun should have been, but would have rejected anyhow) and was known pretty well at school. byeolsun was both grateful and hateful, because she could boast about her sister all the time, but get pissed by others saying that it'd be hard to believe that the two were related. even if byeolsun grew up wealthy, she was never spoiled. her parents wouldn't allow her to be spoiled, and even then, byeolsun wasn't even sure she was a "rich-kid". for a while, byeolsun was left unhappy. her parents hadn't recognized her like they did towards her sister, and they neglected her dreams as well as her talents. byeolsun felt she was going to be this stupid first-born that couldn't do anything against her parent's will. it wasn't until she met some girls she'd call friends did she learn that even if she was told what she could and couldn't do, she didn't have to listen because she had her own choices. her parents and her sister had choices of their own - so, byeolsun's choice was to be whoever she wanted, when she wanted, wherever she wanted - because, that's what just kim byeolsun wanted.

by the time she hit 17, byeolsun took matters into her own hands. she ignored her parents with their decisions, their wantings, their everything. it was finally time for her to be happy about herself. she didn't need her parent's money, she didn't need to be just another pretty face. music was something she was happy about, and that was something her parents chose not to believe in. byeolsun learned to believe in herself this way, which may have caused her to be a narcissist of today; loving herself was something she learned to do when her parents couldn't. becoming independent at the time was something byeolsun has to get used to, and eventually something she grew out of when she found how difficult that was. around this time of age was when byeolsun really understood her passion for music. though it just started out as something to be different to what her parents were usually into, modeling and photography and blahblahblah, being able to feel and sing her heart out was something way better than sitting in front of a camera all day, she would think. dancing was somewhere in their too, but wasn't as big of a liking against singing. knowing the very fact that she was capable of such things was what brought her to realizing that she could do what she want. she wasn't a little girl (both mentally and physically). she didn't need anyone's approval and she could do whatever the she wanted. and, so she did. when she had the chance, byeolsun finally managed to audition for herself, starting with yg knowing that it was a company she liked the most out of the top three, but struck-out and burned, byeolsun had failed her first audtion, those claiming that she hadn't put as much effort as she she have. which was true. music wasn't as easy as it seemed, and byeolsun learned that the hard way. yet, byeolsun refused to give up. she was byeol, afterall. a star. a star yet to be polished. against her parent's will, she was and would become one eventually. with that said, the girl went through various auditions, failing many until her final call and managed to fight her way through. it was finally her time to shine, living fun and.. wild.
MOTHER ¦ kim ilsung ¦ 57 ¦ magazine journalist/photographer ¦ cynical, masterful, overbearing ¦ 4/10
FATHER  ¦ kim yoonhyo ¦ 59 ¦ company ceo/modeling indrustrier ¦ reserved, wise, assertive ¦ 5/10
SIBLING  ¦ kim gyeolsun ¦ 18 ¦ part-time model/ college student ¦ discreet, courteous, airheaded ¦ 7/10
〔友達 // FRIENDS
BESTFRIEND ¦  kawk minjun ¦ 21 ¦ male model/photographer ¦ straightforward, mature, sassy, byeol's other half ¦ 10/10 ¦ being the only person capable of handling a mess like byeolsun, kwak minjun is, and is indeed, byeolsun's other half. for the fact that he's a homoual boy who's not only born with the same potty mouth as byeolun, but also the same sense in mind as her, it's no wonder these two are best friends. meeting at around the age of 14-15 when minjun had enrolled into being a model of byeol's family industry, and having attened the same school, these two kids with the same personality clashed together as one. he's the dominating friend who thinks he's always right and finds his bestfriend a to all extents. she's the girl who tries to think of the best solutions, to only be smacked in the head by her boy-loving, homo of a bestie. with what others call a love-hate relationship where one goes, " you" and the other goes, "stupid hoe", byeolsun and minjun are actually very, very close. they're just both troubled people who don't express love, and especially when one of them hates to be skinshipped with (minjun) and the other totally loves initiating it (byeolsun), goes down in a lot of ways. yet, they both have a good relation where secrets are always kept and shoulders are meant to be cried on. even when one of them cries over the same gender, the other is ready to support. they both carry the same train of thought and sometimes, don't even have to say anything to each other to know what's going on. just one look in each other's eyes and it's to spill the beans. but, nowadays, since byeolsun and minjun both have schedules to attend to, they're no limited to texting and skyping every chance they get. minjun is all about bragging about his famous bestfriend, whereas byeolsun just has to roll her eyes when she spots her homo on every fashion magazine; despite always saying they hate each other, and several smacks and kicks to each other's butts (because really, they do indeed smack each other in the ), they are two inseperable friends, who together make not only a double-trouble duo, but a set of bestfriends who have been toegther through thick and thin. no matter what others say, they'll claim each other sisters, even if one's got a d between his legs.

