`〈 EDEN CREEK 〉↷ cha, eungyeol


↷ back to eden.



cha, eungyeol.
your nickname : dani or sueun because apartment feels okay /creys
how active are you? : 10jeom manjeom 10jeom!
plotline applying for : the unimpressed bystander
comments, questions : 
okay, so I said I was gonna apply for the leader before, but I got so asdfghj-- I didn't know what to write. so I went through the plotlines again and chose this one- cuz it's easier tbh and also because there were only two applicants. ; u ;  might as well give the plotline some love, no? ugh, so sadly I didn't write as much as others did. orz I ran out of ideas and my motivation to write went kaput. asdfgh-- okay, so uhm- I feel bad for the history part especially because I bet everyone wrote a ton in it, and I just put shiet there and asked you guys to come up with it if you want, because I'm totally fine with that and-- I'm horrible okay. /creys so haard. I'm also wondering if it was okay for me to say that her parents worked- idek even owned the 24-hour diner? I read through the plotlines and everything, so it's just a suggestion. orz if not, feel free to change it because I'm totally fine with that. ugh, I just really wanted to finish it. ; u ; I drew so many blanks but I tried so hard and I just- I didn't want to ask for an extension because I already procastonated and everything and just YEAH. I FEEL PROUD THAT I'M DONE BUT I ALSO FEEL SICK BECAUSE IDEK IF I DID GOOD BECAUSE sometimes when I feel I did super awesome, it comes out as shiet on the review and I'm like; "well I anticipate so much. .___." and yeah. orz thanks so much for being brilliant peopurs though. I mean- holy crap. those teasers. I can't- like, NAJIN SHIPPED. AND THEN YOU KEEL HURR OFF? OH, YOU JUURKS. /broken kokoro. but, anyways, thanks for reading my application and I'll be waiting for the review because I like reviews and /creys I freakin' talk to much
scene requests : 
scene one // the day eungyeol decides to tell chanyeol about her feelings is the day the city kids comes crashing into eden. she curses them for it, and that's why she partly holds a grudge.

scene two // getting to hear chanyeol sing and play on his guitar during the city kid's stay, but is later interuptted by the bastard named kris.

scene three // kris asks eungyeol why she's so happy about her life in eden, and she tells him it's because it's relaxing that way. kris is confused and can't really understand, so she show him by going around and doing the usual - sitting, dreaming, sleeping, watching, listening and loving the world.

scene four // kris meets face-to-face with hwanbin (eungyeol's older brother) and they have this serious talk about how hwanbin doesn't entirely trust kris yet, hanging around his sister so carelessly and threatens kris to keep his distance.

scene five // chanyeol and kris start hanging out together as well, and later become friends. at one point, kris asks chanyeol about what he knows about eungyeol, and chanyeol's hesitant to tell him, not really sure about kris' intentions

scene six // eungyeol is challenged about her "talent", and when she goes to the lake to prove and be times on how long she can hold her breath under water, shiet happens and someone plays her hero. just, who's it gonna be? that old time crush or that idiotic newbie? (dun-dun-dun!)

scene seven // chanyeol goes to jihan, eungyeol's bestfriend and florist, to ask what eungyeol's favourite flower is and to get her a bouquet. it's just unfortunate that kris just happened to have the same idea.

do you allow modifications to your app? : yes!
password : this one. i mean this one. derp squad is kawaii okay. orz


