❝ the outcasts ❞⇢ ha inyoung / 하 인용

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CHARACTER NAME: Ha Inyoung (하 인용)

→ hain (하인 ha-in) / mainly used by her mother, and sometimes by her pesky friend. this name was made because of the first two syllables of inyoung's entire name. "ha in"young; she prefers to not have any nicknames, but because it's her mother, she makes an exception. she doesn't usually respond to nicknames, so that's why she only has one for now. it's sometimes, also used by teachers, classmates and neighbours because they think it's her actual name.

→ kiddo / a new addition to her nickname list, and probably the one she neglects the most. it's used by kris, the guy who suddenly strides into inyoung's life. he gives her this nickname because she is a lot shorter than he is, and he just finds it suitable.


BIRTHPLACE: Jeju, South Korea

HOMETOWN: Jeju, South Korea








STYLE DESCRIPTION: As a girl who's aware of her outcasted social status, Inyoung isn't that much of a "fashionista", or in any part of a fashion related clique. Because of it, Inyoung's not really interested in fashion. It's more of a see it-wear it, sort of thing. But, that doesn't necessarily mean she dresses shabby. She's usually seen wearing wearing a plain set of jeans, oversized knit sweaters, baggy tees, sleeve raglans, and probably an old pair of black convers (since they're her signature feature). If she's comfortable in them, and if she's not caring who'll see her, she'll wear them. Maybe, on lazier days, she'd strut around school in a pair of full-length pajamas. But, that's just a theory, because something like that would be too stupid to try, even for a girl like her. All in all, Ha Inyoung likes to stay a plain jane. She thinks it helps draw attention away, though without it she literally draws attention anyhow - just in a different, more outcasted way. So, to keep from others guessing she's chosen to be painfully frugal. It's just that simple - and no, no. I'm not talking about the clothes.


PLOTLINE: Eraser Please?


PERSONALITY: If one were to ask, "Who's Ha Inyoung?" their answer would probably end up being, "The weird artisan at the back of the class?" because yes, that's just who she is. The girl at the back, by the corner, by the window, who talks to herself, doodles on the desk, on her hand and her arms. Who stares out the window and chants the lyrics of love songs while she reminds herself to buy new brushes, and thinks about what theme she should use for her projects that day - all the while avoiding all human contact as if they were the aliens. But, in truth - or in truth of her school, Ha Inyoung is, indeed, the real alien. Now, I'm not saying she's secretly a creature from outer space, sitting amongst the humans, observing their world called Earth and plotting plans to conquer it. Nope. Inyoung's just.. a little out of the ordinary. To the point where her world and your world are no where residented in the same place. Let's get straight to the point and start by saying Ha Inyoung is quiet for a lot of reasons. One of them would be that she isn't eager to make friends, she's too busy occupying herself with fantastic artisan ideas and is much to shy to take the initiative of doing so. Because of it, people are usually left quessing. Who is Ha Inyoung? Why does she draw? Why does she like coloring over talking to others? If someone had just had the guts  to ask, they would know. The only thing they know of her is that she's quiet. Never talks, never speaks, always sitting, drawing, maybe even mumbling to herself. Her avoidence of others isn't because she doesn't like people. No, it's because people make her nervous. As a person who's learned to observe the world around her (for art purposes of course) she's learned that people judge based on your appearance and actions. So, why make the risk and just sit all alone? Wouldn't that be the easiest way to keep from getting yourself in trouble? Well, that's what Inyoung thinks. In fact, she thinks too much; overthinks on everything whether they be a good or a bad thing, she has this sudden pessimistic urge to think up all the negative contents to the situation. Why the sky is blue, and why the grass is green. Things like that, she'll always feel, everything has a deeper meaning.