〔彼 // HE 〕


NAME ¦ oh sehun (thehun)
AGE ¦ nineteen
GROUP ¦ exo
PERSONALITY TRAITS ¦ exuberant, optimistic, jaunty, ambitious
PERSONALITY ¦ what other's get from this maknae is different; some call him the pokerface, others say the evil one. yet most call him a cutie. yet, in all reality, oh sehun is nothing but a lisp-talking who likes getting noona's attention. what we have is a very cheerful boy. an extremely cheerful boy, who finds no harm in loving whoever he wants, no harm in taking the dangers in life, and no harm in acting stupid when he totally wants to be. a young boy who likes to wonder through the status of yolo, and the type of person who always shares his eye-smile. yeup, just your overall humours of a maknae. well, yet and no, because this maknae is a brat in a lot of cases. there's no such thing as no, and no such thing as rules, because as the role of the maknae, he can do whatever the frick he wants. it's to work on impulse and self-mind. the way of oh sehun. but, that's not to say he isn't always thinking of others! yes, others come first, but fun goes that way too. it's never fun to enjoy things by yourself, so why not add others into his troublesome ways? although admittedly stupid and too carefree, sehun is a very loveable character. he's a bubbly set of sunshine that usually gets on other's nerves, but also this rustied prince charming, who is more or less of just a really, dorky, country-bumpkind sort of character.
HOW THEY MET ¦ since oh sehun was, indeed an ulzzang and model before his debution as a member of exo, sehun had been friends with a guy name kwak minjun. and oh, if you hadn't noticed, a friend of kwak minjun was a sassybutted girl named byeolsun. now, usual friends of friends are met during, maybe a party or something. but, nope, these two met on a blind date, made by a beautiful man named minjun. yet, what minjun didn't realize was how awkward these two would have clashed. their first meeting was their last. what was supposed to be a happy date, ended as a vomit-infused amusment park day, when a byeolsun just couldn't take rides anymore. that was what byeolsun found the last of a kid named oh sehun, until came a concert. being oh-so-shinee-biased, byeolsun never really knew much of exo, and honestly, she didn't really care. but, when an idol byeolsun went to the bathroom, her shoes decided to get the best of her. face-first to the floor, infront of the mens bathroom to only be stepped on by a pink-haired, poker-faced boy - who went by the name oh sehun.

".. byeolsun?"
"no. not byeolsun. byeolsun noona!"
INTERACTION ¦ after what seemed to them as an awkward second meeting, turned into what sehun called destiny. as a silly boy who dreams too much, he thinks meeting byeolsun for the second time after so many years, means they're destined to be together! being beautifull determined to restart what minjun had began, sehun tries his very best to get byeolsun interested in him again (despite her not being interested in the first place). and again, byeolsun finds herself avoiding this kid at all costs because she's the clinger, not the clingy. she's the one used to initiating skinship, not the other way around. so when sehun's trying to grab her attention, by literally, maybe grabbing her by the wrist, brushing the hair out of her face, or simply just flashing her a dumb smile, byeolsun tries her hardest not to let this evil, of a maknae to get to her. afterall, she states she's not interested in other guys, no matter how much she likes being called noona. but, sehun being sehun, never seems to do that, which is why instead of kisses or hugs, the younger boy recieves plentiful beatings. whether it's a legitimate kick to the but, a smack on the arm or a dreaful face-squishing, it's as if every moment of their time involves sehun getting a little bit of punishment. but, although byeolsun admits he is sort of a cutie, she carries too much pride to let the boy be the dominate one. so, when stop doesn't keep him from trying, byeolsun is also in on his game. if it goes as far as their hands brushing against one another's, patting his thigh or an attempt to pat his head, byeolsun will try at anything to make sehun feel the way he does to her. what she calls annoyance and a nuisance, is actually something she enjoys. yet, she's too stubborn to understand it, whereas sehun already understands that he is, indeed, interested in his tsundere, noona.
STATUS ¦ unrequited love; noona-dongsaeng; senpai please notice me

"we're differenced by a year, but I'm still considered your noona!"
"and, I'm oh sehun, but I'm still capable of getting you to love me."

