TBS application






AFF Username: SHINeeFangirlflame


AFF Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/56387


State why you want to join : Because I tried applying for TBH and I didn’t get in and I was disappointed, I think I can do much better here, plus I LOVE YOUR WRITING, honest to Gosh!


E-Mail Address: [email protected]Sorry, I know it’s childish...






Character name: Choi Jae-Ha


Nickname(s): JaeMa

How? Gosh, long story...n I’ve always been an Umma type, I like taking care of things and other people, okay? I didn’t realise by taking care of my little brother in front of everyone I’d get mocked. He fell down, I was a freshman and I was walking with my friends, going to pick him up from school. He ran over to me but fell, he scrapped his knee and being the Egi he is started bawling everywhere; I kind of ran over to try and shut him up and ended up cleaning him and putting a plaster on him. My friends who already knew I was girly in this way that I care for a lot of people by doing this sort of things and the nickname never went away.


Gender: Male


Date of Birth: 8th July 1993  


Age: 18


Height (cm) 180 CM


Weight (kg): 80, I got this off a BMI graph, is it about right? He is meant to be muscular...


Blood Type: O Negative


Place of Birth: Caluri, Verona


Ethnicity: Korean/Italian


Religion: Buddhist


ual Orientation: Biual


Traits: forgiving, snappy, perfectionist, big hearted, overly competitive, hard working, romantic






Character Overview: 

I’m not really sure how to start this...

I guess from the outside I can seem like a little bit of an oddball, if you don’t know me that well.

On one hand, I am a total Umma like big hearted person when I am with my friends and people I love, but if you ignore me or I think you are a threat to either my friends, the groups or me then I will ignore you.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a to people for no reason. If I only know your name or something I’ll still smile and listen and give you my advice if you ask for it, but if you don’t try then I won’t either. People who try to disrupt things or shout insults or something are just a waste of my breath; I don’t bother with them to the best of my ability.


When I am with my friends, I am quite a bubbly person. I laugh freely and make jokes and become this person that I feel is truly myself. Around my friends I am very big hearted, I forgive my friends quickly and I try not to be selfish, I always want to put others before myself, even if it is just in the lunch queue! I like to think that I can be trusted, I’ve never told anybody a secret they didn’t want me to spread and I get a lot of people asking me for help and stuff. I guess I’m a sort of go to guy. I enjoy being with my friends more than anything else.


However, even if you are my friend, you never want to get into competition with me.  If you do, you’ll probably regret it. I am extremely competitive and work seriously hard in sport, like much harder than in any other lessons. I cannot stand loosing and am a terrible looser and winner, I am seriously overly driven in sports. I keep myself fit so that I am always at the peak of my game to beat others (Plus I care about my image a lot); my best sport is one on one running. If I am going up against you then you better be watching out for me while you’re training, I have a habit of sneaking in on the competition to get a look at what they have got so I know how to beat them. I’d never cheat though.




·         The Rain

·         The Heat

·         Happy People

·         Things being perfect

·         Dancing

·         Sports

·         Sunrises

·         Romantic stuff



·         The cold

·         Hunger

·         Electricity

·         Animals

·         Loud noises

·         Things being out of place

·         Bad grades



·         Eating

·         Running

·         Baseball

·         Watching Movies

·         Dancing

·         Playing Piano/guitar

·         Talking to people



·         I lip nibble if I’m peckish

·         I curse in Italian if I’m scared or when I am annoyed

·         I stare into space when something’s wrong

·         I finger drum when I’m thinking

·         I play with my ears or hair when I’m talking to someone I fancy/like a lot

·         I make up random words if I can’t remember what something is called or I just need a word and can’t think of the right one



·         Needles; I’m not entirely sure, I know they hurt a lot so probably just the pain

·         The dark; I’m so scared that someone is going to come and kill me or something, you don’t know what is going on straight ahead of you and I hate that

·         Clowns; they just scare me so much, I have no idea why, they’re just plain freaky!



·         I’m pretty good at dancing

·         I am really good with technology


Motto in life: Only a few people are worth having a look in on your heart, the rest are just curious.


