Boyish Vs. Girlish (stolen from -polaroid)

Boyish Vs. Girlish


Your Boy Side

(x) You wear hoodies

(x) You wear jeans

(x) Dogs are better than cats [less sassy than cats :P /bricked]

(x) It's hilarious when people get hurt [though it's hecka mean, I can't help but break into a bit of laughter]

(x) You've played with /against boys on a team [definitely, though not by choice]

(x) Shopping is torture [too lazy.../slapped]

(x) Sad movies [I hate crying]

(   ) You own an XBox

(x) You own a Wii [really? this is considered boyish?]

(x) You played with Hot Wheels as a little kid [sure, they went along with my barbies~]

(   ) At one point in your life you wanted to be a firefighter

(x) You own a PS2, PS3, DS, or Sega

(   ) You used to be/are obsessed with Power Rangers

(x) You watch/watched early morning cartoons [the only time I would ACTUALLY get up early]

(   ) You watch sports on TV

(   ) You go to your dad for advice

(   ) You have played a sport at a state level

(x) You used to/do collect trading cards [Poke'mon counts]

(x) You have worn baggie sweat pants [every day, I'm kidding. nah, I do when at home or going to sports]

(x) It's kind of weird to have sleep overs with a bunch of people [I am shy, but also a little awkward with others]

(x) Green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favorite colors [black, blue silver are of my top favorites]

(x) You love to go crazy and not care what people think [I am crazy. Love me for me. If you can't accept my bad side, you sure as heck aren't getting my good side *snaps in a z-formation* /slapped]

(x) Sports are fun [I freakin' love competition! I also like to win~]

(x) You talk with food in your mouth [I do, it's a bad habit]

(   ) You sleep at night with your socks on

(x) You have fished at least once

Total: 19 point(s)



Your Girl Side

(   ) You love to shop [toooo llazyyyy..../slapped]

(   ) You wear eyeliner [heck no! Ain't nobody got time for that!]

(   ) You consider cheerleading a sport [uhhhh...sorta??]

(   ) You wear the color pink

(   ) You go to mom for advice

(   ) You hate wearing the color black [then I better get rid of my whole wardrobe]

(x) You like going to town or city [City, baby]

(   ) You like getting your nails done

(  ) You like wearing jewlry [I know I'll always lose it :P]

(  ) You cried watching The Notebook [never watched it]

(   ) Skirts are part of your wardrobe [uhhhh....I rather wear shorts/pants]

(   ) Shopping is one of your favorite hobbies [that's a hobby?! /slapped]

(   ) You don't like Star Wars. [I don't know. I haven't seen through much of it]

(   ) You are/were in gymnastics

(   ) It takes you around half an hour to shower [depends on the reason. Nah, I take a couple minutes, 15 minutes tops]

(   ) You smile a lot, more than you should. [Nah, I am all gloom and doom. JK, but I am not a happy-go-lucky person. I have a pretty neutral face on :/]

(   ) You have more than 10 pairs of shoes [10? No. 5? Maybe.]

(x) Sometimes you care what you look like [It's a teenage thing]

(   ) You like wearing dresses

(   ) You wear body spray or deodorant [should I? Wait a minute, I'm Asian. Haha, we don't stink /bricked /shot /dead]

(   ) You wear high heal shoes [I don't feel like breaking my neck yet]

(x) You used to play with dolls as a kid [Yes. I also played with stuff animals x3]

(   ) You have put make up on others [Hahahaha, like anyone would trust me with that kind of responsibility xD Not kidding, I will probably make someone's face look like the page of a 4 year old's coloring book. And that's an insult to the 4 year old's drawings.]

(   ) You like being the star of almost everything [Nah, staying in the background is my specialty]

(   ) You love shoe shopping [too lazy~]

(   ) Pink is one of your favorite colors

Total: 3 point


I think the answer is quite obvious...I am obviously a girly-girl~ *flips hair* So don't go messing around with me and my crew *snaps fingers in a z-formation* Step off, guuurrrrlllll *points manacred nails at you* Mhmmmmm. *hands on hips*

Hahaha, just kidding ;P This was quite fun tbh xD I'm pretty sure I spelled "manacre" wrong, so that's nice :/ Anyways, that's it.

Bye now~


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