60 Random Questions

60 Questions People Don't Ask:
1: When was the last time you ran?
Today cuz I didn't feel like waiting for the light to change :P
2: Do your jeans have rips, tears or holes on them?

Well there was that time I fell and my jeans had a hole..But I had one pair that had a hole originally

3: What are you dreading right now? 
That I barely started my summer homework and school's starting in less than a month
4: Do you sing in shower?
Yeah sometimes
5: Do you get 8 hours full sleep every night? 

Ha! I wish

6: If anyone of your friends come to your house randomly one day, what would you say? 
What are you doing here, is everything okay?
7: Who last grabbed your ?
*ahem* personal much?
8: Have you ever been on your school's track team?
No but I highly doubt that my school has a track team
9: Do you own pair of converse?
Of course!
10: Did you copy and paste this survey?
:P Yeah I'm not typing all of this!
11: Do you eat raw of cookie dough?
12: Have you ever kicked a vending machine?
Probably not..I'm weak and that would most likely hurt my leg/foot
13: Don't you hate it when radio ruins good songs by playing them over and over?
Most songs aren't good now but it is annoying that I keep hearing the same songs over and over, unless I like them
14: Do you watch top gear?

Um..what's that?

15: How do you eat oreos?
If I'm at home, with milk. If I'm not at home, I like to split it in half and eat it like that; least creamy side first
16: Have you ever stayed online for a very long time waiting for someone? 
Probably did..Pshh I bet I still would now :/
17: Are you cocky?
Um..maybe I am
18: Could you live without a computer? 
19: Do you wear shoes in the house?
I wear my slippers at my own house but when I'm at my grandma's, I'm barefoot..Doesn't matter anyway, her house is always so clean *_*
20: Who or what sleeps with you?
My Doraemon hugging/extra pillow xD
21: At what age did you find out santa wasn't real?
I don't really celebrate Christmas
22: How many phones or mobiles are in your house?
Dad; 1 Mom; 1 Brother; 1 Me; 1 Home phone; 1 plus all the old junky phones from the past
23: What do you do when you're sad?
Watch something funny so it'll make me laugh, have fun with my friends, listen to songs, sulk, etc. Depends on the situation honestly
24: Who would you call first when you won a lottery?
My friend and go to a concert together then meet our fav celebrities :D
25: When was the last time you saw your best friend?
June :/ Last day of school was pretty sad for me even though it should've been happy
26: Are you in high school?
Nope almost there
27: What jewelry are you wearing?
My earrings
28: Is anyone beside you right now?
29: What's the first thing you do when you get online?
30: Do you watch grey's anatomy?
Do I watch what?
31: How do most people spell your name?
The incorrect way -_-
32: Would you wear your wear a boy / girlfriend's clothes?
Yeah but I don't have a bf right now :/
33: Where do you work?
I don't work
34: What are you doing tomorrow?
:/ I still have 2 more days of summer school
35: Is justine timberlake becoming the next michael jackson?
No, isn't that like asking is vanilla ice cream being the next chocolate ice cream.. 0.0 two very different things/people can never be the same or alike {in my opinion}
36: Favorite name for a girl?
It's always changing
37: Favorite name for a boy?

No idea

38: Will you keep your last name when you get married?
I don't think I will
39: When was the last time you left your house?
Just this morning
40: Do you return your cart?
My what?
41: Do you have a dishwasher? 
No, no I do not. I wash the dishes the "old" way
42: What noise do you hear?
From inside my house; music. From outside my house; construction work
43: Would you survive in prison?
I dunno perhaps I would and maybe I wouldn't
44: Who is the youngest in the family?
45: If all of your friends were going to a road trip, who would likely mostly pack?
My mom but I would probably have to change what she packed later when she isn't looking
46: Do you know any same name as you?
Yeah, I do
47: What's the last thing you purchased?
No idea
48: Do your siblings ever pay for you?
Yep :D
49: What brand are your pants now?
50: Ever been to georgia (state)?
No, no I have not
51: What irritates you most on the internet?
Pop-up ads
52: What brand is your digital camera?
I don't have one -_-
53: Do you watch movies with your parents?
I did a few times but our tastes are so different it's hard to find a movie we'd all enjoy
54: What song best describes your life right now?
Which part of my life?
55: do you own expensive cologne / perfume?
Not sure if it's expensive
56: are you suppose to be asleep now?
57: do you like sushi?
58: do you cut your hair every month?
No, if I did, I'd be bald like 5 months later 0.0
59: are you online everyday?
I guess so..But if not, almost everyday then
60: what kind of phone do you have?
It's just a normal smartphone/Android, nothing special/popular like Samsung Galaxy SIII/S4/SII or iPhones



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