Definition of Love:  It should be exciting in that shove me against a wall and kiss me way, but romance and fun is key.


Ideal type: Someone who is childish in their own way, but who will still love me with all of their heart. Being shorter than me and having long hair and muscles is bonus points ;)


Addicted to: LOLLIPOPS. I cannot LIVE without a lollipop in my mouth!


Favourite Food: Lollipops, duh :D Or cookies, I adore cookies, raspberry and white chocolate ones in particular.


Favourite Colour: Sky Blue


Random Facts about your character: 

·         I have a tattoo of love in Chinese on the small of my back, only people I’ve slept with now it’s there

·         I have my right ear pierced

·         I look best in red or blue

·         I adore beanies and wearing them >.<

·         I believe in souls and the saving of them







Bae Hee Choi, 35, he is for sure the butch of my Appas, he is very controlling and OCD about little things, I got it from him, foster Appa, alive

Eun Ho Choi , 29, he is one of the most caring and sweet people you are likely to meet, seriously he is such a girly man I don’t believe it sometimes, he isn’t very good at listening though, biological Appa, alive



Dong-Min Choi, 14, he is one of the most childishly and annoying people I know, seriously he is so infuriating, I think there is something wrong in his head, brother, alive.



Maria Canossa, 34, she is very distant and dreamy, she is one of those people you can’t tell anything to just in case, biological mother, I don’t know if she is alive or not because she lives very far away.


Social Class: B


Actual Background: I was born in Caluri to my biological mother when she was sixteen, after she and my biological Appa had a one night stand. Because she couldn’t take care of me and he didn’t want anything to do with her, he took me and went back to Seoul in Korea. I was raised by him and my foster Appa, his husband. However, Appa always told me how I came to be and who my mother was, he never lied to me about that. I’m sure Bae hates him for that because it changed me from who I could have been. Because I knew who I was and where I came from, I asked to get Italian lessons so I could have some form of link to my mother. I grew up in Seoul; I never really missed my Umma or a brother or sister because you don’t miss what you never had right? Unfortunately for me, Appa wanted another kid, so they adopted Dong-Min when I was four. I was seriously jealous to begin with, and it never died away. It’s difficult between me and Eun because of Dong-Min, I’m glad Bae is around for me to fall back on, Bae likes me more anyway because I am a lot more manly then my brother, even if I’m still a little girly at times.






Appearance: I’m really tall and muscle, I keep myself neat and tidy. I care about my appearance a lot. I have these bright blue eyes from my mother; I have dark brown hair and long hands. Pretty normal looking really, but I’ve been told I’m cute before...



·         http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i440/Beth_Oranges-Simpson/ulzzang4.png

·         http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i440/Beth_Oranges-Simpson/ulzzang3.png

·         http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i440/Beth_Oranges-Simpson/ulzzang2.jpg

·         http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i440/Beth_Oranges-Simpson/ulzzang.jpg

·         http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i440/Beth_Oranges-Simpson/ulzang5.jpg


 Ulzzang Name: Jung Dae Eun


Eyecolor: electricblue http://i0006.photobucket.com/albums/0006/findstuff22/Best%20Images/Photography/4ac01e37.jpg


 Hair colour: Dark brown, has natural highlights



 Hair style: Bed head style



 Usually wears: I guess you’d call it layered or covered up, but I just add more stuff the colder I get and take stuff off the hotter I get. I really like wearing colourful things or things with cartoons or slogans on them because they’re cute or funny or something, I love colours like blue and orange on me best, I think I suit them. I always wear my glasses, seriously not just a fashion statement! However, I always co-ordinate them with what I’m wearing, I have like twenty pairs of frames... I love hats too, beanies, bobble tops, caps, you name it I have it and will put one on at any given chance! My formal style is completely the same, I have to have the glasses and the colour, but I stick to ties and shirts, mixing and matching. I don’t do dinner jackets; they bore me and just feel like such a restraint.



