Application. YEEUHMAN.




AFF Username: DSCZImInsane

AFF profile link:

Name: Axellerose "Ax"  J. Santiago

Age (the age range should be 16-19:( 19

Nickname (you don't need one, but if you do, something creative, plz -__-:(  Ax is already kind of a nickname, but she goes by Shadow

Birthday (0/00/x:( 11/20/ 1992

Ethnicity (at least half asian please:( Filipino

Height: 5'9

Weight: 135

Likes (+10:( The color black, The color red, freerunning/parkour, MMA, her muscles, dancing, teching, animals

Dislikes (+10:( SNSD (as in the cheerleaders), stupidity, the color pink, really loud areas, her broad shoulders

Fears: Virtually nothing, but basically death.

Habits: When taking a test, she puts one of the legs on her desk (she's flexible) so she can concentrate, twirling her pencil absentmindedly, even when not in the classroom

Hobbies: pranking the other students, making snarky remarks about everybody else, freerunning around the campus

Languages (fluent:(  English, Irony and Sarcasm

Languages (learning:( Korean (like, she's got the gist of it, but she's still hesitant), Spanish, Sign Language

Place of birth: San Jose, California (USA)

Where you were raised: San Jose, California

Personality: Snarky, sarcastic, smart-alec, somewhat violent, adventurous, risk-taking

History/past:  Second oldest of 4, She was bored of her old school by the bay, so her mom (who's a single parent) sent her here.

Family members: Older sister Haley,  younger twin sister Gabrielle, and baby brother Micah

Pets (if any:( Two rotweilers and a big snake back in the states.

Ulzzang Links (models areallowed, but NO IDOLS!:( erm... idk if you can see this... if not, use this:

Ulzzang Name: crooked smile

Casual/school style:

Prom style:

Dorm style:;_ylt=A2KJke7ugMBOdQsANcqJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBlMTQ4cGxyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1n?∋=21&no=11&tab=organic&ts=&sigr=11v9rl6sc&sigb=132ovio2b&sigi=145arfqc8&.crumb=hX3g53H4v29

(She wears this:

Cheerleader, nerd, or in between? : In between

New student? (NOT ALL OF YOU CAN BE NEW!:( Yes.

What you’re best at (singing, dancing, rapping, acting, etc.:( singing while playing guitar

Singing links (can be an idol’s voice, or not, whatever u want:( this isn't me, but she's amazing and i love this song

Dancing links (no idols this time J there are a lot of great dance covers out there!:( this girl is boss. this is not me.  :D

Rapping links (if you are a rapper. Idol voices accepted!:(

Crush (Top 3 from list, in order:( Onew from SHINee

His personality? (if I think it should be different, I’ll change it :P:( he's the comic-relief idiot of the jocks. he's actually kinda nice, but ax doesn't wanna show any interest in him

Friends (only pick SNSD if you are a cheerleader!:( I HAVE NONE. I AM A LONER. D:

NO ENEMIES! For now, your only enemies are the cheerleaders and jocks! (the ones that are in the glee club will become nice later)

Password?(did you read the rules???:( there is no password.

Trivia (there are lots of interestng things u could write about ur OC!:( Her older sister Haley is a backup dancer for some random American dancer whose name I forget,  Ax has this thing where she thinks the non-funniest things are hilarious, Her hair is streaked with a red lightning bolt. She's a devout non-denominational Christian. (just because.)

Anything else?: She's usually a nice person, but people are afraid of her. Just don't get her angry.

Do you want me to write you a scene(s) or fluff?: Si. ;D


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I just remembered who Haley's a backup dancer for! yay!

(Haley's one of my friends)

It's Amber Lily, some american dancer.
she's very original and the glee club (as we all know) is ALL about originality ;) whether u end up being part of the glee club or not (you probably will, not many peepz applied) u ARE gonna be in the story, you might even be part of f(x) and join the club for a while, idk, but YOU AREEEEE gonna be in the story, one way or another :) ur character's too original to miss out on ><
(btw, could i have more links for ur Ulzzang? i cant find any by the name "crooked smile" :))