CANVAS; new girl group | Son Eunji


Son Eunji

TheLandofBrownSugar | activity level 9/10 | Anna




character's name: Son Eunji

other names: Emily (English)

nicknames: Angel, Noe (brain)

age: 18

birthday: August 25, 1995

ethnicity: Korean

nationality: Korean

languages: Korean (fluent), Japanese (basic), English (basic), Spanish (learning)

birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

hometown: Seoul, South Korea

blood type: O

ual orientation: Heteroual





faceclaim: Shin Ae Sol

links/gallery/tumblr: Small gallery



backup faceclaim: Do Hwe Ji

links/gallery/tumblr: Gallery



personality: Eunji is a smart girl who hates the idea of being left all alone. She has a lot going on inside of her head; ideas, ways to keep herself from getting bored, random thoughts and so on. She is polite and obedient, but a tad bit untraditional due to her grandmother's personality. She is dorky and has a weird sense of humor, but she enjoys having fun with someone more than being funny.

background: Son Eunji was born and raised in Seoul, South Korea. Being an only child, she was quite lonely since her parents used to travel a lot because of their jobs. She did everything to keep herself sane during these times; she went to the library, worked as a babysitter, visited her grandmother, went to a coffee shop and tried a part-time job.



  • Cooking
  • Books
  • Coffee
  • Small animals
  • Children


  • Loneliness
  • Getting lost
  • Abandonment
  • Fake people
  • Horror movies


  • Shrugs with one shoulder
  • Plays with hair
  • Bits nails when nervous


  • Reading
  • Graphic design
  • Cooking


  • Her dream has dark hair and a good sense of humor
  • Her grandmother is her best friend
  • She wants to go on safari one day
  • Favorite word is "sheik"
  • If she wasn't an idol, she'd probably be an author or cook
  • When sleeping, she prefers the floor as long as she has a blanket, may result in her sleeping anywhere if tired



family members:

Father | Son Kyungsoo | 47 | Photographer | Hard-working, serious, focused | They don't talk much, but when they do, it's mostly about school, work and update on general things

Mother | Kim Na Eun | 46 | Historian | Strict, calm, loud-mouth | They don't talk, and when it's actually possible, they talk about Eunji's plans for the future (marriage, family, etc.)

Grandmother | Kim Dajeong | 68 | Retired, former teacher | Energetic, polite, goofy | She was one of the people who kept Eunji sane during her childhood. She is an untraditional grandmother and was the one who inspired her to learn Spanish.


Choi Hara | 20 | Actress | Sweet, charming, polite | They talk when possible, and then it's about anything, really. They are really good friends.

best friends: (2 maximum, totally optional.)

name | age | occupation | 3 traits | how do you interact?

rival: (2 maximum, totally optional.)

name | age | occupation | 3 traits | how do you interact? | why are you rivals?




name: Lee Hoya

age: 22

relationship: Best friends

occupation: Singer

personality: Quiet, cold outside/warm inside, dorky, one hell of a dancer, a little oblivious at times

how you met: On a music show.

how you interact: They talk about all and nothing. They don't meet up very often because of schedules, but when they do, they update each other on everything.




name: Choi Minho

age: 23

relationship: Crush

occupation: Singer

personality: One in a million (according to fans and Eunji), strong, athletic, kind, smooth

how you met: She was a fan of him and asked for his autograph once. Later, while she was a trainee, he recognized her from that time.

how you interact: It always involves laughter of joy. They love to tell each other jokes and just be goofy.



what brought your character to lightup ent.?: She decided to take a chance and audition at different companies. In the end, she chose LightUp for reasons not even she can fully understand.

trainee years under lightup:  4 years and 3 months.

trainee years under another company: (only if it applies to her.)

pre-debut experiences: Nope.


stage name: Emily

persona: Brighter than Books

personal fanclub name: Emsters

personal fanclub color: Persian red


singing twin: Minah, Girl's Day

dancing twin: Jessica, SNSD

rapping twin:


after-debut activities:



comments: Thank you for taking your time to read my application... I hope you'll consider me!

questions: I don't have any questions.

suggestions: I can't come up with anything right now.

anything else: If it's not too much to ask, I'd like Eunji to have a position as some kind of vocalist, as it is her stronger element.

password: Blank CANVAS



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