introducing; infinite!

This pimp post goes to Sapphy and Bluu ♥

to my Inspirit friends: if you find something missing, please tell me!

introducing; infinite.


Infinite is a seven-member group, debuted on June 9th, 2010 with Come Back Again, or with the Korean title, Dashi Dorawa. They are known for their dances in sync, their logo (Möbius strip), and for their 80's style music which goes distinctively through all of their tracks (even their B-side tracks). Their first win was with Be Mine in September 1st 2011 on MNet Countdown, and they got rocketing popularity soon after as well as many awards and wins with every new release. Other popular releases from them are Paradise, Before The Dawn, The Chaser and Nothing's Over. They came back this year with Man In Love, and more recently, Destiny. Their fanclub is called Inspirit, and their fanclub color is Pearl Metal Gold.



korean: first invasion. evolution. inspirit. over the top. paradise (repackage of over the top). infinitize. new challenge. destiny.

sub-units (only korean):  another me (sunggyu), fly high (infinite-h)

japanese: btd (before the dawn), be mine, she's back, koi no ochiru toki (when a man loves)



first invasion. evolution. inspirit. over the top. paradise. infinitize. new challenge. destiny. another me. fly high. // btd. be mine. she's back. koi no ochiru toki.



name. kim sunggyu (sometimes also written as sungkyu)

dob. april 28, 1989 (24 years old)

position. leader, main vocal

bloodtype. a

fanclub name.  chingyus

family. sister (five years older than him)


We Inspirits know Sunggyu as the small-eyed, grumpy leader, who loves to command around (especially to maknae Sungjong) and to do nothing at the meantime, but at the same time as a hard-working, and wonderful leader and main vocal who is a good hyung to his dongsaengs, and an adorable, cute man just as long as he doesn't do aegyo on purpose. The members love to make fun of his small eyes, where he always reacts grumpy (but seriously his eye smile is wonderful) Can speak little English (most recently during simply kpop - arirang) Sunggyu's passion is rock, and before he debuted with Infinite, he was part of a highschool band called Bang, where they performed rock. He also auditioned in SM Entertainment, but got rejected. According to him, the reason why he joined Woollim Entertainment in the first place was indie band Nell, whom he really adores and idolizes. He was also in Immortal Song 2.

By the way, he is also pretty known for stealing other member's underwear, especially Sungjong's, reasoning with that his fashion sense is awesome.



name. jang dongwoo

dob. november 22, 1990 (age 22)

position. main rapper, lead dancer

bloodtype. a

fanclub name. woonique

family. 2 sisters; keun (six years older than him) and jaekun (three years older than him)


Meet the 9999D-Kenyan with the big heart, Dongwoo! Despite his cool image (and cooler raps), he is a weird and hyper kid (much like Sungyeol, but more to him later) and laughs a lot (which is extremely addictive and wonderful). Shortest of the group (with Woohyun) He claims to be the "mother" of the group, and cares about the other members a lot. He also cries easily and shouts "niceu" a lot (can also speak a little english). He has a gummy smile (not as big as Sungyeol's), and makes a wonderful girl called Dragwoo (that's just the nickname Inspirits gave him) He writes rap lyrics, and was also the one who wrote the rap lyrics for Paradise. Part of the subunit Infinite-H with Hoya. Appeared in labelmates Baby Soul&Yoo Jia's She's a Flirt as a rap feature (from 1:50-2:20). Auditioned for JYP. Like Sunggyu, he too was in Immortal Song 2.



name. nam woohyun

dob. february 8, 1991 (22 years old)

position. main vocal

bloodtype. b

fanclub name. newclear

family. one brother; boohyun (two years older than him)


The one in charge for Inspirits! Woohyun loves to throw hearts and constantly reminds Inspirits and his fellow members that he loves his fans and sees them as girlfriends, which Inspirits shortly call Namgrease. But despite that, he is a hard-working, passionate man who loves music a lot. Sometimes,he has intentions in becoming the leader himself. Has wonderful abs and loves to flash them. He was model before debut. Had some solo acts, most recently with Cactus. Is the second shortest (1,76 m) and envies Sungyeol for being so tall (1,83) The members make fun of him with namu, which means tree in Korean and results from the first two syllables of his name, nam and woo. He cries, sometimes, most recent example would be on August 9th during the One Great Step concert.  Sometimes he is an utter idiot, and sometimes he is sly and smart (most of the time with his partner in crime, Sungyeol) Is the cook of the group. Also a big fanboy of Krystal; everytime when MCs ask the idol who fits the most in their ideal type, Woohyun will say Krystal. Pretty close with Dongwoo and Sunggyu. He prefers R'n'B and said that he would like to have a solo album with this genre.