〔二 // SECOND 〕


NAME ¦ wu yifan (benben kris)
AGE ¦ twenty-two
GROUP ¦ exo
PERSONALITY TRAITS ¦ tsundere, obstinate, cl0se-minded, insecure
PERSONALITY ¦ to what his appearance brings, yet this oh-so-faboulous face kris wufan is what he is. it goes to say that his personality is quite similar to what other's protray him as. a , if anyone needed to ask, because here we have a guy who not only judges by what he believes in, but a guy who also listens to his own opinions. albeit a sort of guy who speaks his own mind and spends his days minding his own business as a grumpybutt, kris wufan is far different from what he is on the in. though he may have this cool, "i'm a badass" or "i'm better than you" exterior, on the inside is this moronic twit who never asks for anyone's help. because, on the inside is a boy, yes, a boy, who has difficulties discovering himself. what appears to you as a guy who doesn't care, is a guy who likes to cover up his definition of lame. take it this way: a guy who likes to act cool in order to create an image. but, really this is a person who acually gets really nervous when it comes to girls, and a guy who gets really shy when other's hug him. a giant, awkward piece of mush who actually has the nerve to blush at a love-scene in a movie. yes, he may be a person who speaks his mind, says stop when he wants and backs out on everything, but remember, this is also a person who judges others, because he, himself, doesn't want to be judged for the dorky, lame boy he truly is.
HOW THEY MEET ¦ I'll get straight to the point as say, wu yifan has a crush on one of wild's member. that member, is frankly, not kim byeolsun, but indeed (the author's choice if it happens. LOOL). it was just another concert, where idols upon idols all attend the same show. backstage, where people meet other people, byeolsun was lurking and noticed a very tall blonde, who was awkwardly trying to talk to one of her members. being a girl who knows almost nothing about love, can only understand what it looks like to be interested in someone. and that someone would be her very own member. so, when the time came, byeolsun confronted kris, who found her imidiately odd. too self-centered he thought. too conceited. yet, those thoughts were switched with confusion when the girl spoke in the most hopefullest of words.

"I'm kim byeolsun, and I'm here to save your lovelife! but, on one condition, wu yifan. you'll help me with mine!"
".. wha-"
INTERACTION ¦ what byeolsun states as nothing more as a weird partnership, others call.. weird. because, what comes from these two are moronic situations. sometimes spying on others, sometimes watching dramas together, other times reading the same romance novels. others ask what they're up to. some think they're dating, but they're most certainly not. what others don't know is that these two idiots are helping each other win another person. she's from ts, and so is his love. he's from sm, and so is her love. so why not help each other that way? what they do is spend time trying to conjure up the most brilliant, yet stupidest ways to win the other's heart. whether it's acting the part, or simply giving the other hints and tips of what their targets like and dislike, this set of stupid is the oddest of them all. first we have byeolsun, who is always trying to open kris up a lot more. she tells him he's too stiff, too rejecting, since she tries to initiate skinship with him, in the end to only get openly rejected. she always tries to get the guy to buck up. to allow the skinship to happen, because sometimes girls like that. byeolsun just doesn't understand he might be a different type of guy. it's a wonder how kris even managed to deal with this girl, for she always ends up either making him blush or confusing him to all extents. she hugs him, pinches his cheeks, and does all these weird things, whereas he just tries to get to the subject of her bandmate to fall in love with him. really, he's just trying to not fall for her when she's always making him blush and confused. together though, they want to be friends, and have plentiful times doing so. because they are always together, when they can. be it via text, or call, they do what they can. what they don't realize is that they're slowly forgetting their mission. what was supposed to be getting the other to fall for them, they may end up falling for each other.
STATUS ¦ wing-man, wing-woman; no strings attached; idiot duo

"I get guy, you get girl. end of story, happy ending. no strings attached."
"okay, I understand that, but stupidity isn't necessary, you know."