·         http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i440/Beth_Oranges-Simpson/ulzang5.jpg

·         http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i440/Beth_Oranges-Simpson/ulzzang.jpg

·         http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i440/Beth_Oranges-Simpson/ulzzang2.jpg

·         http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i440/Beth_Oranges-Simpson/ulzzang3.png

·         http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i440/Beth_Oranges-Simpson/ulzzang4.png



·         http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i440/Beth_Oranges-Simpson/formal2.jpg

·         http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i440/Beth_Oranges-Simpson/formal1.jpg

·         http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i440/Beth_Oranges-Simpson/foraml3.jpg




·          http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i440/Beth_Oranges-Simpson/sports.jpg


·         http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i440/Beth_Oranges-Simpson/date1.jpg


·         http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i440/Beth_Oranges-Simpson/sports.jpg






 School Year: Senior


Type:    I’ve been here since freshman year


Best Subject(s): PE, English and Korean Literature


Worst Subject(s): Culinary Arts, Economics and Trigonometry


Grade Point Average: 3/3.5


Club Activity: Dance, any sports going and music


School Rank: Cool guy/Jock


Persona: The school Umma / Most likely to have a family







Love interest: Lee Donghae, GD or Lee Joon


Favourite picture of them:

·         http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=lee+donghae+hd&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1280&bih=709&tbm=isch&tbnid=UenVxG_AexGR_M:&imgrefurl=http://star.koreandrama.org/%3Fp%3D4290&docid=bph0bZ5fPTS4nM&imgurl=http://star.koreandrama.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Lee-Dong-Hae2.jpg&w=700&h=1000&ei=7JK5TpbRGcK38gOMxYG4Bw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=485&vpy=344&dur=38&hovh=268&hovw=188&tx=110&ty=195&sig=111134953539218684864&page=1&tbnh=169&tbnw=118&start=0&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:16,s:0

·         http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=G+Dragon+hd&um=1&hl=en&biw=1280&bih=709&tbm=isch&tbnid=A-S9Hby5xJfH1M:&imgrefurl=http://paradiseofcrystal.blogspot.com/2009/08/g-dragons-heartbreaker-mv-updated-in-hd.html&docid=515YBG1QuA5rBM&imgurl=http://i918.photobucket.com/albums/ad22/xxJeanne90xx/Big%252520bang/20090814_gdragon_572.jpg&w=572&h=300&ei=DpO5TtLbMoG08QPw7-3CBw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=466&sig=111134953539218684864&page=1&tbnh=162&tbnw=233&start=0&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:14,s:0&tx=169&ty=66

·         http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=lee+joon+hd&um=1&hl=en&biw=1280&bih=709&tbm=isch&tbnid=NFJZRXoyz4HZpM:&imgrefurl=https://twistedstars.wordpress.com/tag/lee-joon/page/7/&docid=BnqKIrKYQih96M&imgurl=http://twistedstars.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/lee-joon-mblaq.jpg&w=500&h=650&ei=MZO5TrDFCIW58gO1muXKBw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=1042&vpy=152&dur=558&hovh=256&hovw=197&tx=147&ty=114&sig=111134953539218684864&page=1&tbnh=158&tbnw=117&start=0&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:20,s:0



Donghae; Teacher/Student forbidden but very caring and tender

GD; Lovey-Dovey

Joon; Love hate relationship


How you met: 

·          Me and Donghae met out of school times when I had gone with Kea and Hanni for dress shopping for the first school dance in Freshman year, I was waiting outside and extremely bored so I started dancing and stuff with my music and he saw me and helped me when I fell over, I had no idea at the time he would be one of my teachers.

·          I met GD in kindergarten when he pored a bucket of sand over my head. I poured some water over him in the playground as revenge and we started this whole water fight thing, it’s why I am his ‘Sandy’ and he is my ‘Puddle’.

·          We met after Junsu broke up with him, Joon came looking for a fight when he heard he was going out with me and beat me up pretty badly. But when Junsu left ME for another person he was seriously sweet and supportive and we’ve been friends ever since.