That theory is just a comparison to herself. You don't know what's behind doors unless you're free to open it. Something plain, something frugal, that's all the world sees in Inyoung. Because nobody has opened her up, she has no deeper meaning. Or, she has one - it's just nobody's discovered it. And neither has she. That's partly what makes her nervous around others, because she's built up all this negative insecurity. She feels she's not accepted, and has already witnessed her outcast. But, she's not entirely bothered by the fact that she's considered different. If someone just sat down and got to know her, they'd learn that this girl is more than just a silent beauty. From a friend's point of view, Inyoung's very kind and is truthfully intelligent, in a sense that if Inyoung wasn't so occupied by art, she'd just be considered just another nerd. This is just the type of girl who likes to mind her own business. The girl who's not interested in gossip, drama or anything of that. She'd be more interested in the white, fluffy clouds floating around the sky, wondering just what kind of would she need to use to get them that way; since she was young, Inyoung has always been modest sort of person. Never agreed to her talents and always carrying the excuse that there's other's better than her - it's just a habit she's never grown out of. Inyoung is also very discreet, always cautious about what she says (if that chance ever pops up during her day), and making sure to keep away from striking any nerves. Inyoung just seems to like it that way. And, I guess you could say that's what makes her independent; she's always refusing help from others, insiting that she's alright and that she'll deal with things on her own. With that said, leaning against other's is a bit of a challenge for Inyoung. Mainly because it's actually rare of others asking for her help, because it's often that her kindness is taken care of. Inyoung's not the type to say no anyhow - and it's not like she'll put in an effort to say anything anyhow. So, refusing help probably just goes to getting no help at all. Too quiet, too shy, too outspoken and taken advantage of, Ha Inyoung's just one of those girls who needs someone beside her. To take care of her, hold her, whether she tells you or not. Emotions might not come as easy to Inyoung, but if you're willing to guide her through it, then I bet she'd open up to you. If you just offered to open her doors, I bet she'd let you in.

→ the sky; clouds
→ shades of whites (mainly for clothes)
→ the sound and/or scent of rain
→ scarves
→ snow
→ painting the sky (and clouds of course)
→ romance novels
→ ballad songs and english songs
→ green milk tea (in a box)

→ interruptions
→ liars/lying
→ others interferring
→ apologizes
→ crowds
→ speaking up
→ repeating herself

→ art (painting, sketching, pottery, etc.)
→ reading (mainly romance or slifeoflife; classical novels)
→ cooking/baking (because it's basically art with food)

→ dogs (especially big ones)
→ thunder/lightning

→ has three cats; dokbokki, mandoo and goguma (names: spicy rice cake, dumpling and sweet potato)
→ is ambidextrous (has the ability to use, write, draw with both her left and right hands)
→ treats insects like they're nothing (eg. you say there's a spider on her shoulder, she'll just pick it up and put it outside. LOOL. think of haruhi from ouran? :'D)
→ has a habit of talking in honorifics
→ blanks out a lot, especially during class when she's staring out the window
→ doesn't own a cellphone, claiming that she doesn't really need one
→ she feels that she can relate to clouds. (reason given as a quote in suggestions)
→ likes romance, but doesn't really care about love; says she's too busy and it's irrelevant at her age
→ owns a lot of cloud-theme'd stationery. (pencilcase, pencils, notebooks)
→ has a habit of drawing on herself (mainly hands) and on any solid surface
→ always carries around 1-2 boxes of green tea milk; will always sneak them into her desk and drink them during class
→ no phone, but has an mp3 (listens to ballads and english music)
→ always forgets to remove her earbuds
→ can't sing to save her life and probably wouldn't try
→ always goes out for dokbokki afterschool and is often dragged off to eat samgupsal with her (one and only) friend
→ works part-time as a florist, but is often seen slacking off at the register with a sketchbook and some music
→ gives you those, "did you know" run-ons when she gets nervous around people, to stall from "embarassment"
→ will always look directly at someone when they're talking to her
→ uses a rosemary scented shampoo
→ currently lives with her aunt (mother's sister)
→ is often found sitting alone in an empty classroom (looking out the window listening to music or drawing), sitting in the library reading some slice-of-life, romance novel, sitting outside on a bench with her eyes closed (possibly thinking) or working around her aunt's floral shop
→ was once mauled by a dog (causing a faint mark on her wrist) which is why she even fears chihuahuas
→ always hums/sings the lyrics of ballads to herself and thinks of deeper meanings between the lyrics.
 as a habit of talking to herself and answering her own questions
→ is decent in sports (running, basketball, soccer, etc) but prefers to just sit quietly on the sidelines
→ is known at school as the girl who's more focused on art than the world that surrounds her
→ when she's not drawing, not painting, not listening to music or looking at clouds, she's sitting in her room, writing in her journal. be it quotes or song lyrics or just her thoughts - she'll take time to sit down and write down her thoughts.


