New Fic?? With a member of EXO and Song Jieun?? Questionable???(Why the freak am I putting "?" at the end of every phrase?? /slapped)

Hey, guys!

So I have this fic idea-/slapped

Yea, I have many fics going at the moment and I should probably finish at least one...BUT I'M PROBABLY NOT GONNA! MWAHAHAHAHA /slapped/ /bricked/ /dead/

Anyways(yes I have returned from the dead x3) I have this hanckering(right..spelling? Psh, who cares /slapped) to write this EXOxSong Jieun fic...again.

I don't know why but I really just can't stop writing about her and EXO at the moment~ x3

Either way, I plan to make it sorta like..this manga I am reading, it's called LAST GAME, sound familiar? No? *sulks in corner*

So not only am I a K-popper, I am also an Otaku...sadly /slapped (STOP THAT!)

Sorry. Anyways, the fic will be a...ooc(out of character) sort of thing. Anyways, the main plot is that ____*insert EXO member here* will be the rich, cool, perfect in everyway guy that has everyone's love, attention, and blah-di-blah-di-da. Anyways, he is "perfect" in a sense. He is always on top, until a new girl(Song Jieun) just so happens to have stolen his title. She is always one step ahead of the guy. Except, her life is not as perfect as ____*insert EXO member here*. She is now placed as number one, while ____ is behind her. So of course he is angered and forever sees her as his rival. Though as their "rivalry" goes on through the years, with the guy following her to every school to continue their rivalry(not a stalker, I swear). He starts to grow feelings for her. So, what will happen between the two?

Sorry, it's tooooo long Dx anyways, that's the main plot or so.

I made this blog post to ask you(EXOtics or people in general) to help me by answering a question~

Who do you think, in EXO, would be best in fitting the role of a high-class, rich, slightly-obnoxious, egotistic, competitive, slight-jerk, highly athletic, good-looking(they all have their charms :P), and seemingly most perfect in everyway?

How much do you wanna bet that a majority of you will answer Kris? /slapped

Please answer this in the comments below ^^

Thank you ^^ this will be a great help :3

Bye now~


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honestly, i see baekhyun fit this role.
his face can match any roles, i think. from the jerk to the cute boy. baekhyun had a trait in him that can play any roles.
i see the reason why you mentioned kris, but idk. as i read the plot, i didn't have the "kris-feel".. /or maybe it's just me ^^;
i had lay, baekhyun in my mind, but baekhyun would really fit in the best.
The description of the guy makes me think of Kris but I am JiHan shipper forever so I am gonna go for Luhan!! Plus Luhan seems perfect in every way!! ^^
ohhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH "last game" was a lovely manga. u_u
that would definitely make a really interesting fanfic! i wish you luck!
ehehehe if you saw his introduction on youngstreet, then chanyeol. because he said something like he was the lead dancer, vocalist, rapper, visual, etc. xD
but suho would be nice as well. because he has such an angelic face, so it would seem unexpected. but he would be forgiven for behaving like a jerk because he's so good looking. hehe. c:
haha yes kris would be a good choice as well, though.
nunchii #4
....Although it should be Kris, XIUMIN BB NEEDS ATTENTION.
Yes exoxjieun fanfic
Either suho or kris