` love between [ thugs. ] 〈 yong hwanhee


  love betweenthugs.
                                         conchobar | yong hwanhee | youwish | maknae                                          


and who might this be  conner

username ⋮ conchobar

profile link here!

level of activity ⋮ 7



character name ⋮ yong hwanhee

character's alias ⋮ bloody jack (he got this because he's a good fighter and likes to see bloodshed)

nickname(s) ⋮ n/a

date of birth ⋮ 2/23 : 22

height ⋮ 188 cm

weight ⋮ 75 kg

ulzzang name ⋮ hwang juwon

appearance  gallery

back up ulzzang ⋮ hwang jinuk


style ⋮ hwanhee only wears dark colors like black and dark grays. he has a few navy and maroon colored pieces, but most of his wadrobe is made up of black and gray. he likes to wear leather jackets, bootcut jeans, and boots if he's going for casual. for business wear, he'll wear a black suit with a crimson colored shirt (or navy blue) and black tie. he's not really one for being overly stylish, but he likes his clothes to be designer brand and sturdy feeling. and he doesn't care if he has over twenty different leather jackets or boots, he'll still go out of his way to buy a new one if he likes it. 

extra  ⋮ tattoo: 1 (meaning: past, present, future - the yong legacy), he has scars all over his torso and back from fights he's been in (they are like beauty marks for him)



personality ⋮ when someone meets hwanhee, they would never know that he's the maknae of the yong siblings, as the boy is someone who's hard as nails and always knows what to say in the face of danger, sometimes making punny jokes about it as if almost getting killed is a normal, every day thing. oh, right is is, but hwanhee doesn't care because he's a bit crazy in the head (not, really, but he does like his bloodlust). so whenever there is some type of danger, hwanhee is one to usually smirk, make some punny/sarcastic saying (maybe something along the lines of 'it's quite sad that you don't know how to use a gun, but good thing i do, because if we were doing things your way, i would have just taken your weapon and shoved it straight up your .' or something like 'you think i'm scared of a few bullets? really, you think i would be afraid of you? well, sorry to break the bad news, but i freaking eat nails for breakfast, snack on dynamite, and then at dinnertime, i have a full course meal made up of a ton of ammunition that would make you squeal like a little baby if you ever saw it. so yeah, that puny gun you have won't work, so see ya in the next life, .'), and then calmly maim/hurt/kill a person, only for him to smile a bit in the end, glad it only took a few minutes and wondered why people kept on saying he needed 1+ hours to do something he could do in five minutes.

prone to smiling and acting like a sarcastic twit on many occasions, he usually goes through life getting what he wants without caring for anyone but himself and his siblings (or the people that make it on his 'do not with' list). so using sarcasm as a defense mechanism and always smiling even when he doesn't want to smile, hwanhee comes across as someone that seems like an okay guy, maybe a bit too sarcastic and snarky for most people's tastes, but behind that, he's a killing machine. because when it comes to doing his job and his life, he doesn't care for a lot of people and since he has that mindset, he doesn't really care if he hurts/maims/kills people that get in his way or his family's way. so behind the somewhat snarky exterior, he's someone that would be most people's worst nightmares. it's even worse when people find out he's the youngest of the siblings, because unlike the others, he's more prone to killing and hurting someone than listening to reason.

cocky and a bit of a loose cannon as well, no one really knows what to expect when it comes to hwanhee and how he does things, not even his siblings. he doesn't like to follow rules, is more willing to listen to himself than those around him, and isn't too keen on getting yelled at or talked back to. he's a selfish thing that would rather do things his way than any other way and if you can't do things his way, then it's the highway for you. so people that know him do have a reason to be scared, but those that don't, well, it's a huge surprise to find this man do the things he does.

not one to really get into the whole emotional aspect of things, he's rather closed off about his emotions, usually one to hide behind a smile or smirk with sarcasm and confidence being the things that keep people out. most people think he'll be fine on his own, and he will be, but that doesn't mean he doesn't feel things. he actually is a bit sensitive when the time calls for it, but being too prideful to admit when he's done wrong, when he's depressed, or just not feeling things, he'll just pretend that everything is fine, even when it isn't. so getting a straight answer on how he feels is a bit difficult and many have failed to understand the young man on multiple occasions, sometimes his siblings barely understand him. he's the type of person that wouldn't cry or breakdown in front of people, but would hide his emotions away until he couldn't hide them anymore and lock himself in his room until he felt like he could deal with the world again.

