✼ Twinkle ✼ Comeback ✮ Character's Name ¤ Agent's Name ❊

A/N : Please delete all notes and change the picture with your own :D - Delete this note as well. 

The Real You

[Please replace the constellation with your own - I'll give you a link if you can't find any]

Username: [hyperlink please]

Activeness: ?/7 (by days)

Nicknames : [What should I call you?]

The Camouflage

[Please replace the face claim with your own]


Other names: English/Mandarin/Japanese/anything [you should at least have one  - I can help you with this too. Just PM me. :)]


Birth date: [Please refer to foreword]




Blood type:

Birth place: [before you were send to the shelter homes. You can just put – unknown]

Hometown: [Should be in Busan, were the camp base training center is situated]

The Twinkling Star

[Please replace the face claim with your own]

Face claim: 

Backup Face claim:

Styles: [hyperlink, please]

1)      Idols

2)      Spies

Personality: [Quality over quantity, have some flaws please – arrogant, possessive, annoying, stubborn, hardheaded, bratty, etc]

Stage name : 

Position: [refer to foreword]

Backup Position:


Fan club name & color:

Training company:

(All of you will be trained for 5 years)

The Undercover Agent

[Please replace the face claim with your own - with spy's style (you can use the same picture that you provide in the style link)]

Agent Name: [refer to the foreword, it’s the constellation’s star name]


Background: [How do you survive in the base camp and how do you trained to be the agents. Please make sure you write it to fit in your position whether you are in the Field Agents, Research Team or Masquerade Team]

Psychological Traits

[Please replace the face claim with your own]

Likes: [6+]

Dislikes: [6+]

Hobbies: [3+]

Fears: [2+]

Habits: [2+]

Weakness: [2+]

Strength: [5+]

Trivia: [Please include your achievement here. TWINKLE debuted in 2009; the members are the goddess of variety. Please list all the show and with who do you appeared]

Bullets of Love


[Please replace the face claim with your own and your love interest]


Love Interest: [Name, stage name and group / soloist and actors are allowed too]

Age: [No older or younger than 3 years]

Why do you fall in love with him?

How do you meet?

Status: [You can date him]

Backup Love Interest: [Name, stage name and group / soloist or actors are allowed too]

(Please descriptively write how you want him to be like in the first question because I’m so not gonna put the real characteristics of him in the story)

Hates vs Hackers


[Please replace the face claim with your own and your rival]

Rival: [She can be anyone – name, stage name, group / soloist or actresses are allowed too]

Why do you hate her? [You don’t have to hate each other. I prefer you and her to be jealous with each other]

Would you like her to be your best friend in the end? Yes or no.

Relationship and friendship

[Please replace the picture with your own creativity - please refer to the author's note below the form]

Best friend: [Please choose your best friend in the team, who do you care the most, not who you are partnered with. State her/their position and their agent’s name. You can be best friend with your manager as well. ^^]

Friends: [Whoever you feel you would like to be friends with – unlimited] - (Name | Stage name | Group | Age| Personality)

Siblings: [Add if you would like to have sibling and please state your relationship]

[You can add your other family members, for example if you were sent to the shelter home by your uncles or you suddenly met your grandparents, or you were adopted by any family. I’ll try my best to add in everything into the story]

Keep in View

[Please replace the face claim with your own}

Would you like to be the betrayer? Yes or no.

Would you like to end up with your love interest? Yes or no.

Scene requests: [Not too much of mushy love problems, please. Remember, this is an action-based story, I'll accept some fluff, but not too much romance, sorry... :(]

Suggestions: [Please link the co-author form here if you're interested]




Thanks for applying!! CX

Author's note : 

You can just put the picture of your face claim with her group members or any picture of her with anyoneon the relationship and friendship part.


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kkaebsongg- #1
Can I have the source code? OUO