〔敵 // RIVAL 〕


NAME ¦ choi, jinri (sulli)
AGE ¦ nineteen
GROUP ¦ f(x)
PERSONALITY TRAITS ¦ bubbly, cheerful, childish, cute
PERSONALITY ¦ an extremely cute girl who always likes to cheer up a crowd. here we have a very clumsy, yet adorable creature who never fails to make another smile (well, besides byeolsun of course). she's a girl who easily admires others, and is of course idolized by a lot of people for her skills and actions. she's a person who always likes to see the brighter side of things, and never tries to ask for attention. truthfully, she's naive, never taking heart and wondering about the worst possible outcomes, which is why she is easily manipulated and gullible to a lot of things. often, she is taken advantage of, which is why there are others who try to protect her. too innocent, too pure, sometimes she's considered a fake. yet, as a girl who isn't always bothered by what other's say, she's always easily smiling whenever she can.
REASON ¦ the only person considering this rival-ship is byeolsun. for the fact that sulli has, technically, been kissed by her target of interest minho. now, there isn't an actual proper reason as to why byeolsun treat sulli as a rival. she just wanted to call her one because of her inner attachment to a man she's never even interacted with. sulli doesn't even know of this rivalship! she just knows byeolsun as a really cool person, while byeolsun is trying to open her eyes!
INTERACTION ¦ although byeolsun tries to think up excuses for this "rivalry", byeolsun and sulli aren't actually rivals. in fact, byeolsun always tries really hard not to start liking sulli. byeolsun claims that her cuteness is sickening, when really she may just find an interest in sulli herself. yet, she'll never agree to that possiblity. when it comes to sulli though, she somewhat admires byeolsun for her courage and self-esteem. how she is easily confident and forward about what she wants. sulli thinks they have a well relationship, opposed to what byeolsun states. so whenever they're together sulli is always clinging to byeolsun, because while byeol calls her a rival, sulli calls her a friend. she's just too oblivious to see the older girl's attempt to want to "foul her plans". it's even more difficult when others don't see the rivalry at all. what other's see is a cute, sister to sister relationship, which proves to show byeolsun does a horrible job when it comes to rivalling, especially when it comes to someone so likeable, that even byeolsun finds difficult to try.

〔著名 // POPULAR 〕


STAGENAME ¦ star [ 스타  seuta ]
PERSONA ¦ nation's prima donna
PERSONAL FANCLUB COLOUR ¦ #99cccc + #99cccc
▲ ahjumma impressions
▲ busan satoori (busan dialect)
▲ acoustic guitar
VOCAL TWIN ¦ sistar's hyorin
RAP TWIN ¦ sistar's hyorin
DANCE TWIN ¦ sistar's hyorin