 ho hey
character name : cha, eungyeol
* nicknames :
 satoori // because eungyeol is originally from busan, she carries around a satoori accent which the people of eden have noticed from her stay. she was previously known as 'the daughter from busan', but because it was a mouth full to say, she suddenly became 'miss satoori'. also because she's the only one amongst her family that continues to use her accent. it's pretty much used by everyone in town, besides her few friends, family and.. (looks around) mr. handsome. 
tiny-tot // a nickname used by her older brother, because she's amazingly shorter than he is, and she tells her brother she feels a lot more special if he gives her a nickname like that.
date of birth | age : 03/01/1993 | 20
place of birth | hometown : busan, south korea | jeollanam-do, south korea (eden creek)
ethnicity : full korean.
languages :
→ korean // fluent and mothertongue; spoken with a satoori accent
english // basic, limited and learning; learned from books and from what her parents know
 all the pretty girls
ulzzang : soyu
links : cliecku!
back-up ulzzang : may
links : cliecku!
height | weight : 173 cm | 55 kg
styleeungyeol's style is usually never anything too spectacular. it's usually kept simple, if not then somewhat tomboyish and more summer-y than anything. constantly seen a in an old pair of jeans, a baggy sweater, a hoodie or just a plain pair of overralls. whatever it is, it's simple. nothing vibrant. nothing special. just kept to it's natural simplicity; unlike some of those at eden, eungyeol isn't interested in dresses. you can't sleep in them, she says. you can't run in them, she says (although we all know, she's too much of a bum to go out running). you can't do anything she can when you wear those stupid things. so, despite her mother's protests and the stares she may recieve, eungyeol wears whatever she wants to. it may not expose as much skin as she would like, and she may feel warmer than she should really want, as long as she can sleep in it, then she's good. she might even walk around in her jammies for all she cares. "it's comfortable. you should try it~"
extra : tattoos and piercings are out of the question, seeing that there aren't any shops around to get such a thing. but, she does have a scar on her right ankle from an accident she was in, when she was sitting on a hill, fell asleep and woke up at the bottom and a broken ankle. eungyeol also has a pair of glasses, but she barely ever wears them unless she needs to read or see something far, far away.

 it's time

personality : meet the girl who makes no sense, the girl who just does what she does. the girl from busan. the girl who speaks nonsense. the girl who's known for having her own ways. that's just one of those girls, that nobody really gets to know because she's just so oddly mysterious that way. that girl is cha eungyeol, the one that everyone knows by name, but not entirely by heart. there are things that are easy though, like how she's so spectaculary cheerful all the freakin' time, like there isn't anything wrong with the world. it's like she's contanstly positive. positive to act like there are no wars. positive to act like there is not hate. positive to live her life so happily that she'll never believe in harsh realities. because that's just who she is. a girl who goes about her days with a hop, step and jump. frolicking through feilds or sitting on hills inside a red wagon. sometimes, not everyone can understand this girl. and sometimes, you really just can't. because not only is she always strangely happy all time, but she's incredibly kind. always going out of her way to help anyone who needs it - if they're lucky enough to catch her in one of her not-so-lazy days. which is, sadly, rare to see because although she's amazingly incredibly kind and amazingly optimistic, she's so stupidly lazy that it's not even an act. eungyeol might be the first person you'd want to talk to, and she may possibly help you if she could, but if it envolves getting up, then she isn't your girl. if you're willing to sit with her, lie down and chat-chat-chat away, then and only then, will she have that much effort to help. but, then again, she's also not the best advice giver ever.. so, it's reasonable to see why not a lot of people go to her for help. it could be because her ideas are out of this world and not the most ordinary thing, or because she's considerated kind of ditzy, in a way that nobody really needs. it might make it seem like I'm calling her dumb - and heck, who am I kidding, yes, eungyeol is, but not in a sense you think. she's dumb in the cases that she trips about 10 times a day, walks into glass doors wherever she goes and probably gets herself lost more than you would be stranded on an island. she may be smiles all-day, everyday, but it doesn't mean she knows what she's doing. hopeless, so hopeless. that cha eungyeol.

