❝ 휴가 목적지 ↬ Do Dahyun


username : TheLandofBrownSugar
profile link : http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/326178
your nickname to call with? : Anna
activeness scale : 9


character's name : Do Dahyun
nickname(s) : Hyun, Beauty & the Beast, Star
age & birthdate : 19 (April 1, 1994)
birthplace : Osaka, Japan
hometown : Busan, South Korea
ethnicity : East Asian, Korean
language(s) : Korean (fluent), Japanese (fluent), English (basic)


blood type : B+
height : 168
weight : 48
appearance : Gallery
back-up appearance : Gallery
style : Examples:  |  1  2  3  4  5  | Dahyun's style is often simple with a splash of femine and masculine touches. She loves black, but also colors such as red, royal blue and purple. She enjoys outfits that show off a bit of skin and often finds herself experimenting with Eastern and Western fashion.
extras : Her left ear has been pierced twice, right ear once. She has a scar on the side of her neck from a surgery.


personality : Ever since she was a child, Dahyun's had a problem with expressing herself. Emotions don't come that simply for her and it often results in a relaxed, almost cold poker face. Although she doesn't show a lot on the outside, an enormous mess is going on inside of her. Dahyun is a very considerate person and cares a lot about those around her. She is always ready to voice her opinion if she wants to, and she often sticks to being in the background because of personal reasons.
background : Dahyun grew up in a rather normal family, with both of her parents and an older sister. In elementary school, she was often teased because of her dull appearance. She didn't show it, but she was a sensitive girl and rather hurt by their comments. However, it helped her grow stronger and she learned the ability of closing off, being able to "disconnect" herself from reality. This became an issue at times, especially at a time where she ignored everyone who talked to her, including her parents and teachers.
personality traits : Quiet, nurturing, perfectionist, smart, solitary
plot number : 5


likes : Children, books, cooking, illustrations, science, the truth, turtles
dislikes : Blood, horror movies, zombies, bullies, arrogance
hobbies : Drawing, cooking, singing
habits : Talks to herself under pressure, bits the bottom of her lip, throws her head back when tired or stressed
fears : Losing herself/the ones around her, falling
skills : Art
trivia : Her family used to take her to Japan during holidays, her favorite flower is the cherry blossom because it represents courage and loyalty, as a child she wanted to be a policewoman, her favorite quote is: "We're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."


love interest : Sungyeol || 21 || Singer || 4
personality toward you : He can see past her poker face and knows most of the time what she's thinking or feeling. He is an avid coffee lover and has tried to invite her to coffee shops with little success, but he is not giving up! Their conversations can get very deep, and they often tease each other for different things.
back-up love interest : L || 21 || Singer || 3
personality toward you : Like Dahyun, he looks calm most of the time, but is actually hiding a temper and is quite stubborn when he decides to do something. He and Dahyun often fight over the smallest things, but they hate being mad at each other.


parents : Do Yoo || 46 || Electrician || 4 (Father)
             Do Eunjin || 47 || Housewife || 5 (Mother)
siblings : Do Nabin || 24 || Student/model || 5 (Older sister)
ex-boyfriend : She doesn't have much dating experience, but she went out with a boy named Lee Dong Goo in middle school. They went out for two months before he moved away.


phone brand : Samsung Galaxy S3
phone case : Case
ringtone : Ringtone
favorite songs : Take a Bow (Rihanna), I Got A Boy (Girls' Generation), Because of You (Kelly Clarkson)


anything else? : Not that I can think of.
comments : Thank you for taking your time reading this!
suggestions :
scene requests : I'd love to see a scene of her bonding with some of the boys/girls who aren't love interest.
password :


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