Ethereal, lost the road for a while, travel and life..

Hi folks!

welcome al land what a veritable thrill to have you all here with me readign this blog post.

first of all, thank you. second of all, wellcome...again :)

thirdly i have much news which I shall now berth,


im leaving in a couple of days time.

to readers of Ethereal - thank you all so much for loving this fic! i love it too! but, i may not be able to update for the next three weeks! pelase don't kill me! <3

to readers of Lost the road for awhile - OMFG I AM SSOOO SORRY! honestly i really am! i hate not finishing fics and leaving them hanging, BUUUUUUTTTT! the second part is nearly fully written please just hang on a bit longer! <3 I was finally, struck by inspiration the otherday you see.

also, as most of you probably know, I graduated from uni recently so my life has been a bit up and down. im still not sure what i can and can't and want to and don't want to do. any ideas will of course we much appreciated! <3

i think there was more i wanted to say, but alas my mind is crazy and forgets things a lot lol sorry!

anywyas I love you alll take care and be good! ;)

p.s. i think i have become a little addicted to instagram...ahem LOL




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ooooo~ have a FABULOUS time in Korea!!!!
Ooohhhh oppa. I went to korea a week. I had fun. Hope you do too
straybangfinite877 #3
I hope you have a nice trip and I will wait patiently!!
AZN_Ninja7 #4
Lucky....TT-TT Seriously, I'm going to stowaway in one of your luggage cases XD bahahahahaahahahaha
Have fun~^^
No ing~ *waves a finger* XD hahahahahahahaahahahhaah jk