name. lee howon

dob. march 28, 1991 (22 years old)

position. main dancer, main rapper, vocal

bloodtype. ab

fanclub name. hoyatic

family. two brothers; hojae (two years older than him) and hojun (five years younger than him)


I say Ho, you say Ya! Hoya is the main dancer of the group from Busan and overflowing with charisma and ambition, hence one of his nicknames Hogod. But on the inside, he is an awkward, shy and loveable guy. His satoori is a bit weird (also approved by the other members) His engrish is awesome (best example here/ most recent incident was with "we are secret is secret" in simply k-pop / arirang) Suffers actually from myopia and has to wear glasses, but doesn't wear them. Loves purple; constantly wears purple according to the members. Claims to be the dancing machine and this is approved by both members and fans. Has a sharp tongue (e.g. saying to Sungyeol "you have no lines" =_=) Loves to judge over the world (aka stare) Had his big acting role in Reply 1997 as Kang Junhee (aka the gay one who fell for Seo In Guk), and even got his first solo CF. Auditioned for JYP, but got rejected. He is basically the perfect idol: he can sing, dance, rap, and knows how to talk. Spokesman along with Woohyun (can be seen most recently with Mnet 20's choice awards) Is with Dongwoo in the sub-unit Infinite-H and was on Immortal Song 2 as well.



name. lee sungyeol (sometimes written as seongyeol / he writes himself also as seongyeol)

dob. august 27, 1991 (in 15 days!! // age 21)

position. vocal, part-time visual/model/actor

bloodtype. b

fanclub name. yeollipops

family. one brother; daeyeol (one year younger than him / also said to be woollim trainee)


The tallest one of the group, Sungyeol, is most likely known as choding, which means elementary schooler. Abandoned this image, tho. Sometimes has a mindset like a child (approved by his best friend Myungsoo), and loves to make jokes. Extremely honest, and nearly got kicked out of the company twice, that's why he wants to act more mature in the future (he manages it well okay ;;;;) He was the last member that came to Infinite; before that, he was in SM Academy with After School's Rania as an acting trainee. His aunt is a known actor, too. Intentionally wanted to become an actor, and according to him, the members had a hard time because of that fact. Had an acting role as Yoon Sojun (aka everybody's darling) in the daily drama While You Were Sleeping, which had 120 episodes and went through both Be Mine and Paradise promotions. Most recent acting role is in Adolescence Medley 2 as a cameo (as the class rep). Cries easily off the camera (although he did cry during One Great Step too), and his scream is really, really high pitched. Also pretty known for making strange faces (or owl face, whatever). Closest with Myungsoo (but that's an entire different story). Cross-dressed as Yeolna / Hyuna for the Second Invasion Evolution Concert for the Troublemaker performance with Sungjong and hates it himself. Got a pretty tan after recording Laws of the Jungle 2. Was pretty cute before Paradise Era with his chubby cheeks and wonderful gummy smile, and became insanely handsome after that era. Most polite member alongside Sunggyu (he greets the staff members or fans mostly with a 90-degree-bow), and also the friendliest member according to the other members.

And because it's a nice fun fact, he is also known for wearing the same things over and over again. He reasons this with the fact that he simply forgets what he wears the day before. And he also rips all tags from the shirts /uniforms /clothes, because his skin is really sensitive. and he's my bias.



name. kim myungsoo

dob. march 13, 1992 (age 21)

position. vocal, full-time visual, part-time actor/model

bloodtype. 0

fanclub name. eLements

family. one brother; moonsoo (two years younger than him)


The idiot in charge!

He is the face of the group and all members say that he is the most handsome member. Has a deep stare which will your soul out. But as soon as he laughs, you will realize that he is a real dork. Often cracks up, too. Is weird and sometimes in his own world. Has pretty dimples when laughing/smiling, too. Does acting; most recent example would be the younger version of Ji Sub as cameo in the drama The Master's Sun. Loves to hug!! Also extremely close with Sungyeol (as said before, is best friends with him) Starred in Epik High's Run before debut and in Sunggyu's 60 Seconds last year, and is also known for playing the guitar. Loves photography and has a Canon EOS 5D; published recently his photobook L's Bravo Viewtiful. Loves anime and manga a lot; his stagename L comes from none other than L Lawliet from Death Note. Reason is that his hair before debut looked like L's. Likes One Piece, Bleach and Naruto as well as shojou mangas. He succeeded in abandoning his L image completely (I mean it), and just uses L for the sake of a stage name and not as a persona. Said to bark when drunk, and has never kissed anybody before. Like Sungyeol pretty emotional and sentimental; cried once or twice during concerts (most recent would be OGS again). Likes DBSK and said that SM, according to him, is 60% looks and 40% talent (which he said before predebut; God knows if he still thinks this way). Is also pretty stubborn; once he finds something he likes, he sticks onto it until eternity (best example would be constantly wearing black clothes / plaid shirts / fedora hats or eating ramen from the same shop all the time). used to be my bias and is still second in my bias list.  

