SJLS Character | Kim Min Seo


Username/Profile link: Jessy_The_Panda
Nickname: Jessy/Panda (Whichever) 
Activity: 6-7 (Right now. As soon as school starts it'll be up to 8-9 ish)

The One in the Shadows

Name: Kim Min Seo

Min- A shorter version of her name that her korean friends call her.

Allison- Her english name that she mainly uses. Especially for work and american friends. Though legally her name is Min Seo, pretty much everyone in america just knows her by Allison. 

Yeou- Fox in english. It is a name the Super Junior boys call Min Seo. It started out with Heechul, and from there, the rest of the boys just caught onto it. 

Alli- Her american nickname. 

Age: 23
Birthday: December 03, 1989
Bloodtype: A
Height: 164cm
Weight: 53kgs

Hometown: Los Angles, California
Ethnicity: Korean
Languages: Korean, English (Fluent) Mandarin (Advanced. She has a minor in Mandarin.)

On the Surface

Ulzzang Links: one two three four five
Ulzzang Name: Byeon Seo Eun
Back-Up Links: one two three
Back-Up Name: Choi Seo Hee


Style Description: Min Seo's style is all over the place, though she most prefers to be in casual type clothing. She loves pants and just regular tshirts. She loves bright colors. Being born in Korea, to a Korean family, and growing up in LA, her style definitely reflects that. She has a much more conservitive style, though definitely modern and fun. She has no hesitation to wear a bikini in the summer when swimming. Min Seo definitely enjoys dressing trendy. Min Seo prefers to keep her hair short, but does own hair extentions that she wears occasionally.

Special: Two ear lobe peircings.

Behind the Mask

Personality: When one is asked to describe Min Seo, the first thought that comes to mind is Independant. Min Seo is one who craves excitement and adventure, not one who should be locked up, this is also one of the factors that has played into Min Seo's fear of commitment. She tends to avoid situations in which require a long term commitment, or ones that she would have no way to back out of. Min Seo has a kind heart and a positive, encouraging nature. She would do anything to make a friend happy. Not one who expects favors to be returned, Min Seo is a good person to come to if you need something done. She won't ask questions, she'll do it. She has her witty moments and is a great conversationalist. Though her humor is much more dry and snarky. Min Seo is the type of person who says what she means, and one who keeps her word. 

Min Seo is a born entertainer. Being the middle child, she tended to be forgotten, or so she felt. So she did everything in her power to stand out. She is an excellent story teller and a fantastic actress. (It runs in the family.) She rarely ever runs out of ideas for anything. You just got to give her a few guidelines and she will come up with some of the wildest ideas. Min Seo tends to be a pretty big procrastinator, and will do things last minute, but don't expect it to be crappy. She has perfected the art of procrastination and can make it look like she spent weeks on a project she only started a couple hours ago. Due to this habbit, she is amazing under pressure. 

Most people just assume Min Seo is unemotional, cold is another way to describe it. But that is far from the truth, she isn't one who expresses her emotions, much like her older brother. It comes from the fact that she suffers from depression, and doesn't ever want to go back to that dark place again. Though when she is bored, she can be especially irritaitng. Min Seo tends to hold grudges and isn't one who forgives easily. Her love language is words of affrimation and tends to take words, no matter how carelessly thrown around, fairly seriously. Though she'll bury how she feels. Min Seo is the type of friend who will take your problems off of you and put them on herself to solve them. her reasoning being that she can handle it better than they can. Shee feels that since she isn't happy, the least she could do for her friends is make it easy on them, make it so they can be happy. She doesn't like to talk about these things with people, avoiding converstations about herself that get too deep. Min Seo is an extremely curious being, one who enjoys learning new things.

Likes: reading, movies, plays, musicals, spicy foods, city life, sour candy, studying/learning new things, Chinese Variety shows, Caffine (Mainly in starbucks frappes and mtn dew.)
Dislikes: Boredom, Cats, Kimchi (Her mother teases her about this.) Most korean dramas (She grew up with her mom playing these in her house, and her sister watches them all the time. They are too predictabe for her.) liars, those who don't keep promises.
Fears: Commitment: She's just grown up with a lot of broken promises. She is extremely hesitant when it comes to commitment in relationships especially.

Vunribility: The though of being helpless, at the mercy of others, it is just terrifying to her. 

