Project Idunnowhat: Start!

Hi guys :3

Just wanna tell you that I didn't get the job. Don't ask me why, the man said yesterday that he'll seems like he won't OTL. I'm kinda sad but at the same time, I'm not. I mean, okay, so the money I would have got is a LOT. But the whole thing seemed too good OTL. Of course, if they actually call back, I'll go but still... I did feel a bit uneasy because of it.


Now to the title of my  blog. Yup, I'm starting something today :3 I won't tell you what now, but I'm pretty proud (okay, not really) of the idea xD I don't have a title yet though xD


THEN:the other reason that I'm glad I didn't get the job:

It's freaking HOT. Like..really really really hot, worse than ever. I doubt I could work in this heat, and it'll stay for weeks OTL. I'm glad I can actually type right now.

Other than that... I'm starting my last year of high school in less than a month and.. I don't know.. suddenly I don't know what I want to do. I mean, okay, so I'll have to study something with English but... I'm not sure.

Sorry for the rant, hope you have a better weather :3



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momokitten #1
Telllllll meeeeeeeee

*hugs*you'll get a job and shove it on their faces mwuahahaha x)

Do what you heart desires, don't make your umma's mistakes xP