It's More Than Just A Game | [Kang Hyo Rin]












layout by: geekreader



Let me introduce myself

username: sara_kitty
what to call you: Sara
activeness: 8



This is who I am

name: Kang Hyo Rin
birthday: December 31, 1996
age: 17
grade: Junior
class: 2-5
height: 165 cm
weight: 50 kg

face claim: Park Min Ju
backup face claim: Kang Ji Won




Here's a little more about me

favourite subject(s): Mathematics, chemistry, english
disliked subject(s): history, biology
favourite place in school: class 
ideal type: mischievous, caring, funny
committee: Treasurer in  Entrepreneur Club


likes: money
white chocolate

dislikes: flowers

hobbies: Selling things
counting money

habits: dozing off in class
read every sign loudly
Mumbling curse in unknown language.

trivia: She works part time in her uncle's accessories shop.
She loves her brother too much and always follow him around.
She sits by the window just to see her crush reading his books by under the big tree in front of the soccer field while waiting for his best friend.
She is allergic to pollen
She cries on sad stories even it's her tenth times watching it.
She usually daydream in class or dozed off and always have to be send outside of classes espeially in Biology class.
She has about 15 rabbits at home and she sometimes sell the babies to her friends if they want it.

personality: Hyorin is known for being reliable, practical, ambitious and sensible. As she is the first daughter and her parents is very busy with their job, Hyorin took care of her brother since they are small. She will readily lend a helping hand to the family, friends and the needy even if it means that they would have to endure hardship or loss.. You can count on the her, she will not leave you disappointed. She always do things practically and make money with it. For example, as she always follow her brothr around to his sports practices and tournament and as she loves taking pictures, she will sell those pictures to his friends or sometimes, secretly to their fangirls.

She is ambitious as once she set her eyes on something, she will persistently put in all the efforts to get it. Failures and setbacks rarely dampen her spirits.  She is sensible, she doesn't do things she know she can't. Although she follows her brother around, she never dis anything which annoyed him such as preventing any girls around her brother but she will quickly befriend with them.

Although easy going and respectful, Hyorin can be unbelievably stubborn and inflexible in her approach. So much so that when the logical arguments don’t suit her, she will just refuse to listen. She is very goal-oriented that she often form a notion that the world revolves around her. She is possessive, at most with her younger brother. 


Personal relationships

best friend: Hongki | 17 | Junior | 2-5 | flirty, witty and loud | He is her seatmate since in grade 1 | They jokes and tease each other like siblings.
friends: Luna | 16 | Freshmen | 1-1 | talkative and cheerful | Luna is their neighbor and she has a crush on her brother | They sahre their crush ecret with each other

Hyoyeon | 17 | Junior | 2-2 | shy and kind | Hyoyeon is Hongki's girlfriend. But they are classmates in middle school. | They always hang out together along with Hongki.

Father | Kang Tae Woon | 42 | Doctor | Caring, gentle and supportive | She is very close with her father and she seeks advices from him.

Mother | Park Ji Min | 40 | Nurse | Strict and protective | Although her mother is strict, they still share their stories with each other.

Brother | Kang Minhyuk | 16 |  Student | Quiet, witty and optimistic | She always follow him around or brought him along with her wherever she goes.


Here's my story

background: Hyorin is not a sporty girl to start with. She just follow her brother around as her brother loves sport. He plays everything and anything and finally draggedHyorin along to loves sport. She knows almost everyone around her via sports - her brother's crush, her crush and even most of  her friends.

how i got into tennis: One of the sport that her younger brother loves is tennis. He was determined to join the tennis club once she get into high school. Hyorin always forced to help him trained as he always follow him around. She then decided to join tennis as her brother join the club.



Falling in love with you

love interest: Kim Ryeowook
birthday: July 27, 1995
age: 18
grade: Senior
class: 3-2
committee: President of drama club
ideal type: cheerful, bright and optimistic
favourtie subject(s): Physics, Music
disliked subject(s): Geography
favourite place in school: The tree in front of the soccer field.

personality: Ryeowook is quite conservative and home-loving guy. He loves to be in familiar surroundings like under the tree in front of the soccer field..He is sensitive, loyal and giving, and will rarely expect much in return of his faithfulness. He deeply loves and admires the people he is close to. Even the distant ones also get to experience the loving side of him. Although he may appear cold and detached at first, he is emotional. He empathise with others and love to take care of them. 

Despite his kind personality, he is fiercely protective of his personal space, interests, possessions, relationships and loved ones. He is also extremely moody and their mood swings are quite unpredictable, which may become overwhelming for the people around him. He also tends to doubt people’s intentions. 

how you met: Ryeowok was reading books under the tree when Hyorin first met him. He was watching his friends playing football while Hyorin is busy taking pictures of his brother. 

how you act around each other: They rarely met but Hyorin will bowed and smile to him and Ryeowook will nodded and that's it. But Hyorin always spend her time watching him outside the window everytime he sat down by the tree.

backup love interest: Onew




Now let's get down to business

play style: Right-handed. Counter puncher

speed: 3
power: 4
technique: 2
intelligence: 2
agility: 3
endurance: 5

extra: -

weakness: She can't play a good net game and always smash the ball too hard and bounce off from the outer line.
strength: She can play or practice the whole day in court and still being cheerful and jokes around the members.




Hello and goodbye

comments: Hope you like Hyorin!! :)
suggestions: -
scene requests: Practice for the whole day in court with her brother waiting for her.

Playing against her brother.

Telling Ryeowook about her feeling. 






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Hi, thank you for applying as well as being my first applicant =)

First thing I would like to say is that I think you got the years a bit confused, because you put her down as born in 1997, but that would make her 16 instead of 17, and you also put Ryeowook down in 1996, but is 18, so he should be born in 1995. So if you could change the year of her birth to 1996 and Ryeowook to 1995, that would be good. Also, her grade should be put as junior and not 2

There was one part in your background that I did not understand. When you said 'She knows everything via sports, her brother's crush, her crush and even her friends.', what did you mean by that? I'm assuming you mean that she knows a lot about sports from her brother, friends, etc?

The personality was a bit short for me. If you could maybe add a little bit more details on how she is practical and sensual, then I think it would be better =)

And one last thing, could you give her brother a name? Since he's going to be in school and is part of the tennis club, he'd probably have an appearance, so it'd be nice if you could give him a name.

But aside from the things I pointed her, I think your app is alright. I love how he doesn't fit her ideal type but she fits his, even though she's the one crushing on him ^^ And I also like that she likes money^^ Goes nicely with her treasurer position. 15 rabbits? 0.0 that's a lot! xD

So if you could just fix the things I mentioned, your app will be all good. Thanks for applying ^^