Quid pro quo..

You know, you would think that with everything I do for everyone I am close to someone would bother to do something in return. I always listen, I help with money issues, I help with practical things, I use time and energy I don't have on helping people, sending things, making things, spending money on buying things, use time to write stories especially to that one person. I'm not greedy. I don't expect to get something in return when I give someone a present or do something for them. But just for once it would be nice if people would actually bother to do something for me. Just... I don't know. Make a surprise package and send it to me without me knowing it (No, B, I'm not talking about you here, so don't stress.) or come visit me when I feel like my room is getting too messy and I can't be in it. Just do something to show me that I am appreciated. I feel like I keep giving people things and the only thing I get in return is nothing. And I know that I'm to blame, because I've always been too helpful and expected people to do the same to me so I always get disappointed. I've talked to several psychologists about it and it hasn't helped anything. I still give and give and give and I still feel angry and extremely upset and hurt when people don't give something back. It's my own fault. God, I hate this.


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Is this about me? :/ I'm sorry if I'm not around as much to listen and help as I was before. *hugs* I haven't got your new address, otherwise you'd have a huge supply of golden syrup and minstrels (plus the gift I made you for Christmas) by now ^_^