I REALLY hate my school.

This is a continuation of my last blog post..

Okay, so remember how I told you guys that my schedule got really messed up? So today we picked up the hard copy of our schedule and got our school IDs. And my schedule was the same as I saw it online..


So, I went to the counselors and talked to them about my problem. 

First, let me tell you my schedule that I got.

Open 1st Period

Algebra 2


English 2A

US History

ADV Band

Spanish 2


So, what I wanted was 7 classes, my physics to switch to chemistry, and my US History to change to WHAP.

This is what happened.

So the counselor I got happened to be the same one I talked to last year for my schedule, since last year I transferred to my high school the day before freshman orientation. LOL. When I talked to her last year, she seemed really nice. Now I don't like her. LOL


Okay, so I told her, and she tried to fix my classes. And she said that Chemistry only fits in 1st and 3rd period. WHAP can only be in 3rd period. And she told me that there's nothing to put in 5th period (US History). 

But, if I had seven classes, it would have worked, you see, Chem would be 1st, WHAP would be 3rd, and PE would be 5th. Since PE, there is always a class every period and there is no class limit. 

Don't you see how that would work? So it'd be:


Algebra 2


English 2A


ADV Band 

Spanish 2

BUT NO. Because I have to talk to the administration (which I feel was pure bull) and talk to them about getting seven classes. 

BECAUSE. okay. Usually the only people who get seven classes are people in Leadership and Symphony Orchestra. I was going to do Symphony Orchestra so I can get seven classes. BUT, my band teacher said he would talk to the administration about getting seven classes AND putting me in band. Because he needs more oboe players. So, when I signed up for classes, he didn't tell me this so I put Symphony Orchestra. SO, I know he talked to them since its changed to band. BUT WHERE IS MY SEVEN CLASSES.

Two of my other friends were able to get seven classes. like wtf.

And she told me that maybe the reason I was put into Physics instead of CHEM was because I'm in Algebra 2. BULL . BULL ING . All of my friends (who are in Algebra 2) that requested Chemistry, GOT CHEMISTRY. 

But yknow what she told me, she told me that I should just take regular World History so it can fit in my schedule. HELL ING NO. NO. I HAVE DONE MOST OF MY HOMEWORK FOR WHAP, I HAVE BOUGHT MY BOOKS, I HAVE DONE EVERYTHING TO PREPARE FOR THIS CLASS, I AM NOT GONNA LET IT GO TO WASTE BY TAKING REGULAR WORLD HISTORY.

Second, she told me I should take Marine Bio. Like, no. okay. Because Marine Bio is a science class, but I STILL HAVE TO TAKE PHYSICS OR CHEM FOR STANDARDS. like. i just want to get it out of the way. I don't want to waste a year by taking Marine Bio.

Third, she told me to talk to the administration lady about the seven classes. Which I felt was most right. But, I don't know her. And SHE GAVE ME ONE OF THE MOST VAGUE DESCRIPTIONS OF HER. "She's wearing glasses, blue shirt, and is walking around." If you don't understand how much of a stuggle this is, you haven't seen my school. MY SCHOOL IS ALMOST AS BIG AS DISNEYLAND (supposedly). HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO FIND HER DAFUQ.

So I walked around and couldn't find her. So, I went to the main office nearby and they told me to go to the administration office ON THE OTHER SIDE OF SCHOOL. So I had to walk ALL THE WAY to the other side of school, only to find out that they can't do anything. They said there was no one to help me. they told me to do it online and "request a change". So I went online and FINALLY requested a change.

But tbh, I don't even know what'll happen now. 

Like, a lot of my friends complained about not having the 'easy' teachers, but I was just over here with a WRONG SCHEDULE.

I feel like if I had just taken Symphony Orchestra, I wouldn't have had any problems.

Its stupid because they made these mistakes that turned into a HUGE mess, and all of my friends don't have any problems with their schedules. Like who decided to up with my schedule?

I hate this.

I hate being in such a big school.



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I hate my school too cause thrs alot of es in my school >~<
That really ._. That is so retarded. I would be very angry. School books aren't cheap and you've already bought them... wtf man wtf. Can you get someone else to talk to them about it? It's really unfair ._.
you are not the only one who does.. we are all suffering, don't you worry. ^^.
I hate my school too. *patpat*
KoalasRULE25 #5
That's tough yo
Sorry to hear that you got du h hard classes
But if you need, since we have some if the same classes we can like message or Skype and ill help you out
I'm really good at math and pysics is just a math based science
And English is my second best subject
Only thing I can't really help is WHAP, I barely passed regular history T-T