Habits: Min Seo tends to write notes on herself, or if she is home, on sticky notes and places them everywhere. She does click her pens often when she is trying to think or remember something. Min Seo sleeps cuddling a pillow, or something/someone when she sleeps. It depends on what is nearby. Min Seo tends to drum on her desk or other types of surfaces when she is trying to think of soemthing to write. She also bites on the ends of her pens and pencils.[2-7]
Hobbies: Watching Movies, Surfing the internet, Listening to music, acting.
Trivia: Her favorite role she has played to this date was as Mimi Marquez in RENT.

She is an huge fan of the british tv show Sherlock.
Min Seo is especially fond of the musician Justin Timberlake. 
Min Seo isn't really into kpop, but enjoys listening to mandopop (cpop or whatever people call it.) 
She loves Danson Tang, Vanness Wu and she use to have the hugest crush on Show Luo. 
She loves to watch Happy Camp and 100% Entertainment

Random Talent: She can wiggle her ears. Though she doesn't really consider that a talent. She can immitate her brother and Kim Heechul fairly well, and just good at imitating people fairly well. But that is as far as her talent goes. 

Welcome to My Life

SuJu Sibling: 
Leeteuk | Heechul | Han Geng | Yesung | Kangin | Shindong | Sungmin | Eunhyuk | Donghae | Siwon | Ryeowook | Kibum | Kyuhyun | Zhou Mi | Henry
How is your relationship?: Their relationship is bipolar. Sometimes they are as close as can be, attached at the hip. While at othertimes they could be at eachother's throats... though more so figuratively due to their personalities. Though generally they are okay in their relationship. They talk occasionally, though Kibum is much closer to their youngest sister. Mainly due to their clashing personalities.
What is it like to be in his 'shadow'?: Min Seo's family was known for producing star-worthy childern. Her cousin is none other than Shin Dong Wook. So she was use to the whole stardom thing. She was much more of a wall flower in middle and highschool, but once she hit college, things were better for her. Her mother didn't treat her or her sister any different than before, but her father and other family members did try to get closer to her family. In School, nobody really payed much attention to it. If he was going to become a star in america or europe, then that would be different. 
What is his reason for keeping you 'hidden'?: Kibum in the first place isn't one who is fond of sharing anything. It was their litter sister's fault for everyone to know who she was. She was the one who posted the photos. It was then when Kibum finally introduced both sibilings to the rest of Super Junior, but after that, Min Seo personally requested not to be in the spotlight.
What do you think his reasoning is?: Before she requested it, she just thought Kibum was being Kibum. She was indifferent towards it. But when she saw how fans reacted even when he was with female fans, and how they initially reacted to Sae Hee, she made sure he knew not to say anything about her.
Other family members:

Mom; Kim Min Hee | 53 | Alive | Min Seo absolutly adores her mother. though there were rough spots growing up, Min Seo is on friendly terms with her mother.

Biological Father; Kim Kyung Soo | 57 | Alive | Min Seo has not talked to her father since she was ten, and that was her decision. If Min Seo could change anything about herself, it would be her father. She absolutly loaths him. When she was younger, she use to be a total daddy's girl.

Younger Sister; Kim Sae Hee | 21 | Alive | Sae Hee and Min Seo are compleate opposites. Their personalities just clash, Sae Hee takes after their father, and that definitely causes a rift between the two. Beings that Sae Hee is a Virgo and Min Seo is a Saggitarus, they are obivously not going to get along. 
Living Arrangement: Min Seo rents an apartement in Portland, Oregon. By herself.

Step Father; Brian Kim | 55 | Alive | Min Seo doesn't care much for him. She was 15 when her mother remairred, and he was definitely very authoritative, he quickly made it clear that he was to be respected and was going to take over the father role in the house. Min Seo doesn't hate him, she just isn't fond of him and was extremely happy when she graduated from high school. 

