☪ Enchanted Application » Lee Jing Wei


Decarion  D



  Lee Jin



















You Gotta Listen Carefully

Birth Name: Lee Jing Wei (Chloe Lee)
Korean Name : Lee Jin  
Nicknames : Jin

Age : 20
Birthday : June 29, 1993

Birthplace : Seoul, South Korea
Hometown : New Zealand
How Long Have You Lived In Korea : 4 years
Bloodtype : B

Ethnicity : Korean - Chinese
Nationality :  Korean (by birth), New Zealander (New Zealand passport)
Languages : English (fluent), Korean (basic), Mandarin (basic)

She's A Real Lady
Ulzzang: Joe Chen

Backup : Crystal Liu

Height + Weight : 5'5 + 125

Style : Feminine, classy, smart

Apperance: Regular lobe piercings

Now You Know How I Feel


Personality Keywords : Impatient, Self-centered, Independent, Individualistic, Passionate
Personality : Jin is someone who has little patience with the people around her. She gets annoyed easily, especially if she is bothered while working on something. However, while she is short-tempered, this anger does not last long, and she can easily laugh it off once the moment is passed and act as though there was nothing wrong in the first place. She is also very self-centered, and is mainly concerned with her own well-being and interest. She is the type to put herself first before others, and is more concerned in having her own needs and wants satisfied than helping others. This is not to say that she doesn't help others, but instead, she would think of the consequences of her action in helping others and whether or not it would be of any benefit to her and make her decision from there. However, if she is fond of you enough, she will willingly help you out even if it is of no benefit to her. Because she is self-centered, she loves attention, and thus feels very grateful to her fans and is not afraid to show it. 

This self-centered trait of hers comes from her independence. She doesn't like relying on others for help, almost to the point where it just seems like she has a big ego. She prefers to do things herself with the mindset that things will only go the way she wants them to if she does it herself. She is not fond of dependent people, especially those who ask for help for even the most simple tasks, and would not hesitate to tell them to try standing on their own. She believes that everything you have should be earned with your own hardwork.

Jin is someone who is individualistic. She strongly believes that everyone should be who they are and not change themselves to fit what the public wants. Because of this, her on and off screen personalities are the same. She doesn't mind criticism and advice on how to improve her abilities, but she would not take any advice on changing her personality. Jin is also someone who is passionate in what she does. It is because she has a fondness of music that she is working hard in the industry. She gives her all when working on something that she is passionate about, but if she loses her passion for it, she would not care to carry on with it.  

Likes :
☪  Acting/Modelling
☪  RPG, action, and horror games
☪  Attention/fans

Dislikes :
☪  Aegyo
☪  Boyish clothes/image on girls
☪  Dependent people

Habits : 
☪  Frowns lightly, bites her bottom lip, and turns her head to the right when thinking
☪  Scratches her jawline when tired
☪  Loud yawns

Hobbies :
☪  Painting her nails
☪  Playing games

Major Flaws :
☪  She can be a bit too self-centered at times, so people don't really trust her easily
☪  Short tempered

☪  Katsaridaphobia - fear of cockroaches

Favorite Food From Home Country :
☪ Fish and Chips

What Do You Miss The Most From Your Home Country:
☪ Scenery

Trivia :
☪  Has trouble learning new languages, which is why her Korean and Mandarin is still a bit awkward
☪  Mixes up her Korean with English sometimes when speaking
☪  Father is Chinese and mother is Korean, so she doesn't have an official Korean name
☪  Wanted to be an actress before, but now has shifted to being a singer, though she still has a passion for acting
☪  Has trouble learning new languages, which is why her Korean is still a bit awkward
☪  Grew up speaking English and was only taught little Mandarin and Korean
☪  Knows little Japanese words from watching anime and J-dramas but not enough that she has basic Japanese
☪  Is a bit of an adrenaline junkie and likes extreme sports like sky diving, snow boarding, paragliding, bungee jumping, etc.
☪  Loves playing Resident Evil though she is not fond of the films
☪  Composes a little in her spare time but never actually completes them to make them a proper song
☪  Is a big fangirl of other k-pop groups



So Here's A Story From A To Z


Background : Jin's mother moved to South Korea from China when she was 19 to study. She lived next door to the man who would soon become her husband. They met when Jin's father was given the keys to her mother's house and was asked by the landlord to pass it on to her, and they soon fell in love and got married when she was 26 and him 30. A year into their marriage and they welcomed Jin into their family. The family later moved to New Zealand when her father was accepted to lecture at a university there.

Jin grew up a normal healthy child and had a happy childhood. When she was 5 years old, she started modelling for children's clothing and from there, continued doing a few modelling jobs until she was 10. She had a passion for acting, and when she was 10, she started acting in school plays and dramas. She later acted as a supporting role in a New Zealand film after auditioning when she was 12. During the same year, Jin was introduced to K-pop by her father, and she took a liking to the music. She started practicing her singing at home during her free time and eventually became good at it. She continued working as a part time model and actress until she was 16 where she audtioned in Australia and was accepted as a trainee and moved to Seoul on her own.   