a bit of a spoiled brat as he's prone to getting his way, he literally has everything he could ever wish for, from toys, to food, to cars, etc... he has it all and if he wants something, he gets it, end of story. plus, it doesn't help that he has good looks, as well as, a couple extra skills up his sleeve when it comes to getting things he wants. let's just say he's quite the manipulative little and isn't above playing dirty. so using his charms and looks, and maybe some of that dumb aegyo his sisters used to teach him when he was younger, he's can literally charm the socks of both men and woman, even if he hates the former, because all men are selfish, terrible beings and the only reason why he doesn't fall under that thinking is because his mother thinks the world of him. 

traits ⋮ snarky, tough, prideful, bratty, confident

background ⋮ unlike some people that would have hated being born in the mafie-lifestyle, hwanhee loves it. he loves the action, the power, the ability to get whatever he want without doing much. he likes to be feared and revered as someone great. so growing up in the yong household was a bit unorthodox, but wasn't a problem for him, because he genuinely enjoyed what he was taught and knew that he had a legacy to uphold. he didn't mind those things and since he was the youngest, he decided that he wanted to excel at the things his family taught him and be better than other people. most would like to think that being the youngest you could most likely be a weakling, but hwanhee being someone who doesn't care if he hurts people wanted to prove potential dangerous people wrong. he may be young, but he's a fighter and he's one that doesn't give up, especially when it comes to proving a point, he's prideful like that.

however, he does dislike it when his family gets injured and since he doesn't want to see his family get injured, he does take it upon himself to be the best and watch over his siblings and family in any way he can. sadly this type of thinking doesn't really reach out to anyone but the people he allows himself to get close to, so while he may be nice to his family, he's not very nice to others (even if they think otherwise, because it's only a matter of time until that thinking bites them in the ). 

hwanhee may be street smart and intelligent, but school is just a drag for him, so he doesn't try that hard. he makes sure he gets decent enough grades, but since he's bound to take over his family's side in the mafia, he doesn't really find interest in school. he rather be learning how to fight, learn tactics, and how to do his family's business than go to school. but since he has to, he silently puts up with it, well not silently, but he does accept that he has to go to school, even if he whines to his sisters and family about how much he hates it.

his mother is the reason for why he hates men so much. he may have respect for his father and a few of his business colleagues, but outside of that, he hates them. his mother was the one to tell him how awful and terrible men were and that they were selfish beings that didn't care about anyone but themselves. and due to living most of his life under his mother's tutelage and being with his sisters, he adopted his mother's way of thinking. even his sister's had similar thouhts about men and that just reinforced everything he had been taught. and due to being a man himself, he should hate himself as well, but since his mother never hated him and made sure he knew how to act around women, he's perfectly fine with himself. his father is applied under the same thinking as his mother has no problem with him, but other men, she can be a bit wary.

hwanhee and his father have a decent relationship as hwanhee actually likes the mafia-lifestyle and wants to follow his father's footsteps. however, even though they have a good working relationship (for the most part because sometimes mr. yong does want to strangle his son when he has dumb ideas or acts like the brat he can be) and hwanhee doesn't see his father as a terrible man like a lot of other men (he knows his father can do terrible things, but it's because his father is protecting his family, he turns a blind eye to it like he turns a blind eye to what he does as well), he's still much closer to his mother. (hwanhee and his mother have double standards for the men in their lives, they are perfectly fine with men in their families, but anyone outside the family/friends zone, they immediately dislike.)

likes ⋮ martial arts (any type of fighting really), food, cars (he likes fixing them up), comedy, weapons, music, leather jackets, his mom, baseball, soccer, candy (has bit of a sweet tooth, usually seen with a lollipop)

dislikes ⋮ men, stupid people, strawberries, overly rich food, his family getting hurt

habits ⋮ he bites his lips, he can't be quiet, especially in the face of danger, he glares at men (especially those he doesn't know)

hobbies ⋮ martial arts, working on cars, working out

fears ⋮ heights, his friends/family getting hurt, turning into a man like the men his mother hates

trivia ⋮ he's ambidextrous, he knows judo, jiujitsu, and aikido, he knows how to kick box, he hates bright colors, he's allergic to shellfish, he likes women (but is sometimes attracted to men as well, but hates that part of himself - so, he's biual, but doesn't like to act on it), surprisingly he's a good cook (while myungsoo can only boil water to make tea, can make ramen, and knows how to make an egg)




- sarcasm/wit (he knows how to run his mouth and always has something punny/sarcastic for everything)

- close range combat (he likes to physically get into people's spaces and ruin them with his hands)

- balance (due to the numerous martial arts he knows, his balance is quite good)

- hiding his emotions (he uses a smile/smirk and sarcasm to come across as someone who's a bit nonchalant about things)


- strategy (he doesn't think things through, he'll just do what he thinks best, even if he doesn't realize the consequences of his actions)