Basically this gif describes Myungsoo. Inspirits, you know it.



name. lee sungjong

dob. september 3, 1993 (age 19)

position. maknae, vocal

bloodtype. a

fanclub name. SUNGel

family. one brother; sunkyu (three years younger than him / said to look like kai)


Once upon a time, Sungjong (the third Sung and third Lee in the Infinite family) was known as the cutie member who loved to dance girl group dances (he still likes dancing them tho), but much like Sungyeol or Myungsoo,  he abandoned his image completely. Pretty mature and smart boy who knows how and when to take responsibilities. Also pretty devoted to God as seen in his Thank You notes. Can be extremely sassy as well. Is pretty close with Hoya and Sungyeol, as he is the sixth member to come to Infinite. Had a line in some kind of CF, when you have a lot of thoughts, take a lemon candy! which MCs love to mock on. Is pretty and handsome at the same time, and hates it when he is constantly called pretty or girl-like. Has a teddy called Sunggyu and hits on it when stressed. According to members (namely Sungyeol), they couldn't do it without the maknae's love.

more to watch.

Still wanna know more about them? The best thing to start with is most likely Sesame Player. It's without plot, it's just them having fun, and that's awesome. Second would be Ranking King, even though  it's badly scripted, the interactions are a bit better. And of course, all Weekly Idol episodes, starting from the very first one.

To get a hint how well synchronized they are, either watch one of their live performances (they're really good and even sing along with their MR) or their dance practice to BTD.


The rest is up to you, whether you continue following them or not! Here are some tumblr blogs revolving around Infinite (plus yeahs, because I love yeahs) // asterisk mean must follow:

general: -yeahinfinite-, fyeahinfinite, infiniteinblacknwhite

sunggyu-biased blogs:  ifntgyu (fyeah blog), 04281989 (fyeah), sunggyu-u*, himegyu, kimseoulgyu, leadergyu-nim, thoulgyu, ksgyu

dongwoo-biased blogs:  satyr-ic (fyeah blog) *, jjangddongwoo, namwooo, dinosoor, hogays, chandoo *

woohyun-biased blogs:  woohyunbiased (fyeah blog), ifntwh (fyeah), namusoos, ohmywoohyun, kim91jae, namnambunny, nameu, supersnazzy *, nambrows, wooseu, woo-suhan, woosbby *

hoya-biased blogs:  hoyasumi (fyeah), ifnthoya (fyeah), sojunhee, myeongsushi, hoyaegi, hoyatv *, dancemachinehoya, kimsoos (multi-fandomed tho)

sungyeol-biased blogs:  wangjanyeol, lstarkiss (fyeah), ifntsungyeol (fyeah) *, fyleesungyeol (fyeah), 082791 * (on hiatus ;;;), zoyeol *, sojunhee, daeyeol, jiyeol *, y3ol, yeolnah *, sungyeolchan (on hiatus tho), yeowls, sooyeol

myungsoo-biased blogs:  ifntsoo (fyeah), 19920313 (fyeah), 13lkim (fyeah), lstar1992 (fyeah), 920313-onl (fyeah), yadoong, pitdae *, chandoo *, myeongsushi, myung-, myungbby *, pokersoo *, myungsshi, myungthoo, sooyeol

sungjong-biased blogs: lsjong (fyeah), myung-, jjong-spirit


Yup, that's it!  Feel free to be part of the downfall aka Infinite!










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Well I Infinite is usually stylised as INFINITE and INSPIRIT...and since you wrote all the info in lowercase letters it's okay I guess, but sungels are stlised as SUNGel lol. Oh and Sunggyu is the lead vocal not main vocal. Honestly I don't know the difference but they always emphasise the point that Woohyun is the main vocal. Anyways, this is really cool. I think I'll send the link to all the poeple I know and make them fall in love with INFINITE. Thanks for making it!