This is just getting bad...

Hey there~

So I just went to the mall today, or more specifically MACY'S.

Anyways, I saw this GUCCI perfume ad..billboard(?) thing.

Anyways, the first thing I thought of when I saw that sign was not the perfume they were endorsing.

Not the guy that was modeling for the poster, billboard, thing.

But I thought of Tao of EXO.


Ughh, Kpop is corrupting my sanity and way of living and thinking.

Ya'know it's bad when everything you see/hear/etc. reminds you of something from Kpop.

Ughhh..*hides in corner*

Anyways, after that all I could think about was Gucci and Tao and EXO and Kpop and blah-di-da.

Either way, sorry for this lame post and lame rant :P and probably wasting a couple minutes of your life(if you are reading this).

I know this might be nothing to like some of you /slapped

but I only know so many things about Kpop and it has allready corrupted me and seeped into my mind.

I can't think straight, man! /slapped /bricked


That's it :P

Bye now~


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