Growing up as Ha Inyoung probably wasn't the easiest thing. She was born on the island of Jeju on July 17th, 1994 where she stayed an only child for a majority of her life. As I said before, growing up as Inyoung wasn't the easiest thing. She was raised into a not-so-wealthy family, who stayed on the lines of being poor and average, depending on their budgets. Her parents didn't have sturdy jobs at the time and were often away from home working late hours or early mornings. Because of this, Inyoung was often left alone at home. From the age of six to thirteen, Ha Inyoung spent everyday of every morning by herself, feeding herself, changing and studying - all by herself. It wasn't something that entirely bothered Inyoung, for the fact that she was being fed and was sheltered by the house above her head. She learned to dealt with it and thus grew independent at such a young age. Eventually, Inyoung discovered hobbies for herself, mainly art and books that taught her different paint and different wants of shading a tree. Thanks to parents she occupied herself with that and later littered her home in stashes of finger-pants and clay flowers.

At thirteen, something dreadful had happened. Inyoung wasn't entirely aware at the time that during those hours of work and money her parents were never getting along. It was then she learned that they were like this for a while now, and were keeping it cool whenever she was around. Witnessing an argument was just the first set of this. Finding that her parents called a divorce was another. Changing houses, changing schools, Inyoung was forced to start a new life again. A girl of thirtheen was asked to start again. What to start? she'd ask herself when her life was just quiet and kept. She had kept good grades, was patient and never greedy. Was she allowed to be that way now? A new man in her mother's life was just another issue. Having to share a home with a man she never knew, never talked to, never liked was just as strange as sleeping in a bed that held no memory what-so-ever. Inyoung was lucky enough to be visiting her father every now and then, for she barely ever got to see her dad. It was just a little moment of heartbreak to learn that her parents would never get together again and she missed the times when they'd sit down during occasional dinners and talk and laugh about their days. It was never like that anymore. And she missed it. So bad. Inyoung spent about sixteen years in Jeju, twelve of them being with both her parents while four was with her mother and step. Her step-dad was never that bad. He was kind and quiet, mature and intelligent and in ways, Inyoung looked up to him a lot. Unlike her dad, she could easily express her creativeness around this man, for the fact that he himself was an artist as well, just not as professional. She was able to explore a lot more thanks to her step-dad, learning more skills and other tricks as well. Later on in life, this strange man became her second dad, and she treasured him just as much as the first.

One day, her mother had gained a job oppuritunity after successfully getting promoted once she found a stable job for herself. The moment was thrilling for all of the family, until the news was broken - they'd have to move. Tired of moving and dreadfully afraid of leaving Jeju, Inyoung had refused several times. Her mother at first was un-reasonable with her daughter staying alone in Korea, while she and her step-dad would leave to America. Inyoung didn't want that and even pleaded to stay with her dad, who she later learned had moved away to Japan with his current girlfriend. Inyoung felt she'd have to start anew, yet again. Even when changing homes and changing schools, Inyoung was still the same as before. Still quiet, outspoken and treated like a nobody. She felt she still had time to improve (even though, deep down, she was fine with it all). She felt that all hope was lost. It was thanks to her step-dad that she got to stay in Korea. She was still unfortunate to be changing homes and schools yet again, but she was lucky enough to stay in Korea again. Her mother was still unsure, but through persuation and long hours of discussion, she let her daughter go. Moving to Seoul to live with her aunt was how Inyoung stayed for the following year. She residented with her loving aunt, who owned a floral shop; Inyoung spent her days working there while going to school, still unchanged and still the same. The only change was her friend, the girl who lived next door to her aunt. A strange girl named Kim Nana, who was eccentric and hyperactive. A girl who fell too hard for boys, but was the light Inyoung felt she needed. With all of her parents out from Korea's border, Inyoung thought she'd feel all alone. But, thanks to her aunt, her new friend and the courage she has yet to try, Inyoung feels that she'll feel okay. But, still frightened of change, Inyoung has yet to find another way of showing the world of her capabilites. She has yet to show the world her skills and her passion, that she keeps to herself.

