Countryside Summer ↷ Jang Eunbi's Application

L a y o u t  b y  x x F i c t i o n
 Countryside summer
the tale of a great summer

I_am_SHERlocked 〉 〈 Lil'N〉 〈 5/7 〉
❝ JANG EUNBI ❞  +  ❝ KIM MINSEOK ❞ =  

  you'll never forget me  
BIRTH NAME 〉 [Jang] [Eunbi]
ALIAS 〉 Queenie or B
AGE 〉 19
DATE OF BIRTH 〉 September 28th, 1994
RELATION 〉 Brother-in-law's friend's grandmother's sister's aunt's nephew's grandson's adopted daughter

Eunbi is sort of a princess, well actually more like Queen; hence her nickname. Not that she won't do any work, but more that she believes that she is far more superior to everyone, so she's pretty conceited. She loves to tease people and annoy the hell out of them, acting like the most obnoxious person to ever live. Don't think she is blunt because she does consider her words, they're just meant to be harsh because she tells it like it is (that's reality for you~). At times she can be quite manipulative and she believes the most effective way to get things done is through blackmail, but she will never tell a lie to anyone, but she can twist it to leave out some details. Amazingly she can be respectful to others, but only to those that are what she considers 'mature' or 'cool' other than that, she treats everyone the same. 
Although she is the rudest person ever, she is quite innocent and gets easily flustered with things to do with romance and relationships. If she was around anyone who was talking about dating and the likes of it, she would immediately run off, cursing as she went the opposite direction. She may seem like the person who couldn't care less about others, but she actually is a very good listener and can give advice; just be careful because it may or may not help.  For the time being, she doesn't consider being in a romantic relationship and thinks they're to bothersome, she's more of a casual friends sort of person. So don't be surprised if she immediately 'friend zones' an extremely hot guy.
Don't think for a minute that she will take others crap. She is a pretty emotional person and is easily offended by small things. Being a defensive person, she can be very competitive and will be the stubborn child if it will make her win. Even though she is annoying, she is very loyal to those that are close to her and will cause hell for anyone that bothers her or anyone close; using any means be it violence, verbal or blackmail she won't hesitate.     
⇢ Red things
⇢ Perfume
⇢ Horror/scary novels
⇢ Bells
⇢ Seafood
⇢ Cake
⇢ Rain
⇢ Being lectured/scolded
⇢ Silence
⇢ Cheesy romance
⇢ Squeaky noises
⇢ Awkwardness
⇢ People dawdling/avoiding the subject
⇢ Teasing others
⇢ Playing piano
⇢ Climbing trees 
⇢ Acts like a drunkard when tired
⇢ Biting people (only if she doesn't want them to touch her)
⇢ Hangs upside-down when she has something on her mind
⇢ Small spaces
⇢ Flying animals/insects
⇢ Sensitive to physical contact
⇢ Almost always seen with food (its a mystery where she gets it...)
⇢ Tackles people as a form of greeting (only to those she likes)
⇢ Has a for cute things (shh—it's a secret)
⇢ Has a sensitive neck
⇢ Lactose intolerant
⇢ Forgets her keys a lot
⇢ Gets sleepy when she smells nice food
⇢ Has a plastic spray bottle (like the ones you use on cats)
⇢ Has 3 pet ferrets; Agmong [nightmare], Gugsu [noodles] and Bul [fire]  