now sometimes that overlly, positive, "who cares" kind of attitude isn't the best put with everyone. sometimes it's considered annoying to a lot of those at eden. a lot of people get sick of eungyeol lazingly about. not putting a lot of effort into anything like the others do. not saying she'll help when they know she really wants to, but is too sickly engrossed in sleep or dreaming to do anything at all. they get tired of her shrugs and her, "I'll do it later"'s, because most of them know she's not going to do it. eungyeol might have this happiness to her, being a person who could light up the world on a foggy day with a crack of her dorkily, crooked smile, but sometimes she's just too carefree to be much help. she's a person who really doesn't think of the worst possible outcomes. she's more likely to just set things aside and let them linger until someone deals with it for her. if not that, just not deal with them at all. it's just like dumping a peice of trash into a bin full of problems, not changing it or bothering to do anything with it, because you feel it's too much and it's so difficult to deal with. instead you just leave it there to rot on it's own until someone does it for you. it's not one of the best things in the world. that's just how eungyeol grew up to be. a lazy, who only knew how to have fun. other times, she can also be extremely oblivious to the point where simple instructions have to be put into sign-language and awkard gestures. maybe even english or something. whatever it is, eungyeol might not understand. let's just simply say that if eungyeol hadn't been the type of girl who easily got along with people, despite her fatass ways, she'd have been labaled as the village fool. luckily her satoori has saved her from it, and thus becomes the strange girl from busan. it's quite odd though, considering eungyeol has been at eden creek for a majority of her life. I guess it'd just have to be because of that oddly personality of hers. because girls like eungyeol aren't all the same. there aren't girl who are as random as her. aren't girls who don't really know what they're saying. aren't girls who like to speak blunt and honest. and especially no girls who like to live their lives the way they want to. if she wasn't so cheerful, wasn't so friendly and wasn't so painfully, gosh-darn helpless, cha eungyeol would probably be this country-bumpkin idiot, who wouldn't be able to fend for herself. but, she's strong. she's a girl who likes acting like a toughy. a girl who likes to hide her emotions behind moronic smiles. a girl who loves to lazy about, sit on hills and have long talks. because a day in the of cha eungyeol is simple. "just smile and dream the days away, like the world was meant to be that way."

likes : 
→ insects 
→ romance, even if she doesn't understand it 
→ extremely long naps during the day 
→ mr. handsome! (aka park chanyeol, but eungyeol thinks "mr. handsome" suits him a lot better) 
→ getting to spend time with mr. handsome 
→ grandmama's cinnamon, apple pie (not an actual relative, but a really nice neighbour who treats eungyeol likes her grandkid) 
→ when eungyeol gets to listen to mr. handsome and his guitar 
→ sleep 
→ food

dislikes :
→ rain / cold weather 
→ getting nagged 
→ not getting to spend time with mr. handsome 
→ when her enemy gets too cozy with mr. handsome 
→ city kids (because she thinks her "living life" is different from their "living life") 
→ when her mother dolls her up in ways where she can't run (or roll) around 
→ loud noises or crowds

habits :
→ not looking directly at someone when she talks, making it hard to understand her
→ mumbling or talking to herself 
→ answering her own questions 
→ forgetting to say "please" or "thankyou" 
→ "ohmigosh!" 
→ "gosh darnnit!" 
→ not looking where she's going (so basically looking everywhere else)

hobbies :
→ pulling along a red wagon and collecting anything she finds interesting 
→ napping on the hill behind her house or by the lake docks (maybe even in her wagon) 
→ bug-catching, especially for cicadas 
→ reading romance books and memorizing the (dumb) quotes 
→ taking to her cat angel when there's no one else to talk to (not that she really talks to anyone)

special talents : 
→ can hold her breath under water for a fairly long time, and will prove it to you if you deny it or challenge her

fears / phobias : 
→ thunder storms // has been a fear of eungyeol's since she was a kid. just because of it's nature; the loud thundering, the lighting and the rain. the damage it creates and just the overall outcome of the storm. it's also because of her dislike for loud noises and the theory that the lightning gets closer and closer which results in eungyeol hiding under her bed most of the time. 
→ swearing // it might be a little lame, but swearing has never been something eungyeol's ever been fond of. she finds swearing dirty, and feels like the devil's spawn if she does. even worst, she feels like a city kid! (le gasp orz)

trivia :
→ knows how to prevent her satoori accent, but is honestly too lazy to change it (plus, finds it makes her unique) 
→ has been collecting things in a red wagon since she was a kid and wishes she was allowed to collect boys (such as mr. handsome) 
→ is sometimes struck to others a wannabe-ciry-girl, but truthfully likes the calm, old-fashioned life of eden. she feels city kids don't experience life like hers and is a bit stereotypical about them. "city kids are stuck-up divas!" 
→ will take her wagon up on one of the hills, sit in it and think whenever she's upset (because she's weird okay) 
→ will often be found sleeping (location varies, but mainly the hill behind her house) 
→ will sometimes pretend to be dorthy of wizard of oz' when she goes for lone walks 
→ can't sing to save her life 
→ wants to learn guitar just to impress mr. handsome 
→ tells people she has a pet dog, who amazingly has the same name, age, hair-color and eyes as her brother (basically calls her brother a dog) but, really has a pet cat
→ will talk to angel like she's human and vents out all her problems, even if she doesn't understand
→ tries to get mr. handsome's attention, but is either too shy, scared or is never noticed 
→ currently on a "starting-to-be-friends" basis with mr. handsome (anticipating more, of course) 
→ when she's not being a bum, she's working part-time at the diner, but will most likely slack off anyhow since she's doing it for free. also because her family works there and she's rather not get caught up between getting nagged about this and that and blahblahblah 
→ squeals when she gets too overlly excited, and may accidently hit someone 
→ snorts when she laughs and finds it seriously annoying