HOW AND WHY DID YOU CHOOSE TS ENTERTAINMENT AND NOT SM OR YG? ¦ it's too mainstream. I don't want to become so well-known in an agency that's got too many popular idol groups, already. I mean, look at me, (gestures her hands), this needs to self-promote. there's just way too much attention on sm and yg nowadays, so I wanted a little variety, you know? a way to grab someone else's attention without the agency already doing that for me. I also chose ts because I feel they carry a really.. y sort of concept. (nods to herself in agreement). and, I don't mean to brag, but I feel I'm pretty y myself so shouldn't I give it a go? ts' is full of potential, and I think I am too. all these kids wanted to go to sm- so, I decided let's be a little different. let's get individual. I mean, who doesn't like a challenge? I went through hell to get where I am today. ing..
I SEE, DO YOU KNOW OR HAVE ANY FAVOURITE IDOLS IN TS ENT? ¦ to be completely honest, the only group I'm totally interested in right now is b.a.p. I really like their concept, and between you and me, they're a really y group! they're talented, and I'm talented! so, that's why I like that. I don't personally know them yet, since wild has barely made interactions with them yet- or, maybe that's just me, but I do intent on befriending them one of these days! I have yet to get friendly with my own labelmates, since I haven't been doing so lately.. (she scratched her head). but, you know, I'm sure their absolutely dying to meet me- er us. yes, us. we're wild afterall. needless to say.
WHAT ARE YOUR GOALS FOR THE FUTURE? ¦ I don't really have a goal anymore, since I'm already here. like I said, I went through hell.. but, if to keep this interview going, I'm planning on making our group a greater success than it already is! a greater success than I am today. to work harder and bring.. more to us, I guess. the future is the future, so I have no possible outcome as of now, so whatever comes my way. (she laughs into a small scoff).
WHAT DO YOU SPECIALIZE IN MORE? SINGING, RAPPING OR DANCING? ¦ personally, I find I'm specialized more in singing. rapping, more of a.. (snaps fingers) side? I guess? yet, I really enjoy both. singing is more of my virtue, since I've been interested since I was young. dancing, I'm not so hyped about, but I'm not the worst dancer out there. I might be the best in some cases, compared to others, but overall I prefer singing over anything. I mean, my voice's something. listen to it. right now. hear it? yeah~
IF CHOSEN, WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO SAY TO YOUR FUTURE MEMBERS? ¦ sup' my niqqas. (laughs) hey. so, considering what we've been through, I'm anticipating a lot from you guys! we've worked hard, and we'd better get along, because if not, be prepared to face the concequences! we're wild, because we are. we're together because we are. we're young, yet we can live free, so don't stress about what the world gives us. we're family, and we'd better stay that way. be committed to each other, yet know our limits. vow to have each others backs and be the awesome-possum group of girls that will soon dominate the kpop world! we can do it, because I say so! (chuckles) let's just enjoy the moment we have of us now, and grow together for as long as forever possible. because, ayo! we are wild! understand?.. because I hope you do.. (huffs~)
WHAT IS SOMETHNG YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT? ¦ myself. or- my family, I guess. sure, they've been a giant hazard in my life, but without them I wouldn't have had the determination I have today. my family inspired me to do what I want, opened my eyes to fight for my rights. they may not have always agreed with me, but thanks to them, I've done so. I can't forget minjun either. he's a prick, and a , but he's been there for me since forever. without him, I'd have no one else to cry to when I needed it. ing homo.. I miss him. ah- but, I also can't live without my phone! call me cliche, but I am young. my phone has a lot of purposes! it makes calls, I have data and occupies my boredom when I need something to do! alright, so don't judge me!
DO YOU LIKE OR WATCH ANIME? ¦ uh, not necessarily. I'm probably more into dramas than anime, but I'll admit I've seen a couple. I'm not into any of the goresome , though. maybe the romance, stuff? the shoe-jo, so-ju, whatever stuff. (waves a hand). to answer it, uh yes and no? I've watched a few when I was younger, but as of today, no. (shrugs). it's not my sort of thing, plus- it totally ruins my image. or, sort of. maybe, I don't know. does anime make me look cool?..
〔最後 // END
▲ a scene where byeolsun calls up minjun, and minjun gets all sassy and questions her love-life
▲ when sehun (kris) thinks there's a "relation" between byeol and minjun, only to later find out - minjun's gay LOOL
▲ byeolsun is playing guitar (anywhere, really but preferably a music room? idek), and sehun (kris) watches her, until he trips and accidently interupts, causing her to go all ape on how he totally ruined her moment
▲ jealously feels when there's a byeolsun x minho interaction
▲ byeol gushing over minho in front of sehun (kris)
▲ sulli x byeolsun moment; lots of hugs from sulli and a bunch of kawaii tsundereness
▲ byeolsun and minho actually going on a date
▲ sehun (kris) confessing in between byeolsun's rambel, when she talks about her and minho's date
"and then after that we-" "i like you" "".. wait, say that again?" "no, nothing. continue."

▲ sehun refusing to call byeolsun his noona
▲ sehun and his skinship; holding her hand, her wrist, giving her a hug, brushing the hair out of her face, calling her cute, etc.
▲ byeolsun kicking sehun in the juseyo, because I really need that to happen as well as minjun smacking byeol's
▲ byeolsun skinshipping with the members of wild
COMMENTS, CONCERNS, QUESIONS, COMPLAINTS ¦ I wrote way too much. omfg, I'm sorry. :'D you guys are probably bored of my writing, because I have horrible writing and spelling issues and adnsiajflgsfh-- ugh, I just really love this story conceeept, and the layout was absolutely smexiful! I'm just wondering when you'll get to the reviews, by the way and and if you guys write the characters all together, or in individual pov's. I'm kind of scared, btw, since you guys are sugar coating, but I love it when authors do that. it means that you guys are actually taking the time to read my and review how it should be reviews. come at mweee. ; u;)/ bUT YEAH I WISH YOU GUYS GOOD LUCK ON THE FIC AND I'M SORRY YOU HAVE TO READ CRAPPY LONG PARASOMETHINGS THAT MIGHT NOT MAKE SENSE. ASDFGH-- /facefloors orz
SONG SUGGESTIONS ¦ goodbye summer f(x) ft. d.o, evol let me exlode, exid i feel good, chocolat one more day, rania dr. feel good



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