Family : 
 Father - Lee Sun Ho - 51 - Microbiology lecturer - 5 - New Zealand
Mother - Xia Zhi Xing - 47 - Restaurant owner - 5 - New Zealand

Best Friend
☪  N/A

☪  N/A












  First Name



















If You Wanna Be My Lover


Love Interest Name : (If you don't want a lover just leave this section blank)
Age + Birthday :

Personality Keywords : (4+)
Personality : (1 Paragraph Min. 3 Paragraph Max.) 

How You Met : (1 Paragraph)
How You Act Around Eachother : (1 Paragraph)

Status :  (Dating, Friends, Friends with benefits, Aquaintances etc.)

Scene Requests :  (May or may not happen)







If You Want My Future, Forget My Past


Trainee Life Jin had a hard time adjusting to her trainee life in Korea. She had barely any knowledge of the language, and it was thus hard for her to understand the mentors. She wasn't particularly good at dancing and rapping, and the only thing that saved her was singing, and she thus practiced hard at it. She also had few friends is the company as she could only really speak English, and her self-centered attitude made her unpopular amongst the trainees. Despite all that, she worked hard at it for her passion. 

Trainee Years : 4
Pre-Debut Info :

Child clothing model | New Zealand | 1998 - 2003

Supporting cast in film | New Zealand | 2005

Clothing model | New Zealand | 2005 - 2007

Supporting cast in NZ TV series (appearance in 2 episodes) | New Zealand | 2006

Past Scandals : Not really a scandal but speculations and rumours that she was a bully or part of a gang back in New Zealand because she often hanged around with Maori friends who are typically seen in a bad light. 
Future Scandals :

The public not really liking her attitude that she thinks about herself more than others and gets mad easily.

Plastic Surgery : No


I'll Tell You What I Want


Stage Name : Lee Jin
Persona : Angry bird
Personal Fanclub : Angry birds (because she gets angry really easily and her chinese name means small bird)
Fanclub Color : Red #ff0000

Sing Twin  Ailee  
Dance Twin : Bom 
Rap Twin : Nicole   

Extra : Likes to sing English covers of songs, sings Korean songs in her own way (eg. sing a happy song like Dream Girl but sing it in a sad tone), composing

Fan Service : Aegyo is a definite no, even if begged to. She would either sing them a song, shake their hands, take pictures, or give autographs. She likes approaching her fans and seeing their support. Another thing she really likes to do is spotting fancams and having eye contact with the camera.  

Social Networking : Instagram, but hardly used. Updates only come maybe about once every fortnight. ID = JinWL

On Your Own : Acting, modelling



What I Really Really Want
Answer in OC's POV*



How Comfortable Are You With Skinship: 4. I don't actively go out and hug people here and there, but I don't mind people's skinship with me. If they want to hug me, go ahead. Kiss me? Why not? Just not on the lips, and everything will be fine. 

How Many Roommates Are You Most Comfortable With : 3. While I'm self-centered, I like having the company of the people I'm close with around me, even if they annoy me sometimes. It's nice to have people to talk to. 

Who Would You Be Closest With : I like people who are laid-back and most importantly, honest with me. They can be blunt and rude, but I wouldn't mind that because it's still being honest. 

Who Would You Not Get Along With : Someone who is dependent and whiny. I can't stand someone who is going to constantly get on my back and whine to me about how hard it was for them to cut some vegetables and always asking me to help them with washing the dishes and what not. 

Do You Like Living With Your Members? : For the most part, I don't mind living with them. We've been together for three years, so I've gotten pretty used to them. Sure, there are the occasional fights which I tend to keep my business out of, but if I am in the fight myself, I don't think there would be much of a problem since I get over things pretty quick, though I'm not sure if the others like that. I just don't like making things awkward between us. 

How Comfortable Are You Around Your Members : I can comfortably burp and fart everywhere in front of them. I don't care. It's human nature, isn't it? I really don't see the point in pretending to be someone else in front of them if we're going to be together for the long run. Knowing each other the way we are is, I think, the best way to understand each other and build our teamwork.

Are You Messy Or Neat : Neat
Home Skills : I can cook, clean, do the laundry, make your beds, anything. 

Home Actions : I'd usually just be spending my time playing games on my computer or X-box, but there are the occasional days where I take the time to go for a run if I feel good. After a long day at work, I'd just kick off my shoes, get a shower, and fall straight to sleep. 


Favorite Show To Watch When Home : Oprah, Lord of the Rings


Who Do You Look At As Enchanted's Rival? : SNSD because they're popular. I want to overthrow them someday. It seems impossible, but I want to at least give it a try.


Bare Face Ranking : 4


Anything Else I Should Know? : Can't think of any. 

I Wanna (Ha) I Wanna (Ha)


Comments : Nothing other than that if there's anything wrong, let me know and I'll work on it. One more thing, about her love interest. Eventually she'll get married to someone, but it won't be during the duration of the story, I don't think. And it'd probably be a normal person who's not an idol. 
Scene Requests : Nothing's coming to me at the moment. 
Song Suggestions : 

Exid - Every Night

Can I Make Changes?: Yes
How Comfortable Are You With Drama?: 5
Why Should I Accept You? : Because...Don't really have a good reason. I guess if I'd have to say something, it'd be that I think my character would be someone who's good to have in the group, but that's about it really. Decision's up to you. 

Fun Question Time : Spice Girls - Wannabe? Haha just a guess because that's the vibe I'm getting






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