 everything has changed
* history : tbh, I really don't know what to write here besides the fact that eungyeol and her family started in busan, but moved to eden soon after knowing that eden was full of stricer rules. eungyeol's parents babied her a majority of her life, and she had a very big attachment to her older brother. but, as for other things, it'd be cool to see what the authors come up with because I'm taking it's optional point and just letting it be- yeah. I really don't know how to write her backgroun right now, since it's not that important I guess? all except for the fact that she didn't have as much freedom as she gave herself today and spent most of her life lazying about anyhow. if you need it filled out, I'll do so asap, but I feel like I'mma write crap because I can never do back-stories well.
initial impression of the newcomers : they're city kids. what other impression am I supposed to get? they're loud and a nuisance and.. ah. it's not that I don't like them or anything.. it's just.. city kids are.. aren't used to our conditions. they aren't used to the simplicity or- or the feeling eden gives! they might ruin our image here, and.. I kind of don't want that. the way eden is, is how eden is. these city kids have to learn our ways, I guess.. so, I'll accept them for now.. for now, I said. not entirely. I just feel like they've ruined our peace. our quiet sancurary and everything! it's.. omigosh, it's- an.. a.. bomb-o.. nation.. or something. I-I don't know the word, but I just get the feeling. I just hope they'll leave as soon as they came.. I don't want them anywhere near my hill, or the docks or- anywhere. when does that monster get fixed? that thing they call a car?.. as long as they're not bugging me. then fine. they can stay. just not forever.
* family :
→ mother | cha, eunbin | 56 | works at 24-hour diner | strict and a perfectionist. a woman who wants to have everything the way they should be. organaized and scheldued and to keep her kids out of trouble. | if they aren't in the midst of an argument, they're quiet and talking in awkward formalities. it's never been just, "mom". it had always been, "mother". now, it's easy to say that eungyeol and her mother's relation isn't the best, and despite their constant bickering, they do love each other dearly. it's just the fact cha eunbin wants what's best for her daughter, and eungyeol just wants what she wants.

→ father | cha, shikhwan | 57 | same as above | serious and the type of man who doesn't acknowledge fun. it's to do as was planned than to play without rules. to wake up early, work hard. sit down and drink some coffee, and keep the everyday routine like how it should be. | unlike eungyeol's mother, they rarely ever fight, and rarely ever interact. again, it's only ever been "father", never anything past that. between these two are usually awkward silences and "how was your days" that never finish. it's just not as close as others would have thought, espeically since eungyeol's so friendly with her older brother.

