Spirit Wars...master story?

I'm conflicted, guize ;A; I want to post stuff like crazy but I'm worried that I'll hit a low and not be able to write anything and not have anything saved to post.

So some of you know that I'm turning Spirit Wars into a whole AU, with it's own master story and links and stuff. I'm not entirely sure how that's going to work yet, on AFF. Bear with me .______.;; I'm also working on a spin-off to it that'll be the second installment of the AU. I want to post it, but only the foreword's done so far. I'm so impatient /sob

The master story will also have lore and stuff for the AU, which'll be fun to write. Some of it's written already, some not. It'll probably only be interesting to those who're really into the story.

So question for y'all. Should I post what I have? Or wait until I have more so I've got a couple consecutive weeks of posting?

Also...what should the AU be called? I'm taking suggestions, because we all know what happens when I try to name things. 

/done rambling for now


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I'm conflicted as well cos I WANT YOU TO POST EVERYTHING SO THAT I CAN READ DAMNIT. But I know it'd probably be better for you to slowly ration everything.

As for the rest, go ahead? AU naming... I'm as good as you are =P So....