Saint - CJeS Ent's New Girl Group - Nam Soo Ah






How do you do?

Name: Nam Soo Ah

Age: 21

Nicknames: Panda (unfortunate accident with mascara), Soo (shorter than Soo Ah)

Birthdate: May 4

Birthplace: Osaka, Japan

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean

Bloodtype: O

Height: 169

Weight: 51



My True Self

Personality: Soo Ah is a person of creativity with an interest in ancient cultures and the simplecity of certain things in life. She likes to experiment with hair colors, make-up, clothing and surroundings. She is stubborn, sweet, and may talk a mile a minute or not a single word at all. She handles stress badly and can be clumsy, but she likes to think of herself as a ninja in order to feel good about her flaws.

Background: Soo Ah was born in Japan and was raised there for the first few years of her life. As a child, she was very fascinated by spring and the cherry blossoms. She knew of their meaning; loyalty and bravery, two traits which she admired proudly. Her decision for wanting to be an idol was because of her mother; she was a woman with a beautiful voice who was also a modest woman. She looked up to her and wanted to make her proud.

Likes: Art, literature, swimming, games, reality shows, cats and clocks

Dislikes: Mice, bad hygiene, sickness, loneliness, snakes

Hobbies: Photography, studying old cultures, reading manhwa

Habits: Plays with her hair, sleeps in random locations, fiddles with anything in her hands, carries a lot at once, hums on old Michael Jackson and Celine Dion songs

Fears: Losing herself or her beloved ones, failure, heights, getting lost, scaring others

Trivia: Her dream guy has curly hair and a good smile, she is ambidextrous, she used to violin lessons, she finds the Bible entertaining to read



The Mask

Faceclaim: Shin Ae Sol

Links or Gallery:  1 | 2 | 3

Backup Faceclaim: Ran Aeru

Links or Gallery: Gallery thing

Casual: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Formal: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

T.V.: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Dorm: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Airport: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5



Kiss Me





Love Interest: Choi Minho

Age: 21

Group: SHINee

How you met: They met at the mall once, just eye contact. She was a fan at the time and asked for an autograph



Backup: Choi Siwon

Age: 26

Group: Super Junior

How you met: She was at a music show and saw SuJu performing there. She crashed into Siwon by coincidence.



Forever In My Heart

Nam Yoo | 51 | Doctor | Easy-going, smart, matter-of-factly | 4 | Alive

Seo Hwayeon | 36 | Kindergarden teacher | Sweet, bubbly, energetic | 5 | Dead


Nam Janghyun | 16 | Student | Shy, energetic, athletic | 3 | Alive


Krystal Jung | 19 | Singer | Reserved, kind, warm


Seohyun | 22 | Singer | Polite, smart, knowledgable



The New You

Stage Name: Sarah (English name)

Persona: Artistic Energy Girl

Position: [Use 'X' for the first position and 'O' for the second position]

Lead Vocalist, Main Dancer [X]

Main Vocalist, Sub-Dancer [O]

Lead Dancer, Sub-Vocalist []

Lead Rapper, Sub-Vocalist []

Lead Vocalist, Sub-Rapper []

Lead Rapper, Sub-Vocalist []

Main Rapper, Sub-Vocalist []

Fanclub name: Zoomers

Fanclub color: Aquamarine



The Real You

Username: TheLandofBrownSugar

Activeness: 8-9

What I Call You: Ann

Scene Request: She is taking pictures by the bridge when she is caught off guard by love interest.

Comments: I know the face claims have different hair colors and such, but please remember what her personality says about her.

Questions: Not at the moment.

Final Words: Please consider me!


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My issues are the links for the clothes, Some of the links don't work. The ones that don't work are Casual : 2, 4, 5. Dorm : 3 and 5. Airport : 2 and 4. You can replace those by going to the google search engine and searching 'k-fashion' in the images. You can find clothes to replace those. Thank you.