felt like writing a new fic..


hmm.. I know I have got like.. IDK 5 ongoing fanfics? O.o

but... I wanna try writing a fic in the POV of a kid, isn't it gonna be cute~~~ *spazz*

I think I am really random when I am tired..


I am like on and off typing my 'essay' for the day XD (assignment -.- tough question today)

Anyways... hope I don't cause any disturbance ><



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yup! and i will read it immiedately! :)
pov of a kid is easier but still has complications...
Yes you should >< make story about You & EXO ,vampires story tenene xDD
Ikr!! XD the ideas just keep flooding in but u feel guilty for having ongoing fics too.. I have like 9++ rn -.-