
Hey guys, just wanted to talk a bit about my fics, such as Doppleganger and It Began With A Message.

I know I haven't updated It Began With A Message in a while, which I am truely sorry for. I know their marriage has just begun! But I really don't know how to "start" it. I've come up with lots of ideas, but can't write it out. It Began With A Message may be going on a hiatis, but I'm not possibly sure. I might TRY to update one chapter, and if I do, it'll be looooooooong to make up for the wait.

Doppleganger will be updated after this blog, and I'm pretty sure it'll not be the best. I truly at fighting sceans, but try to make the best of it. I always get a C or a D (that's what she said) on the details part, but always a B or an A on the story line, and the flow. Details are not my thing, but I try to do as much details as I can. (three is my limit) But I will update ASAP. (Doppleganger is kinda my best, except for My Five Boyfriends that has 50 subbies, but I only put six chapters and there's already 30 something subbies. Me likely) So yeah, I'll update soon.

And other things? I'm sorry for my bad english, and spelling errors. I find that weird because I was born and raised in the states, but ever since I've gotten into kpop, my english has been going doooooown, ahahaha. (during the english finals, my english teacher gave us the answers to only correct, but I changed my answers so I could get most of them correct aha im bad. IM A BADMAN- I MEAN GIRL. But i got away with cheating on tests, like I always do kekeke) My english isn't bad as like... Mir's. I can still say english for damn sure. My swearing is one hundered percent A okay, cuz i do that whenever I can (sorry for that. bad habit) it's just that... Let's say Expecially, I say Espeashally. Pft.

I have a couple new fics in mind (two) they'll be coming out soon. Just gotta get the plot done and everything. A little hint I should give? Mmmmmmm No. AHAHAHA. Okay. I'll shut up now.


If you have any questions, my is in the link~

Twitter account, pft I only made one so I have contact with L.Joe- I mean all the teen top members and other kpop idols, and fans :3 so click duh link~

I just made an instagram, NOT BECAUSE L.JOE MADE ONE. okay... maybe... But I only have one follower which is my idiot cousin in law, so hit me up and follow me :) just click the liiiink.

and how can i forget about tumblr :3 (I'm sorry for it being so big [that's what she said])

Duh, I have a fb but no, I will not share... Not yet.

But yeah... Off to updating I go :)


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