There is nothing wrong in choosing the 'subscribers only' option for your stories.


Click on any subscriber-locked fic and you'll know how wrong you are. We can access the foreword. 

Why do people think like this?

There's two of them in AFF confessions, and I guess, around four more in the blog section.



By creating the Subscribers-Only option boss is riling up the competitive nature in AFF? How does OP even come up with that?

I would really like writers to up their game so that it would be easy to search fics here.

But I can't do anything if the market demands for certain types of fics and the authors respond to it.

But more than that...

Is it so wrong to subscribe to a story you are reading?

It's free. It won't cost a karma pt. Or you just don't want the author to know that you are reading his/her story? You don't want author to know that her story is being read or liked?

Views don't automatically mean that user read your fic. It only means, someone clicked it. Perhaps comments are more important than subscribers. But who is more likely to comment, the susbcriber or the lurker?

Most of us are writers here and we know how the act of subsribing is like an act of support. Appreciation. As if another user is telling you, "Hey, I like what I see so far, I am looking forward to read more from you." Because that is exactly what subscribing does. It notifies us when a story is updated. Why would we subscribe to a fic we don't like?

I don't know about you but I like receiving updates/notifications. It is easier than checking the fic from time to time if a chapter has been added.


I can't see anything wrong when authors use the subscribers-only option when I am really reading the author's story.

Why would I not subscribe when I'm liking and reading every update?

I read the first and last updated chapters before I hit the subscribe button. So if it is locked, I can simply do just that. Subscribe, check fic out, subscribe if I like, unsubscribe if I don't. 

I really don't understand how pressing a button is so difficult. Are we this lazy?


Authors who use that option know, at least I expect them to, that not everyone will like their story. Yes, I mentioned that subscribing is an act of support. But if you are viewing a subscriber-locked fic, subscribing means, "I wanna check your story out." And unsubscribing right after says, "Sorry, it wasn't what I was expecting." So unsubscribing in a subscriber-locked fic is not a big thing.  

Actually, unsubscribing is pretty normal. It's hard at first for a writer to lose a subscriber. But writers have to toughen up and realize that the stories they write are not for everyone and some readers would realize that in later chappies.

Don't feel guilty OTL Maybe, I am just mean for thinking that we are doing the author a favor by unsubscribing, especially when we are no longer reading. I remember getting annoyed when people unsubscribe once I complete a fic but in time, I realize that... once completed, they no longer need to stay susbcribed.

When I left my comfort zone and wrote a GD fic in 2011, I prepared myself for unsubscribers. I have no idea how VIPs would respond to an ELF writing a fic about their beloved GD. It would be a hit or miss. And every time someone leaves, I would make sure that the next chapter would be better than my previous one. I fail sometimes, but I pushed through until I completed my fic.  And when those unsubscribers subscribed back, I got pissed at first [like make up your mind, girl. This is the same story written by the same author] but then I realize what just happened. They came back. MUAHAHAA. Thank you. People unsubscribing motivated me to do better.


People should stop viewing everything as competition or an author's plot to gain subscribers.

I get the vibe that too much importance is given on that popular authors list or the featured story. AFF is not all about that. Not everything an author does is for him/her to gain readers. No one is competing with anyone. A writer can only compete with herself/himself to do better.

Yes, there are cheaters here in AFF - the plagiarizers, the 'click this' cheaters, the I-will-transfer-my-story-to-another-account authors...

But not everyone is like that. Perhaps author wanted to hide her completed fics but still want to grant access to his/her old readers. 

I wonder who the authors OP was referring to. Or if they even exist. They have to make a reason better than that because OP derived assumptions based on their reasoning alone. 

There is nothing wrong in hiding your fic from lurkers/stalkers. There is nothing wrong in making your story exclusive to your readers only. There is nothing wrong in wanting quality readers. There is nothing wrong in using that privacy option. 


Why do we always see the bad or negative in everything?

Why is it easy to assume the worst in a person?

I don't think boss had that in mind when he created that privacy option.

Because believe it or not, some here not only steal stories, but layout codes and graphics as well.

It is easier to track if you know who can access them.


The authors will get subscribers alright - people who read their story. What's so wrong with that?

It is not like they have a gun pointed at us, barking orders at us to subscribe or die. 

They are at risk of losing them too, just like anyone else.


No one can force us, really. Like I said before, we have a choice. No one can make us do anything we don't like.

You are the one holding the mouse. It is your finger controlling the touch pad/touch screen. So don't complain about that option forcing you to do something you don't like. 

If you don't like the locked-stories and their authors so much, ignore them.  Why bother clicking? There are other stories out there.


Eh, I probably am the only one of the few who sees it differently but is brave enough to say something about it. 











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i just wanted to drop by and comment on your blog post:)
I've read many rants or insights about these things on aff and I agree with all of them. I'm glad that there are users like you who are open minded and considerate when it comes to these topics. Its upsetting how many users don't appreciate the hard work of the authors and just resort to stealing/plagiarizing. As for the subscribers only option, uts the readers choice whether they wanted to continue reading or leave. Its funny that some readers hate authors for wanting to protect their hard work. I really admire you for posting about such topics.
Very true.

People are getting way too dramatic over this subscribers only thing if you ask me. Why is it such a big deal to some if an author has their story on 'subscribers only'? Just look for a fic that's not marked that and enjoy.

I've been hesitant on even marking my profile 'friends only' because I don't want people to think I'm a snob O_O *sighs* Oh well.

I wish AFF had a like button...I'd like most of your blogs XD
that's true unsubscribe is normal so author don't need to panic because some loyal readers still in there just because they don't always comment in every chapter
that's why i subscribe the story after read a 5 or 6 chapter "i really like reading long chapter" because sometimes some author change their story after get some great comment
zarawrshi #4
this. now where's the upvote button?

I agree with you. It's like you are actually supporting the author aside from commenting on their stories.
I'm sure most of us are too lazy to even comment on the story, so why can't we 'try' to show our little support by subscribing to the story?
If so many people find the "Subscribers Only" setting annoying, then it doesn't really help authors get more subs. People who don't like it will un-sub and many people won't sub in the first place because they hate that setting. It's actually more of a risk than a way to get subscribers.

In the end, the author should be able to make the decisions regarding their story. If you want to read it, read it. If you don't, don't read it.
OTL I will never understand why this is such a problem for some people. Just ignore the locked fics, seriously. X(((
When I see the new subscribers notif for the fics I set to subs only, I sigh. There are really people who don't wish to attract new readers for their specific fics. And I think locking the fics would help preventing the underage ones to read mature fics. Most mature fics readers are lurkers. Maybe by having to subscribe they will think twice about reading those fics. There are various reasons to lock the fics and it's not right to just judge their reasons by your prejudice only. And most importantly though, it's author's right if they want to lock their fics. If they do it for subs, then so be it. If you hate those kind of stories, don't even click, maybe that way you wouldn't be tempted to subscribe. For those who keep the stories on bookmark and annoyed because they can't continue as silent readers, maybe it's time for them to search for other fics to read. You know, the fics they like enough to make them subscribe.
wow i love u for this..exactly what i think about.. by that, the authors will know the exact amount of ppl that actually read their story..
i feel like the subscribers-only comes in handy for layout shops as well because it's easier for the coders to track down people who stole their layouts if they need to. i personally don't have any problem with the privacy option - i find it quite useful in fact!
ghj465 #9
I know right.. Subscribing shouldn't be a problem if you like the story.