Elemental Guardians | Yang Jun Mi | Ice Guardian

Let Me Tell You Something....


Who are you??

AFF Name: Decarion

What should I call you?: D

Activeness /10: 9-10


Look at mee!!

Ulzzang: Baek Su Min

Links: 1 2 3 4 5

Backup Ulzzang: Byeon Seo Eun

Links: 1 2 3 4 5 


You Need Protecting...It Would Be My Pleasure

Character Name: Yang Jun Mi

Any Nicknames: Jun (simply because it's shorter)

Guardian Applying For: Ice Guardian

Occupation: High school student

Age: 18

Ethnicity: Korean

Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Languages: Korean


Tell Me About Yourself

Personality: Jun is a natural introvert, preferring to keep to herself than socializing with others. She doesn't say much, and usually only speaks when she needs to, and sometimes doesn't even do so when she has to. She has a lot of thoughts in her head which she prefers to keep to herself. She only does what she wants to do, and doesn't like to give in to other's requests if it is not to her liking. So, if she asked to do something or asked a question which she does not feel like answering, she would either simply stare at you, or sometimes even just ignore you altogether. She speaks very little, but every word she speaks, she speaks with meaning.


Jun is rarely seen showing any emotions. She knows how to control her expressions, and is always seen with a calm look on her, no matter the situation. She analyzes situations in her mind, and makes her decisions from there. She has long since mastered her poker face, and even if her mind is in a state of panic, it almost never shows. Besides that, Jun is also a very independent girl, constantly only relying on herself. She works hard to get what she wants, and everything she has, she earned it herself. She doesn't like depending on others, mostly because it makes her feel inferior, weak, and useless,and this is probably due to her strong sense of pride


Jun is also someone whose forgiveness does not come easily. Get her mad enough, or if you betray her in the slightest, she will hold a grudge against you for all eternity. Betrayal is not something she takes lightly, and is the one thing she finds hardest to forgive. Pranks and jokes are barely tolerable, but it is nothing that she wouldn't forgive as she knows that it's just people's way of having fun. While Jun doesn't like socializing, that doesn't mean that she is shy. She is not afraid of walking up to someone and starting a conversation, but she simply doesn't do that often as she doesn't like talking to others. 


If Jun has a soft spot, it would be for her family, children, animals, and her closest friends (the rest of the guardians and B.A.P). Around them, she still appears to be the calm, icy girl, but she tends to smile and laugh around them occasionally. However, she doesn't like people seeing her laugh, and would instinctively, by reflex cover her face when she laughs. While it doesn't seem that way, she can laugh at the silliest joke or sometimes at nothing at all. While she may not appear so, she is really grateful for the people around her that care for her, and she cares for them more than they would think.


History/Background: Jun grew up a normal, healthy girl under her parents' and sisters' care, other than the fact that she's an introvert, which they did not mind. When she was 13, she first encountered her elemental power of ice when she had a drink of water and it turned into ice upon her touch. However, that did not happen again, and she thus thought nothing of it, dismissing it as one of her own imaginations. SInce then, years passed and she turned 16, and that's when she fully discovered her powers. It started when she was in school, and was feeling frustrated due to the constant probing of her classmates. During her luch break, she was in one of the toliet cubicles, hoping to get some time alone to herself. She was simply sitting there, when a whole bunch of girls entered the bathroom, and stayed there forever. Jun wanted to leave, but she did not want to face the girls, and she shut her eyes, frustrated, and wished how she was elsewhere. When she opened her eyes, she found herself on the school's rooftop. Naturally, she was surprised. She started panicking, and started thinking that she wanted to be back at home, and to her amazement, she found herself back at home in her room. She started researching online, and she started to accept that perhaps she could teleport herself anywhere she wanted to. She didn't discover her elemental power until she was 17, when she was drinking some water on a hot summer and it turned to ice once again. She remembered the same encounter she had when she was 13, and started to think if it had a connection to her teleportation ability. She started experimenting with her powers, and found that she could turn water to ice. When she had properly gained control of it, she thought to herself to see if she could do the same with the water in the air, and to her amazement, it worked. Since she discovered her abilities, she used them for her own personal use, teleporting to quiet places so that she could have her own personal time, as well as making water turn to ice on people who annoy her. 



Yang Min Soo | 54 | Father | IT Manager | Kind, Loving, Caring, Loyal

Yang (Shin) Sun Hwa | 48 | Mother | Housewife | Loving, Strict, Motherly, Sensitive

Yang Hyo Min | 20 | Sister | University Student | Loving, Forgiving, Funny, Considerate



1. Animals and children

2. Cooking

3. Winter and rain



1. The questions "How are you?", "How was your weekend/day?", "Why are you so antisocial?", "Why are you always like that/so quiet?"

2. Loud, rowdy places and people

3. People constantly annoying her/sticking to her, even after she tells them to leave her alone 

4. Summer



1. Loves food

2. Doesn't like hot weather due to her power, but doesn't mind if it's humid because that means that there's a lot of water in the air

3. Has a motherly smile on her face when talking to children or animals

4. Stares blankly at rain

5. Doesn't like people paying attention to her, especially if when she's smiling or laughing and people go "Ooohh!! She's smiling!". She will immediately wipe that smile off her face and glare at them

6. Loves playing with animals and children


It Must Be Love <3

Love Interest: Moon Jong Up

Age: 18

How did you meet: Jong Up was a transfer student to Jun's school when he found out that there was a guardian in the school, and was seated next to her. He recognized her as the ice guardian and tried talking to her despite his shy personality, but found that she was harder to approach due to her cold demeanour as she simply stared at him when he talked to her. Not giving up, he constantly followed her everywhere until she got annoyed. Frustrated at his persistence, she accidently. turned the water he was drinking into ice. Struggling to explain what happened, he told her that he was aware of her powers, and explained to her that she was a guardian. 

How do you act around him: Jong Up constantly tries to make her smile and laugh, and while she doesn't like to show it in front of him, she would secretly smile and chuckle to herself when nobody is paying attention. Sometimes, he would get physical with her (not in the dirty way xD) by holding her hand, or placing his hand over her shoulder naturally as he doesn't think much of it, but she would get a little awkward and remove his arm, only to have him put it back again. She doesn't talk much to the others, but finds that he's the one she talks most with, even if it's not a whole lot. 


Backup Love InterestKim Himchan


How did you meet: Jun met Himchan on her way back home, where he saw her and recognized her as a guardian. He approached her, trying to flirt with her to get her to listen to him, but to his surprise, she simply ignored him and walked away. He continued following her, and she finally turned around and glared at him, asking him to leave her alone. He told her that he knew about her powers, and revealed to her that she's a guardian. 

How do you act around him: The same as with Jong Up. 


Hope We'll Meet Again!

Comments/Suggestions: Hope you like her =) And good luck with your fic. I'm sure it'll be awesome, just like the teaser!

Questions: None at the moment =)

Requested Scenes: I don't really have any on my mind atm, but I'll let you know =)


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