→ older brother | cha, hwanbin | 23 | same as above | good-natured and mature, this is the type of guy the girl's a usually into. but, being too mature, too caught up in watching over his sister to really care about others. the type of guy who knows what he's doing and the usual leader-type of guy. | opposed to what eungyeol is, hwanbin is the opposite. now, unlike eungyeol's parents, hwanbin is practically her best friend (alongside jihan of course). like the usual brother and sister, these two are always teasing each other. sometimes, even breaking into cute friendly-fights, but never nothing more. they're usually throwing insults at each other, like "you're ugly" or "stupid-head", "", etc etc. although they seem like they dislike each other, they do have respect for one another. in fact, they know each other like the back of their own hands. eungyeol's always trying to cuddle up to hwanbin, but hwanbin's always pushing her away, because he likes to keep a cool image. even so, they love each other anyways and have each other's backs. even if hwanbin gets extremely annoyed by his baby sister, especially when she calls him by his name rather than "oppa". hwanbin is also, always playing that older brother role. no matter what, he's always watching over eungyeol. especially when there's boys around. believe it or not, but whenever eungyeol interacts with boys, it tweaks a little irritation in hwanbin, where he would even go as far as lifting eungyeol over his shoulder and walk away.. just like that. in truth, he just hates all guys gushing over his sister. his excuse to them is, "she's stupid." but really, he just wants to keep her single forever and ever and ever and ever. the only exception is the guy chanyeol, because hwanbin knows he's the only guy he can trust.
* pets :
→ angel | six years | female | four years | japanese bobtail cat (clickeu!)
new friends :
→ the fragile dreamer's "certain regular" // sees this guy often, but only starts talking to him because she notices that longing look in his eyes. a look she knows to well, and a look she just happens to share. "dun worry bub. we're floatin' the same boat."
 the rambuncious leader // she's not really sure how, but "when you smile, sun shines" seems to suit this girly well. it's a little bit hard to hate this woman, no matter how eungyeol would try. she may be loud and a little more hyper than herself, but overall she enjoys seeing her smile and it gives her this happy, bubbly-bud feeling on the inside.
→ the hospitable sweetheart // truthfully, eungyeol's always wanted to befriend the girl but has never found the time. if the city kids can get friendly, then why can't she? like the leader, it's the smile that got her admiring the girl. eungyeol wishses she was a little like the hispitable sweetheart- but then remembers she'd have to do a lot of.. shiet. friends will do. yes, friends will do.
(possibly erryone but, possibly not? orz)
* other friends :
 kwon jihan | 19 | florist | bubbly, sweet and completely sugar-coated. this is eungyeols' best-childhood friend, the one that eungyeol could always go to when her brother couldn't be there. this girl is always so happy and cheerful, just as eungyeol is, except she's a lot more productive then her bum of a friend. she's a true darling and isn't a person to judge and will accept just about anyone - even the city kids. | although she's a year younger than eungyeol, jihan is more of a motherly figure than anything. these two may not be seen together all the time, but once they are they're chat-chat-chatting away. if not that, they might even nap in each other's arms or tell the weirdest of stories. sometimes it seems like they've come up with their own language that nobody understands, but sometimes it's just them being themselves. loving each other and talking about their days. they have each other's backs, and heads and legs and everything- just plain everything. if anything, they're sisters. blood-related or not, they're sisters til' the end. jihan is also, especially there when eungyeol comes running to her about mr. handsome again and again, and again, and again.