  it must be fate  
Eunbi was left at an orphanage when she was 4.  At the orphanage, she was bullied for being smaller than the other children and for not being wanted as she stayed at the orphanage the longest. When she was 11 she was finally adopted by a gay couple that she loves dearly. Her two dads adored her and tried to spoil her, but because of the bullying she always tried her best for them; learning different things and advancing in her studies. They boosted her ego as well as her knowledge and manipulative skills. Her relationship with them was fun and they all loved to tease and just play around with each other, ganging up on one another to annoy them. By the time she entered high school, she was known for being the Queen and others often avoided her, so her dads bought her ferrets to keep her company. She loved to teach them tricks and skills like sitting on her shoulder, swimming, 'snorkeling, basically anything a normal animal can do.
Her dads, even though they adored her, knew that she could be really mean and didn't really have any friends (they would about this often) so they thought sending her away to the country and away from the gossip and influence of the media would help her. They didn't trick her or anything, just packed her stuff, shoved her into the car and dropped her off with a greeting of "We'll be back after going to Hawaii~" 
Being 'THE BOSS', climbing, getting her ferrets to do things using the tricks she taught, good organization/planning skills, finances and has a killer aim when throwing her stiletto heels.   

  i'm happy the way i am  
ULZZANG 〉 Song Ah Ri
HEIGHT 〉 1.56m
WEIGHT 〉 101lbs
Eunbi has a slim figure since she has a high metabolism through genetics and eats really slowly, getting distracted easily by her ferrets or others while eating. Her hair falls down pin straight and is naturally dark brown, but she dyed it before she left. She has insecurities about her face because of her large doe eyes and pouty mouth, so she takes extra care with it.
STYLE 〉 She doesn't have a specific style because she looks thinks she looks gorgeous in anything. But that doesn't mean she just chucks on random articles -no, she has to make sure she at least looks nice.
⇢ C A S U A L
⇢ W O R K/F A R M
 C O L D
⇢ S L E E P 

  carve our names into the tree  
LOVE 〉 Kim Minseok [aka Xiumin]
His smile...makes Eunbi want to stuff his cheeks until he looks like a chipmunk or as Luhan likes to call him, 'Baozi'. Other than that he reminded her of a duck or maybe that was because she was hungry, either way her first thoughts were chipmunk and duck. 
Unlike the cliche thing and the guy is the one pinning after the girl, Eunbi is the one that is annoying and constantly trying to get to Minseok. He gets annoyed at her 'princess' (she always exaggerates that its meant to be queen) attitude and thinks she needs to learn to tone down the obnoxiousness. Eunbi just likes to annoy him because the other guys don't seem that cute, besides Luhan. 
She's never thought of it before, but if it comes down to it...she wants a guy that can put up with her personality and not try to change her too much (because she does want to change, just a bit for her parents). He doesn't really have to be the strongest, but a person who will be brave for her and come to her rescue when she needs him (prince charming, much?). A guy that is loyal and knows to trust her as well as someone who can take care of her and really listen to her.  

  bored out of my mind  
How do you act towards working on the field?
Ugghhhh — but I'm eating and you know what they say, wait 15 minutes -1 hour for your food to digest or you'll just collapse~ ...Oh My Glob! A ladybug! GET IT AWAY FROM ME! /runs around like a headless chicken/ 
What do you think about having twelve eye-candies living next door?
Hmmm...I wonder if any of them a gay?...What? Do you have something against gay people!? /gets angry/
What's your favourite thing about being in the countryside?
There are trees to climb, people to annoy (especially the cute guys next door) Oh! Don't forget, the perfect setting to cause some mischief and scare the crap out of people. /cue the crazy evil laughs/
What would you do if you had to go for a day without food because you didn't harvest any?
I'M GOING TO DIE! Do you know what this means? I wouldn't exist and no one would be able to be granted the precious site of seeing me everyday. HOW? HOW did this happen, my perfect planning, all ruined because someone wasn't doing their work /grumbles/

  come visit again  
COMMENTS 〉 Ummm, I'm not that good with writing crack with my apps but I hope I caught your interest with somethings in this application. 
⇢ Eunbi keeps running into couples or the girls talking about romance and dates
⇢ Eunbi looking for Bul and everyone freaks out because they think there's a fire
PASSWORD 〉 Hmm...I actually didn't know about them until  little bit before their comeback so when I saw the WOLF teaser, I was like:

Please remember to turn in your application at the right location!
Thank you for applying!



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