»time to shine« dream cheer team! {Kim Ji Yoon}





»time to shine«

✰ Kim Ji Yoon 






Hey! Girl! Hey!



full name: Kim Ji Yoon

other name: Janessa Kim

prefered name: Jane

birthdate: 19 March 1995

age: 18

birthplace: Bristol, England

hometown: Busan, Korea

ethnicity: Full Korean











I'm wanted, I'm hot, I'm everything you're not!



6 personality traits: Kind, Compassionate, Selfless, Escapist, Pessimistic, Weak-willed


personality: Jane is a kind and compassionate girl. She never decline anyone if they need her help. She help almost everyone and everything. She treat people just the way she wanted to be treated and she have high empathy with people and always try her best to help them out.

Jane is also a selfless girl. She didn't care if she help someone or gives out her ideas and not getting credit for it. She believes that karma will pay her kindness and led to a happy life in the end.

Despite her kind personlity, Jane is an escapist. She always blames someone or something else and always say its the bad luck just to avoid dealing with the mistakes. Jane is also pessimistic and has a weak will. She always saw the glass as half-empty. She has low self-confidence and when things don't turn out as per her expectations, she will lose the motivation to carry on.


background: Jane was born in a well-being family. She started to like cheerlead as she watch a performance in his brother's school when she is 7 years old. Since then, she started trying every cheerleading audition ever held. 

Her family wants her to be a gymnast. She was send to attend gymnast class and won a few medals but she stopped halfway because she lose her will to fight after her last competition where she scored the lowest.

She have tried a few audition and she didn't make it. She also have give up cheerleading numerous times but she still loves it. And as her mother always compared Jane with her friends' daughter, she feels insecure and somehow determine to prove to her mother that she is alsoworth to be proud with. 





White Chocolate




















Reading English books

Sewing and Knitting



habits: Talk fast when she is nervous

Raising eyebrow when annoyed

Bite his lips when angry

Sleep walking when she’s tired


fears: Fire (because her grandparent's house had been burnt down twice)


Dogs (she saved stray dogs and she was bitten twice)



She loves languages and she has a very wide range of vocabulary (thus she is known as the walking dictionary)

She is very good in playing chess.

She has a collection of 100 teddy bears in her house.

She loves to braid her hair.

She doesn’t know how to cook; she even burnt down a pancake and a toast.

She hates Twilight stories because she thinks that story is very unrealistic. (She hates vampire actually)

She never left her i-Pad wherever she goes.

She hates listening to music with earpieces because it hurts her ears.

She can only wear gold accessories because she’s allergic with silver and platinum.

She hates cleaning.

She can’t sleep with even a small light.

She is afraid of dogs after she is bitten with dog when she is in elementary school.

She has a pretty bad migraine.

She is a very jealous type of girl.

She’s allergic to bread-flour.










I'm y, I'm cute, I'm popular to boot!






face claim: KARA Kang Ji Young

link : 1 | 2

back-up: f(x) Luna

links: 1 | 2

style: June loves to wear comfortable clothes. She prefer blouse and jeans. Sometimes, she will wear dress for formal occassion.

Casual | Formal | Dorm | Practice 

I'm pretty, I'm cool, I dominate this school!

family: Father | Kim Gi Young | 46 | Music lecturer in Kyunghee University

Mother | Park Youn Hwa | 45 | Dance instructor

Older Brother | Kim Ji Hoon | 20 | College Student

Younger Sister | Kim Ji Eun | 13 | Student 

cheer best friend: Bae Suzy | 18 | Energetic, mischievous, stubborn, kind

cheer friends: Krystal | 17 | Sociable, funny, arrogant, hardheaded

Kibum | 19 | Quiet, lazy, witty and patient

Thunder | 18 | Flirty, innocent, overconfident, loyal

rival: Seohyun | 18 | Smart, optimistic, cheerful, firm | Seohyun is her mother's bestfriend's daughter. She is always being compared with her which makes Jane feels insecure.













I'm flying, I jump. You can look but don't you hump,Whoo!




position: base + tumbler

back-up position: flyer

love interest: Wooyoung

age: 19

personality: Wooyoung is optimistic, energetic and enthusiastic. He sees the glass as half full. He is also straightforward. He says something and he mean it. There are honest comments, however, may be at times too harsh to handle for some people. 

Wooyoung is a large-hearted guy. He loves to help others reach their goals, find a way out of problems. He is also adventurous which make his willing to take any risk because for him - life is a risk, it requires you to jump. So, jump!


back-up love interest: Jonghyun

age: 19

personality: (same as above)


comments: Hope you like my app. Please tell me if anything is wrong. I will surely fix it for you. ^^,

scene request: Jane back off and decided to give up cheerleading.

password: i love Minhyuk






We cheer and we lead!
»Cheer isn't just about popularity.
It's all about your determination and your passion!«




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