Where my ORIGINAL authors at?

No...I'm dead . Where are they? I am quite tired of looking at these terribly corny cliche and trite stories. I'm thirsty. Thirsty for originality. I need to read something I've read before. Read a plot that stands out. No more of this bad boy and Mary-Sue . No more mafia (what do y'all REALLY know about the mafia anyway?! I know I don't know anything about it...) None of these gang stories. I swear they all sound the same. Also! The lack of editing and the people whose 1st language isn't English...please get EDITORS. That's what they're around for. Trust me, it'll make your story that much more enjoyable...one MORE thing, these craptastic stories that make it to the featured stories list...WTF? I mean congrats but there are too many other authors that ACTUALLY deserve to be in that spot. I can name a few. Occasionally and I mean once in a red moon, there are really good stories up. I guess I just say this to say I wish there was more original stories up... anywho that's my rant. I've been feeling this way for a while. I know I'm not the only one...


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I agreed with you.Badass gangstah and the wimpy heroine.I really tired of those too.
Comatose-Bunny #2
Make donuts, not war~ <3
I has a story that I has not posted yet that I'm sure you'll like. Maybe not the most original, but DEFINITELY not copied.
cotko94 #4
I sez LOLZ ^^