→ father | ha dohyun | 47 | unknown | quiet, kind, distant, awkward
→ mother | kim "ha" mirae | 48 | secretary | sweet, admirable, gentle, kind
→ step-dad | kim dongshin | 52 | photographer | modest, encouraging, confident, caring
→ aunt | ha bongim | 50 | florist | eccentric, youthful, considerate, motherly

Kim Nana | 18 | student, part-time florist; aspires be a model | confident, optimistc, humorous, childish


RIVIAL: cha yumi | 17 | student, part-time model | conceited, flirtatious, impulsive, short-tempered








AGE: 18

PERSONALITY: Popular, but not a ladies man, kind, but not a gentleman; although that face says otherwisr, Wu Yifan is nothing but an idiotic dork, hidden beneath all that intimidation. Though he seems like a badass (and quite frankly, resembles one) Kris is actually a really sweet guy.He's a guy who likes to see the cup half-full, and to move with a hop-skip-and a jump like he gives no s about what the world gives him. He kind of gives off this happy virus aura, but most of the time, he's just being stupid. Otherwise, being a tease. Most of the time, Kris staying friendly, and enjoys joking around to his heart's content. Just picture him being this big, loveable oaf under all that angry bird. Though, he's playful and awkwardly (yet ertedly) funny, there are plentiful times where Kris is a lot more mature than he appears, if he hadn't appeared that way already. The times when playing around just isn't the best, and when things should be taken seriously, Kris will do just that. To stop the joking and the games and to take things seriously. He's a joker, and a prankster, but a hero when it's needed. One of his traits is that he can be a real tease. The tease who picks on you, and irritates you for fun doing stupid all around just to get a glimsp of your reaction. Like a little boy pulling at a girl's pig-tails because he desperately wants your attention. So, sadly, being bored isn't something Kris is used to, thus he's often finding ways to entertain himself. Albiet easily interested in a lot of things, once he's got his mind set on something, he'll go right after it. And, that also includes girls. If he wants her, he will get her - but respect her at the same time. Although sometimes he's protrayed as an idiotic moron, (which, indeed, he is) Kris is just one of those guys who isn't afraid of doing what he wants but knows just enough to stop when he can. The guy who'll tease you to get your attention, but will apologize when things too far. The guy who'd sing you to sleep, make a fool of himself just to see you laugh, who'd be your shoulder to cry on, yet might end up being the your accidental heartbreaker because even with all those goods and bads, he's still a moron one way or another, because even if he knows that hearts may be broken, he still chooses to take the challenge.