Past: Min Seo grew up as a daddy's girl in seoul. When she was three years old, her mother gave birth to her younger sister. Nothing really eventful happened to Min Seo till she was seven. Her father filed for divorce from her mother. It wasn't messy, he didn't want custody of the kids, which her mom was perfectly fine with. After the divorce, she moved the family to her parent's house in LA. No matter what people told her, Min Seo couldn't help but feel that the divorce was her fault, and through that, she started to blame her father, and push her hatred and anger at him. Growing up in LA, Min Seo quickly adapted to the american culture and loved the fast pace nature of it. It allowed her to push away her past and start anew. in 2002, when Kibum was scouted, everybody was estatic, and Min Seo would admit she was jealous. All the attention was on Kibum, who did everything he could to stay out of the spotlight. But she was happy for him. He left to go back to Seoul, and that left Min Seo with her sister. Nobody really payed much attention in school to the fact that Kibum wasn't there. He was a quiet kid anyway. So was Min Seo, unless she was with her friends. After Kibum debuted, everybody again went through their happy phase again. Min Seo supported her brother, and talked to him occasionally, when he had the chance. Around that time, her mother remarried, to a man Min Seo didn't really care for. She just felt he would leave like her father did. But that didn't happen. After high school, Min Seo wanted to get far away from her family and compleatly start over. She found that in Portland, one of her top choices in colleges accepted her and she started college that fall. She knew she wanted to be a teacher when she started, and wanted to continue studying mandarin. She started learning mandarin in High School for the foreign language credit. She liked it and decided to minor in it. Portland was Min Seo's ideal place. With an active theatre community and just the fast paced life style, Min Seo thrived. She went home on holidays to visit, but she stayed away otherwise. Min Seo wants to travel to Taiwan or Hong Kong in the future. 

Best Friend: Nicole Rieger | 22 | They are compleate opposites. There is no reason they should be friends, if it wasn't for that one class they had in college together that required partners. | They will often go to coffe shops and just talk, go to movies, stay the night at Min Seo's house. They aren't those types of girlfriends that squeel at everything. But they know each other better than themselves. (Knows her both as Min Seo and Allison, but calls her Allison/Alli.)

Woo Young Soo (E7) | 23 | They're like twins. It was Nicole who introduced the two, While Wooyoung was studying abroad in america. | They don't get to see each other often, because He is in Korea and she is in the states, but they'll facebook or skype each other often. (Calls her Min Seo mainly Min.)

Elly Rogers | 24 | Elly is somebody that she looks up too. Elly is well known on the west coast stage. Elly and Min Seo met during RENT. | They are often attending workshops or performing together. They are professional friends. (Known as Allison.)

Relationship: Min Seo actually just recently got out of a fairly serious relationship. She doesn't really want to date anybody or even get married at this point. His name was Kyle and he was apart of the tech crew in the Alice In Wonderland production at her college in her second year. They became fast friends and a year later, they started dating. They had been dating for almost three years. They broke up three months ago, Kyle got bored with Min Seo, and Min Seo was already getting cold feet in the relationship. In the end it was Kyle who called things off, and things were messy for a while, and still are. They don't talk any more and avoid each other at all costs. Her family (excluding Kibum) were happy after they found out they broke up. They want her to date/marry a korean. Kibum doesn't care much for her love life, but he doesn't like how it affected her. He has in the past tried setting her up with some people he knows, but it hasn't worked well yet. Though she has shown interest in the past in Han Geng. 

Punchin' the Clock

Job: Subsitute Teacher (Hopefully to become a full time teacher some time.)
What's work life like?: Min Seo enjoys work. She prefers to teach high schoolers and avoids math and physical education/health classes at all costs. She enjoys being a substitute for the theatre classes, foreign languages and english the most. Teaching in Portland is definitely good for her, she has many different schools she is able to work at. Students have varying opinions of her. She is definitely highly recomonded by teachers, and students generally love her. She is the type of teacher who has standards, and expects them to be met. They are not hard, but theyre not the easiest ones in the world. She treats the students like adults, and it is hard to pull something over her. She is totally fine with cell phones and ipods in class as long as work is getting done. 
School: She graduated last year, from Portland State University with a bacholers in education and a minor in mandarin.
What's school life like?: School life was very simple for Min Seo. She did a lot of online classes, and also worked part time. She wanted to pay for college as much as she could by herself, and her mother helped as well.  
Anything else?: Min Seo is active in her community's theatre. She loves to act on stage. Often being involved with plays and musicals, whether it be backstage in the crew or on stage as an actress. 

And Now the Adventure Begins

Questions?: Nope~
Comments: Nada~
Scene Requests?: I don't have anything specific now, but I might add something later, but I'll let you know.


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