Youtube channel!

Hello one and all! Tis I! Scott!

Yes... I have done it, finally! I have only gone and bloody made a youtube channel! woohoo!

Come one come all cometh please and thank you! :D

I have to say that as I write this post, my first video is now uploading...please don't fail me now!

I do warn you all now though to PLEASE, BEAR WITH! It is totally a work in progress and needs working on, BUT I will get there an I want you all to come with me on this new chapter in this blogging life and in my life in general.

It's something I've wanted to do for a long time now, years even, with a failed...ish attempt before many years ago, it is now time to breathe fresh life into the old beast and reignite the flames of creativity and confidence!!!! CAN I GET AN AMEN UP IN HERE!? YEAAHHH!!

Oh dear I’m terrible sorry for that I went a bit over the top there, soz buckets shant happen again. 

To everyone how reads my blog! THANK YOU!

Okay here it is! I do warn y'all that it was filmed at night in my room, hence why I’m looking like an oompa loompa, lol and the quality isn't the best cos I’m using my laptop…and I was nervous as well..oh dear.... hehe

Sorry all but ive had to reupload the vid as i realised after it had messed up on me! Sorrry! Will let you all know when its perfect againz! ♥



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I wish you good luck in your Youtube journey! Just put yourself out there and don't be shy! :)
What's your account oppa? :D
I'm too lazy to log into YouTube so here's my comment: yes I was in a comfortable place thanks for checking although I didn't have tea. Also I recently got back from a home stay and the lady I was living with had a whole cupboard full of different types of tea and she had a cupof tea every night after dinner. And that's about it :)