HOW WOULD YOU ACT AROUND HIM?: Inyoung doesn't really know how to act around Kris. For the fact that he's too open and too touchy sometimes, she feels a little awkward and doesn't know how to react. When he slings his arm around her, she isn't sure if she's supposed to flinch or move his arm - let it stay there, or what. She'd look at him awkwardly and just shuffle aside in all her silence. She's obviously aware of Kris' social status as much as she's aware with hers and because of it she feels she shouldn't get involved. Although she doesn't know much about Kris at all (though she feels not wanting to with that intimidating appearance) she feels he's just too good for her, in ways that they shouldn't be friends. Otherwise, he's a possible bad influence, yet she doesn't want to appear rude. She'll always talk in honorifics with Kris, always calling him by his birthname "Yifan" for the fact that she's never likes nicknames (which Kris is often bothered by because he feels his english name makes him cool, and insists on Inyoung to call him that like everyone else). She'll always nod awkwardly, agreeing to whatever Kris says even though she doesn't mean it. Inyoung will barely responsed, but will always keep eye-contacting when he's talking to her. In all honesty, she doesn't mind his company, she just feels so un-used to the fact that someone else wants to hang out and get to know her better - let alone this someone else being a boy; because of his actions, she'll often become flustered and embarassed. Sometimes he comes off as extremely sweet and it's difficult for her to even mutter out a thankyou. The only time she ever disagrees are to the things when he calls her cute, or pretty or praises her work. She'll shake her head and deny while telling him not to lie. Inyoung also finds herself to tell him to stop saying sorry, because he's always doing stupid things (and apologizing just seems to be a habit). Later, the longer the two are together, Inyoung starts to open up to Kris more. Getting a little more skinshippy, more trusting and speaks a lot more. She starts to become a little witty, more with sarcastic, but humorous responses. They become closer, and may later drift off into a more-that-friends-relationship, although Inyoung still feels that they're not friends.. just yet. Even if she finds him awfully attractive, charming and cute - she still feels she doesn't have a right. She's an outcast and he's obviously not. Should they even be together?

HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO MEET HIM?: Their first meeting wasn't really a first meeting. Kris had seen Inyoung before, but hadn't really taken an intrest yet. He didn't know her name, but knew her appearance and always caught glimpses of her doodling on her hands, or staring up at clouds. After the bet was placed, Kris later began observing Inyoung more and once he felt he was ready, he approached her. But, it was a little awkward. Kris spotted her on his way home and in excitment and bounded over, calling over to her with a "Hey! Inyoung!" before he tripped and fell to the pavement below him. In a panic Inyoung turned around and rushed to his side, helping his up and quickly checking for injuries. Kris thanked her as well as apologized for causing her trouble, but she shook her head and said, "Don't apologize" and handed him a bandaid from her bag before she continued on. At that point, Kris completely forgot about introducing himself and said he'd try again tomorrow. But, every time he tried to talk, he would miss his chance. She'd turn a corner and he'd lose her. Someone would call her while he tried to walk over. It was like God was purposely trying to get Kris to lose, but he wouldn't give up. After learning and finding out about her schedules, her routes and routines and basically going complete stalker, Kris managed to find her foot-locker and finally made a proper appearnace. He thanked her from the last time again, trying to refresh her memory of him helping her, which she couldn't recall until he showed her a blue, cloud-themed bandaid. It was then he said, "Hi, my name is Kris," and she responded with, "You shouldn't lie when your name is Yifan-ssi." stunning Kris by a ton and only luring himself in. Again, their meeting went silent once more, until there was a time in class. Inyoung was drawing again and Kris was sitting in front of her. Planned out and very confident, he turns around and asks to borrow a pencil, which he accomplishes and starts to chat with her. She only nods her head and it an dreading silence once more. But, that silence is later lifted with hope when Inyoung taps his shoulder and says, "May I have an eraser, please?"




AGE: 18

PERSONALITY: same as above.





Eeek. asdfghj-- I feel like I wrote a lot of unneccessary stuff. .___. Like, idek. asdfghj- BUT I WROTE SO MUCH. GOD I'M SORRY. IT MUST BE OVERWHELMING FOR YOU. orz it took me a while to write it all out, and actually I had originally planned to apply for SAY CHEESE~, but there had already been about 2 applicants for it and I felt discouraged. afdgh-- I look back to see like 2-3 ERASE PLEASE? and I feel bad because I'm just adding onto it. asdfgh-- I really don't know if you'll understand a lot of my writing, because I'm really.. kind of.. bleh. there's a lot of fantastic writers on there and I find it difficult to elaborate. ugh, I'm so sorry. ; ; but, thankyou for reading my application! I'M SORRY FOR MAKING LIFE DIFFICULT FOR YOU AND I HOPE IT WAS OKAY FOR ME TO PUT THE SAME AS ABOVE FOR THE BACK-UP. ASDFGH-- your plotlines gave me trouble btw. they're just that amazing. ;;

QUESTIONS?: will you be writing the outcasts in individual chapters or will you be craming them all into one?