- pride (he'll be the last person to admit that he's wrong and if he doesn't think your way is correct, then he won't be any help when it comes to missions)

- long range weapons (he can shoot a gun decently, but he's not sniper and he isn't one that would use a bow or other long range weapons)

weapon ⋮ his fists/feet

life quote ⋮ the world is a battlefield.

the crime ⋮ the violence of course, the bloodier the better, he has to uphold his name of course



love interest kim bang myungsoo

back up interest ⋮ huang bang zitao


- bratty (is prone to have tantrums when he doesn't get his way, but is easily shut up with a knock to the back of his head by one of his brothers)

- intelligent (has a high IQ and enjoys studying)

- has a way with words (he's a lot more eloquent with what he wants to say, unless he turns in to bratty child mode, than not so much)

- has a hidden soft side that he only shows to his brothers (people like to see him as this quiet prince who's extremely smart, but when he's with his brothers, he's this bratty, can't shut up about the things he likes, type prince who gets his own way a lot and thinks that cuddling up to his brothers is the best thing ever, even though his brothers are more prone to smack him in the face for it)

- strong fighter (he's used to using long range weapons, his bow is his pride and joy)

- has a strong dislike towards girls and boys, he sees himself as aual (even though he's not, because he's been attracted to people, but just doesn't really see the point of romance and love, especially when it comes to being in the mafia) for the most part, but hwanhee intrigues him a bit [ myungsoo dislikes women because one of his nannies tried to take advantage of him when he was rather young, due to this, he's not too keen getting close to woman. men on the otherhand, he doesn't mind, but since he doesn't get interested by a lot of people, he doesn't see himself in a relationship, hence his thinking that he may be aual. plus, it's the mafia, so love isn't all lovey-dovey like it is in romance manhwas. ]

- he's not a person to believe in love, especially for someone like him, but he's oddly fascinated by the romance in shoujo manga/manhwa.

- his face can be a bit scary when he has his 'murder stare,' but as soon as he smiles, his eyes light up a bit and he loses that tough look he has, only for his face to look more like a little boy's instead... people don't take him as seriously when he smiles, so he doesn't smile a lot.

introduction ⋮ they met at school, but the two don't talk to each other as myungsoo's more prone to take his studies seriously and be in the library (as he's taking similar classes to hwanhee, but is much more serious about it) than hwanhee who'll most likely skive off classes and be seen in the cafeteria getting food or beating people up (but goes to school because his family wants him to go to school to learn about business and economics, saying it's useful if he ever wants to take over the family business someday). 

hwanhee and myungsoo didn't necessarily know about eachother being in the mafia, but hwanhee did know of myungsoo's brothers as myungsoo's brothers are a lot more involved in mafia affairs than myungsoo is. myungsoo usually only gets involved if he has to and due to his weapon, he can do things from a farther vantage point, so even if the two were working on the same mission, the two wouldn't have seen each other as hwanhee is best at close combat, so he would have to be closer to his enemies, while myngsoo wouldn't. in fact, when hwanhee realizes that myungsoo is a part of the mafia, he's quite surprised as he didn't think the other boy would have had it in him as the guy was always too busy doing school related things. once he realizes that myungsoo is in fact in the mafia and can use a weapon, he's not neccessarily scared of the other as myungsoo's pretty tame (behavior wise and he's a bit clumsy compared to his brothers and most people hwanhee knows), but a bit more cautious around him. 

feelings ⋮ hwanhee doesn't really like or dislike myungsoo, which is surprising as he usually dislikes most men, but myungsoo does seem better than most of the guys that hwanhee knows, as most of them are pretty rough around the edges and are prone to shooting someone's head off or causing a nuisance to the people around them. while, myungsoo usually keeps to himself and his brothers and doesn't really cause trouble unless he has to, as the boy seems more interested in studying or reading manga (which, makes hwanhee side eye him a bit because he noticed that manga he was reading wasn't one piece but some weird girly manga with flowers and sparkles, something one of his sisters may be seen reading but hiding because girly mangas aren't badass enough for them). if he had to describe the other boy, he may think he's a bit cute, but that's something he would never discuss with anyone, because myungsoo may be the youngest of the bang family, but he's bit of a weirdo.

interactions ⋮ for the most part, they usually have staredowns, the two trying to figure each other out, but most of the time still being quite clueless about each other, even though they are a bit intrigued by each other as well and the mystery feelings they supposedly have for each other. hwanhee and myungsoo aren't very keen on the idea of marriage as hwanhee expected to marry a woman, while myungsoo didn't see him falling for someone or even liking anyone enough to get married to. once married, the two don't necessarily talk a lot with each other as they are often busy doing their own things, but having to share a bed each night and have meals together as well as go to school they see each other alot and genuniely start getting use to each other. conversations are a bit sparse in the beginning, but once they start getting used to each other's presence and how they act, they find themselves liking each other, even if it's just a little bit.

