«Confetti | SM Entertainment | Girl Group| Shin Nayoung»


Lead Dancer | Sub-Rapper | Vocalist             hk

Shin Nayoung                        




Who is Who? 

Name- TheLandofBrownSugar

Position- Lead Dancer | Sub-Rapper | Vocalist

Name- Shin Nayoung

Ullzang- Park Hwan Hui

Ulzzang Link- Click here



Who are you? 

Shin Nayoung

Foreign Names- Christine (English)

Nicknames- Youngie, NaNa, DJ Na

Birthdate-  April 27, 1995

Age- 18

Birthplace- Busan, South Korea

Nationality- Korean

Appearance- 167 cm tall, 49 kg, long brown hair and big eyes, pale skin, long limbs with a semi-athletic body

Languages Spoken- Korean (fluent), English (conversational), Japanese (basic)



Who am I? 




 Personality- Shin Nayoung is a dorky teenage girl who spends a lot of her time getting people to think of her as a grown-up individual. She is smart and fascinated by things like crystals, the stars in the sky, cute things and eye colors. She enjoys tongue-twisters, trying to figure out its secret and challenge herself in the world of sentences with many similar words. When bored, she plays on her Nintendo, goes on the internet or does a puzzle. She likes to refer to her soulmate as "a missing puzzle piece," seeing life as a giant board with pieces of all sizes and shapes that'll all fit together in the end.

Nayoung is doubtful of certain changes, such as moving to a new house or seeing a person after a long time. She is afraid of losing the ones she loves and is ready to defend them is necessary. Her sense of humor consists of making use of puns, wordplay and using literary meanings to different situations (ex. Someone is out in the woods and makes themselves a bow and arrows. She might come foreword and say, "What a natural!"



Before- Shin Nayoung grew up in a family of brothers, having only a sister who's a lot older than herself. Her parents moved to Seoul soon after her birth, where her younger brother was born. She went to a co-ed elementary school and was teased due to her height, being taller than a lot of the girls and even boys. She occupied her childhood learning the piano and attending ballet classes before realizing she wanted to do it professionally. In middle school, she went to an all-girls school, which was odd to her as she was used to having boys all around her. Here she met her future best friend, and decided to try out sports. She joined the soccer club, but quit due to her lack of interest. She joined a karate class next, and enjoyed it more. It lasted for about a year. In the end, she joined the music club and got to learn how to play the guitar and flute.

Nayoung was scouted when heading to her hagwon (after school studies). She auditioned for SM Entertainment and was accepted. She started her life as a trainee, which was a stressful time for her. Sometimes she wanted to run away, travel to the country and spend the night looking at the sky. She managed to pull it through, despite the hardships.



Did you know?

  • Her favorite flower is sunflowers, which is the symbol of good luck and focus, among others.
  • Her hobbies include astronomy, music and dance.
  • She scratches her shoulder when thinking hard and wears reading glasses.
  • She hates spiders, the sound of polystyrene rubbing together and the thought of being alone.
  • She has problems sleeping and takes sleeping pills when away from home.
  • If she could be any animal, she wants to be a horse because of their great legs and beautiful eyes.



Love or Hate


I Love♡

  • Astronomy
  • Quizzes
  • Foreign eye colors
  • Dancing
  • Instruments
  • History


I Hate 

  • Brats
  • People who uses others for popularity
  • Loneliness
  • Spiders
  • Polystyrene


I Love Myself

Fashion: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |

Hair: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

Makeup: Very light and natural; tones of gold, brown and pink/red



My Relationships



My Boy



Oh Sehun

Group Name- EXO

Age- 19

Relationship- Sehun and Nayoung met while she was a trainee. She respected him as a senior and bowed to him properly. They were very neutral around each other at first; a little bit awkward, but as they continued to bump into each other, they started opening up to one another, sharing experiences of trainee days and so on. Due to their small age difference, they feel comfortable at most times, but there is still that carefulness going on, as he was a famous idol and she was still just a trainee.

Relatioship Now- They are just friends at the moment.

Relationship After-  They might be romantically involved, but they are satisfied with friendship if it turns out to not work out at all. They might be an on/off kind of couple.


He Loves Me



(only optional, this will also serve as a backup love interest. The person you choose only loves you )


(Full Name)

Group Name- (SM Boy Bands only)


Relatioship- (how you know each other, how you act around each other e.g. shy, friends, flirty etc... one paragraph at least)

Relatioship Now- (just friends, just met, dating etc...)

Relationship After-  (just friends, dating , in a relatioship etc...)






 Choi Sunmi (OC)

Personality- She is a sweet and friendly girl who would do anything for her best friend. She is there for support and has trouble relying on other, having no trouble to letting people rely on her though.

Relationship- They met in middle school when Nayoung was having trouble adapting to an all-girls' school. Sunmi was a light in the tunnel to her, and quickly became a motherly figure, but also a very good friend for life. When they talk, they start out slowly then build it up until craziness erupts. Whether they haven't seen each other in hours or days, it's like no time has past when they're past the old "how are you?" and such.


Friends (max 2)


(Can be an Idol, or OC)


Personality- (short description of friends Personality)

Relationship- (short description of  how you met and how you converse)



I Resemble 

Sing Twin- Gayoon (4minute)

Dance Twin- Hyuna (4minute)

Rap Twin- Hyoyeon/Yuri (SNSD)

Speech Twin- Taeyeon (SNSD)





Song Suggestions 

  • (please use dot points)


Plot/Scene Suggestions 

  • Banned from dating and sneaking around
  • Running into some excited fans at the mall
  • Going through hardships of being hated



(please make sure you PM either Saki-Chan16 or SoshiPrincess)  

Thank you for Reading and Applying, Please feel free to PM either of us with any questions. 




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