First impression: 

·          Donghae; I thought he was extremely cute and sweet and very funny, I thought he’d be a good friend and kind of had a crush on him from first glance...

·          GD; I’ve always liked him, he’s funny and stuff and a hopeless romantic like me, we’ve been friends since kindergarten

·         Joon: I was quite scared of him at first, but after the whole break up thing, he is seriously the biggest joke I have ever met. If he is not goofing around then he is being scary, I love him for that.

Their personality:

·          At first, Donghae thought I was a total buffoon, I am sure of it. I think he likes me, but it is hard to tell as we are student teacher and shouldn’t have that sort of relationship technically. He treats me unlike any of his other students, he helps me quietly if he thinks I need it (I would much rather not tell the entire class I don’t get something) and he is seriously goofy around me

·          I’ve never seen GD act the same way around anybody else as he does me. He is extremely fun and care free around me where as he can be deadly serious around others. His first impression was that I was tougher then I was because of the whole retaliation of water thing, but he soon found out I am only like that when I am peeved off at someone. He treats me like a brother; after all, we are blood brothers.

·          Joon treats me like I am someone to look up to, for some odd reason. I’ve never understood our relationship, but he has always either bigged me up or beaten me down. I think he likes me, maybe just a little? But I really don’t think he understands me fully yet. His first impression was that I was a little scab and hated me because of the Junsu epidemic.


Any special moments with that special someone: 

·         Him to take me somewhere meaningful, like the beach or something I won’t forget, and kissing me or telling me he loves me

·         For him to beat someone up for me and accidently slip in the fact he loves me as more than a brother

·         For him to sweep me off my feet, literally, and show me who is really in charge before kissing me



·         G-D, we met during the first year of kindergarten and just bonded instantly

·         Kang Hanni, http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff161/sasunaru9/Icons/tumblr_lsz44weua61r4djt0o1_500_large.png, she is my age and the most funny random person I have ever met, I simply adore her, we have been best friends for as long as I can remember

·         Lee Kea http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff161/sasunaru9/Icons/tumblr_ls3tenko8R1r1wj66o1_500_large.pngshe is my second closest friend, she gets on my a bit sometimes, but I love her and her wonderfully childishness most of the time :D

·         Kim Eun-Hee http://i748.photobucket.com/albums/xx122/ljnkjnje/ulzzang/imagesg.jpghe is so cute, always using aeygo, he knows that is a serious melting point for me >.<


Best friend(s): 

·         G-D

·         Kang Hanni,


How you became best friends: 

·         GD; Met during the first year of kindergarten. He tipped sand over my head and the next thing I know we’re best friends for life. We became blood brothers when we were seven and swore to always be together.

·         Hanni; Met in the first year of freshman year, she was super sweet and in all of my classes, we just got on instantly like with me and GD. Only, there was no sand tipping.


Other relationships: Used to go out with Junsu for the first years of freshman, but turned out he was biual too instead of just gay and still wanted to ‘explore’ that part of him. Jerk.


Who you end up with: Donghae please :D




||Extra Info||


Describe your character in one sentence: I am the Golden Umma, don’t get in my way.


Pick one letter from the word P R I D E: E


Does your character engage in premarital : Yes


Has any form of vice(s): Flirt with anyone he needs out of the way


Wait, you're okay with rated scenes right? : Yep ^^


Why do you want to be picked for our fanfic: Like I said with my last app to you guys, also I think this is going to be a seriously good story!


Do you think your character is good enough for this fanfic: Probably not, because I know your standards are quiet high compared to mine, but I hope I did better than last time!


If you get chosen would you comment all the time: Yes, I’m NOT a silent reader at all!


Would you unsubscribe when you're not chosen: ‘Course not ;)


Anything else you want to add: I hope I get in, even if I don’t good luck with your story! :D


WTFudge: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_1qjOHSrqO5o/TRxhzv8GqI/AAAAAAAAFZI/k7dbQhBioJ0/s1600/1.jpg


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If I hadn't have read 'Gender' I would have thought it was a girl. I did a double take when you talked about your nickname and then OMG! She's a he! LOL ;)