 grandmama lee (lee bongsun) | 83 | baker | kindhearted, sweet and always that grandmothery personality is grandmama lee. the woman who trearyoall those of eden like her kids, and scolds everyone for not eating or dressing the way they should. she's a woman who doesn't like to be treated weakly, and hates to be underestimated. a woman full of pride, but kindness and carries a heart of gold - along with wisdom, intelligence and love for everyone. | it's honestly a mother-daughter relation, except more grandmothery than anything. grandmama lee likes to call eungyeol and jihan over a lot, tasting her pastries or just to tell her stories about their day. they love to spend time together, mainly because grandmama lee has more of a kick than others would think. eungyeol especially loves grandmama lee because she treats her like her own grand-daughter. always worrying and asking the girl what's wrong, because she knows eungyeol well enough to see it on her face.
* enemies :
 lee yoomi | 20 | part-time baker | a little flirtatious, but mature and somewhat of an egoist is the gir named lee yoomi. the one who fights for what she wants and plays the roll of the "fairest of them all". the one that sets the commoners aside and takes what she wants when she wants. she may come across as a , but she's truly a rose full of thorns. one you can't just take, but one you'd have to get to know first and approach just as gentle as she looks. | the only reason why these girls ever talk is because yoomi is the grandaughter of grandmama lee, which means, technically, in some ways, yoomi and eungyeol are "cousins". as "cousins" these two are very competitive, especially when it comes to either grandmama lee or that dreaded mr. handsome, park chanyeol. because these two both share this start of un-requitted love, they've become enemies. mainly because they don't share the same interested, or hobbies, but yet they've managed to fall for the exact same guy. let's just hope yoomi falls for that newbie guy - unless eungyeol finds herself falling for him too.
 anything could happen
love interest : wu "kris" yifan
back-up love interest : huang "tao" zitao
personality : popular, but not a ladies man, kind, but not a gentleman; although that face says otherwisr, wu yifan is nothing but an idiotic dork, hidden beneath all that intimidation. though he seems like a badass (and quite frankly, resembles one) kris is actually a really sweet guy. he's a guy who likes to see the cup half-full, and to move with a hop-skip-and a jump like he gives no s about what the world gives him. he kind of gives off this happy virus aura, but most of the time, he's just being stupid. otherwise, being a tease. most of the time, kris stays friendly, and enjoys joking around to his heart's content. just picture him being this big, loveable oaf under all that angry bird. though, he's playful and awkwardly (yet ertedly) funny, there are plentiful times where kris is a lot more mature than he appears, if he hadn't appeared that way already. the times when playing around just isn't the best, and when things should be taken seriously, kris will do just that. to stop the joking and the games and to take things seriously. he's a joker, and a prankster, but a hero when it's needed. one of his traits is that he can be a real tease. the tease who picks on you, and irritates you for fun doing stupid all around just to get a glimsp of your reaction. like a little boy pulling at a girl's pig-tails because he desperately wants your attention. so, sadly, being bored isn't something kris is used to, thus he's often finding ways to entertain himself. albiet easily interested in a lot of things, once he's got his mind set on something, he'll go right after it. and, that also includes girls. If he wants her, he will get her - but respect her at the same time. although sometimes he's protrayed as an idiotic moron, (which, indeed, he is) kris is just one of those guys who isn't afraid of doing what he wants but knows just enough to stop when he can. the guy who'll tease you to get your attention, but will apologize when things too far. the guy who'd sing you to sleep, make a fool of himself just to see you laugh, who'd be your shoulder to cry on, yet might end up being the your accidental heartbreaker because even with all those goods and bads, he's still a moron one way or another, because even if he knows that hearts may be broken, he still chooses to take the challenge.
* first impression : annoying. this guy is really, really, really annoying! he insists on telling me about his world when he doesn't give me a chance to show mine. what's so great about eden he asks? the moron won't understand, and he never will. he's not anything like mr. handsome.. this guy.. he's just a stupid.. a stupid.. angry bird (or panda)! that's all he is right now. calling me cute or tiny.. I don't see how girls are even interested in a guy like that. I-I'm certainly not. I mean, I have chanyeol.. I'm getting there okay! so don't judge me! chanyeol's the one for me, so I don't see why angrybird insists on following me around. I'm absolutely, positively not interested in him! gosh darnnit!.. if he wasn't so handsome I'd seriously.. seriously.. hit him or something..
second love interest : park chanyeol
back-up second love interest : lu han
personality : looks can be misleading- and chanyeol's is by far, leading the miss. Why? because instead of his given, cute and cuddly persona, the real chanyeol is mature, quiet and just a real big party-pooper (which isn't always suprising, considering his height and the voice that doesn't match his face). he's always wanting to get things done, and never understanding jokes is the type of character this man is. although, it's good because he's already an adult, it's bad because he doesn't understand the meaning of fun. the man doesn't understand the meaning of, "love" either- and it's actually not something he's interested in. opposed to eungyeol, he lives his life carefully and with worry, because "you only live once", is what makes him careful; intelligent is another thing, because he's somewhat the brains of what he calls a group of friends, chanyeol is always trying to take the lead of things, always wanting to make sure everyone's alright and things are put together. yes, chanyeol is kind, and yes he may come off as kind of dense when it comes to things like jokes, or love, but he's a loveable person. he's truly just a gentlemen, and a nerd, but he just needs someone to show him how life should really be protrayed, instead of always just.. worrying about it's outcome. aside from that of course is a guy that goes out of his way to help others. although eungyeol's the same, this is the type of guy who gets up when you call him, the guy who looks directly into your eyes when you talk to him (something, eungyeol really appreciates and hopes she'll grow a habit to). this is a man who's too kind for his own good. too mature to know how to laugh, but when he does, it's the most magical thing. sometimes he's just a little on the dopey-er side. the side that people don't go to for parties. but, he's the guy who you'd look for when you're down. the guy who's ready to comfort you, ready to take you in his arms and tell you it's okay. chanyeol's just one of those people who know what to say and know what to do, because he's observant and watches the world around him. he may be boring to others, maybe nerdy and old-fashioned, but amongst eden, that's normal, and to others it's completely and utterly charming, because that's who he is. park chanyeol who likes to sing his heart out, play the guitar and watch the world move slowly at pace.



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