In 6th week - AND THIS BIG?

As you guys know, 5 months after i gave birth to my twins, i'm pregnant again. I always wished for a big family, i've never cared about the timing. but... well.. it's just two weeks until i start at school again. I was supposed to be graduated, but since i got pregnant, i got a special deal with the school that i go another half a year, since i'm a top student. 

hahaha but now i got this problem, that i'm preggy, so do you think my teacher would still let me go to school, even with the belly? Japan is a tough country. there are NO teen-moms. we don't learn about and pubirty in school, isn't that really shocking? o-O' i visited America for 2 months, and went to school there, and everyone was so OPEN and i just.. woaaaah! people knew about stuff like that since middle school! japan isn't even close, lol. 

but anyways, i'm planning on going to school some weeks, and then tell my teacher. i really hope i can keep going to school out December, then i'll be done at high school~~! 

I'm in Busan, S Korea right now - it's so pretty ~ but so hot.. my belly is huge already. I'm having morning sickness all the time, so i'm not eating much either. my weight is going up and down, so much trouble >-<

I've had some trouble that the fetus was suffocating. got it translated from indonesian, so i'm not completely 100% sure about this, but hubby is taking care of me. "do these exercises! eat this, eat that! do this, do that!" phew, i'm all better now, and the baby is better. it's still so tiny, but already making problem, ey?! haha ~ 

 Am i the only one thinking i look huge?! I'm only in the 6th week. 

it's completely normal getting so huge so fast, but it's still scary, watching it grow so fast. even my girls are growing fast and it scares me. 


everybody is growing so fast, please stop the time for a moment. 



But seriously, i think telling my teacher will go fine. since he is a nice guy, and he is a close family friend of my hubby. but... any advices? i think teacher will refuse me to keep going to school because of my belly and publicity. 

oh, when i think about it... no one in our family knows about my pregnancy! not even mom and dad, lol x) pfft, i haven't even thought about telling them! haha about time i did, huh? ^^v 

do you think it's twins or not? remember, 80% chance it is! peace out ~


... also, sorry for not updating my story, but i'm.. having morning sickness ALL DAY - it's an all day sickness now xD


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How old are you?
you're not even that big~ I have lots of family and friends that are or were in the 6th week and were a lot bigger. Probably because my family births fat babies LOL
god luck girl <3
and about school, here in denmark i have had many friends who got pregnant during school time and they just made a deal with the principal, on the news a year ago there was a university student who gave birth to a healthy girl the day before her last exam and the next day she went to the exam and got full grades! so what i think you should do is keep up the good work and its easy to hide your belly till you are maybe in the 4th or 5th month since your highschool unifons are very loose and easy ^^ but still i wish you luck <3 and next time come to denmark!
Twins!! Omo so happy for you!!
LoveLovii #5
It HAS to be twin lol and you do NOT look fat!! Pshh my sis looked wayyyyy bigger than you and she only had one kid xD
JojoCircus_ #6
Omo! Do you really think it could be twins again? Lol
It will be si cute if there were two boys this time.
Omy I'm so happy for you, I hope it goes well :)
its screaming dear haruna lol twins im 200percent sure :-D
JoeGQ2min #8
it's twiiinnnn!!!!
i'm sure of that, lol

if you can't go to school that's mean you have to repeat your school for another half year???

haha your parent's will shock i guess.. ^^v
shinoside #9
Your health come first. that you are having morning sickness and I hope it will not be too bad.

Oh and I totally think this would be twins. That's my guess anyway.