hwanhee doesn't really know how to deal with a person that supposedly labels himself as aual, but since he hates men and would be more willing to date a woman, it can't be any weirder than his outlook on romance, so he starts accepting myungsoo. eventually the two start leaning on each other a bit and hwanhee starts seeing myungsoo in a favorable light, while myungsoo continues to be intrigued by hwanhee's sarcastic-hide-my-feelings type nature. the two interest each other and with everything they find out about each other, something that would cause most people to run or look at them oddly, they find that they don't mind it or that they like that about the other.

after months, the two start getting along quite well when they find out that they have some similar tastes towards things and hwanhee slowly starts to realize that not all men are bad, myungsoo being one of them. hwanhee becomes a bit protective of myungsoo, even though myungsoo can easily take care of himself, but hwanhee being the guy he is rather protect the ones he loves than see them get hurt, so myungsoo lets him do what he needs to do, even if he's good with a bow and protect himself. physically, their relationship is rather healthy, while emotionally, they're getting there. the two aren't people that fight a lot as myungsoo can be a bit easy going, but once myungsoo gets mad or goes into bratty mode, then their fights can get pretty out of hand, but the makeup is always good. eventually hwanhee starts to trust myungsoo and falls in love with him, even though he can't believe that he fell for a guy, and such a wierd on at that, but myungsoo keeps things interesting, especially when hwanhee finds out about some of his interests (picking up stray cats, working on cars, cuddling at night (attaching himself at hwanhee's side, heating him up like a furnace), having a strange fascination with taking pictures, etc...). their relationship can be a bit awkward, but they're two boys both still coming into themselves and how to accept an arranged marriage, especially one so unorthodox.  

the bangs ⋮ the bangs are rivals and hwanhee generally hates all of them (especially since his sisters are going to be marrying them), all except myungsoo, who is the most hamrless of them all and doesn't seem to care about romance or hurting people unless he had to, the latter being something that most men like to do, especially towards women, or at least that's how it is in hwanhee's mind. he doesn't like the bangs and wishes his sisters didn't have to marry the others. he can take marrying myungsoo, who really isn't that bad if he thought about it, but his sisters marrying those thugs, no way in hell.

rival one ⋮ kim sungyeol ( myungsoo's best friend and person who seems to dislike hwanhee more than hwanhee dislikes men. sungyeol hates that myungsoo and hwanhee are getting married as sungyeol thought that it would be him that would eventually get to marry the youngest bang, but due to the bang and yong family's idea to have their children marry, he's hated hwanhee. he thinks hwanhee is going to ruin myungsoo and not treat him how he's supposed to be treated, because sungyeol has this idea where myungsoo needs to be treated like glass and have the best care, when all myungsoo really needs is someone that treats him well, doesn't try to kill him, and won't break his heart. so sungyeol is generally antagonistic towards hwanhee and isn't above talking bad about him or trying to get him to but our of myungsoo's life. myungsoo doesn't really know what his friend is doing and hwanhee in some odd way doesn't want him to know because he doesn't want myungsoo to get hurt... which is insane, because hwanhee never has thoughts like that.)

rival two ⋮ theuglyduckling (surprisingly myungsoo and her get along well and myungsoo likes her enough to talk to her a bit, especially when the girl finds out about myungsoo's romance mangas and how myungsoo likes to treat his hyungs, hanging off his brothers as if he's a koala.)




- hwanhee getting jealous of his sister theuglyduckling when it comes to myungsoo.

- hwanhee giving the bang brothers a talk when it comes to his sisters and how they should be treated and if they don't treat his sisters' well, he'll give them hell.

- myungsoo finding a stray cat and naming it 'kimchi' and hwanhee softening up at the sight of the two together.

- myungsoo showing off his skills in fixing cars to hwanhee, who thinks that myungsoo wouldn't like such a thing, but finds out that since myungsoo's brothers all like cars, he's learned a few things from them when it comes to fixing them up.

- hwanhee making fun of myungsoo's weapon of choice (bow and arrows - poison tipped arrows for certain occasions), only for myungsoo to show off his skills and why it doesn't matter that he has a bow instead of a gun (which the boy also has and is quite good at using too).

- myungsoo mentioning to hwanhee how he really doesn't care that much about the mafia-lifestyle, but accepts it as he wants to protect his family, this thinking making hwanhee like him a bit more as hwanhee has the same reasons, except that he's a lot more willing to maim/kill people and take over the family business than myungsoo is.

comments|suggestions ⋮ n/a





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