→ scene one / kris ends up with inyoung's journal; though he knows he shouldn't read it his curiousity's too eager and finds himself reading this: "A cloud is just a bundle of emotions. Collecting and collecting, getting bigger and bigger. I'm just like a cloud. Collecting and collecting all of these emotions, yet not knowing what to do with them all in the end. When the time comes, I'm crying. Crying and filling up rivers to their rims. Sadly, it's barely ever noticed. A cloud is just a figment of white. Pure, innocence and unfortunately fugral. By the end of it all, I'm grey. Grey and bursting with anger until I've cried myself to sleep til' I've reached nothing. When I'm done, the cycle just starts over again and again. Collecting and collecting. Waiting for someone to finally notice. Yet sometimes, that's okay. Because a cloud is effected by the sun around it, changing it's color and it's shades. All I need is someone to be that sun.. and for now, I'm willing to wait. For now I'm able to color myself with the brushes I hold and the paint I recieve."

scene two / kris finds inyoung multiple times in class, in the library, outside and while she works in all the places she's been at most. this is around the time kris first met inyoung and eventually grows curious about her. why she has ink stains on her hands? why does she mumble to herself when she thinks nobody's around? and why does she make such an effort to avoid him?

scene three / inyoung is in the classroom, sketching the eyes of someone (who she'll later learn to be kris') when kris comes up and sits in front of her, forcing her to close her sketch book and look without a word. she quirks an eyebrow and kris only smiles before he gets up and walks away, leaving her puzzled. kris walks away, somewhat praising himself because now he feels he's made an entrance that'll have her question his existance.

scene four / kris tries to draw something similar to what inyoung's drawing, but only ends up with a bundle of strange doodles. he later offers to tutor inyoung in english (her worst subject) in exchange for some art lessons which they later proceed to working on until inyoung pleads for the tutoring and sessions to stop, feeling that he shouldn't be so attached to an outcast, which he later realizes that he's part of a bet.

scene five / kris is tired of having to hunt for inyoung all day, so as a surprise he buys her a cellphone with a cute little cloud strap knowing that she really likes clouds. not understanding how to use the phone he teaches her and exchanges his number first. after the set up he tells her wait and she stares at him with curiosity. her phone bleeps and she checks the text.

Subject: To Kiddo
From: Unknown
Date: ---

"You're an amazing peson.
- from yifan "

scene six / inyoung starts to get suspicious of kris once they become a little closer and after he insists they hang out during lunch with her friend (or vise-versa), and tries to find out why kris becomes to friendly with her in the first place. the word slips that his friendliness is just a game, saying that winning the heart of an outcast was a bet to win something in exchange. inyoung feels betrayed. this is around the same time kris calls his bet off, letting himself be called a coward once he realizes inyoung might be too fragile for him to handle, and would hate to see her shattered because of it. on the day they're supposed to eat together again, he doesn't see her and afterschool she confronts him, the only words coming from her before she plugs in her earbuds and walks away. "I told you to stop lying." and he tries to catch up with her. "Inyoung! Yah! I'm sor-" but before he can apologize, she comes back, taking out something in her pocket. In her hand she gives him the cellphone he gave her, but doesn't leave. "Don't apologize anymore. What's done is done and now it's over. We can go back to the things they were, where I am me and you are you. I'm the outcast and you.. walk away." 

scene seven / not as extravogent, but I'd love to see them share a scarf or umbrella together. or, if Kris finds Inyoung standing in the rain. 

scene eight / inyoung having to stay after class to help clean up, and ends up getting caught in a thunder storm. her last resort is to call someone or sit there alone. she debates whether to call kris or nana. guess who she ends up calling?

third time changing it tbh. asdfghj-- orz


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