❝♛ ╎ Seo Min Jung.❞

  Snow White—- Seo Min Jung  


username: sara_kitty
nickname: Sara
activity: 9.5


name: Seo Min Jung (Kathleen Seo)
birthdate: 31 January 1996 | age: 19
height: 167 cm | weight: 50 kg
bloodtype: O
ethnicity: Korean (Vietnamese - her mother's parent)
birthplace: Ilsan, Korea | hometown: Busan, Korea
languages: Korean and Mandarin (fluent), English (advanced) Vietnamese (conversational)

family: Father | Seo Hyun Jung  | 43 | CEO of Andromeda Sdn Bhd | Caring, protective and firm | Minjung is close with her father after her mother passed away since she was 3 years old. He always tries her best to fulfill his princess' wishes and always prepare everything perfectly for her. | Died in an accident.

Stepmother | Jung Eun Ji | 37 | CEO of Nadromeda Sdn Bhd | Cold, quiet but caring | Minjung is not so close with her stepmother. She neither likes her nor hates her. They rarely talk to each other. They will only saw each other if they have to go for a family business dinner or sometimes if the have times, they will have dinner together quietly. Her stepmother will always passed her message to any of her maids or butler and they will tell it too Minjung and so does Minjung.

Minjung has 7 official maids and butlers who take care of her since her mother passed away. (for 7 dwarfs)




-Prepare formal clothes

-Arranging schedule

-Passing message / tutor (her father's secretary - now her stepmom's)

-Butler / Bodyguard


friend: Krystal | 18 | Student - Literature | Sociable, energetic, cheerful | She is the first girl who coe and talk to Minjung the first time she went into the school. She always spend her lunch break with her.

Seohyun | 19 | Student - Linguistic | Quiet, calm and caring | She have a few classes with Seohyun. Seohyun always help her with her study.

Kibum | 18 | Student - Fashion | Talkative, bright and funny | Kibum is in the smae club as Minjung. He starts to talk to her and they started getting closer after that.

Yonghwa | 19 | Student - Music | Mischievous, strong and smart | Yonghwa likes Seohyun. He always find excuses to sit on the same table with Seohyun but Seohyun ignores him. But he never give up and Minjung decided to help him.



ulzzang name: Lee Eun Jin
visual: Gallery
back-up: Park Soo Yeon
visual: Gallery

style: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9


personality: Min Jung is a very cheerful and bright girl As she is the only daughter and the official heiress of the family, Min Jung is spoiled by her father. She always get what she want and she was given freedom. She loves to initiate conversation and she actually loves to sing. 

Although Min Jung has maids ad butler to look over her, she actually choose to do all the cleaning by herself because her father taught her to take care of herself. Min Jung is also very kind and she always help her maids doing things or just sit down and talk to her maids when they are working.

Despite her lovely personality, Min Jung is actually very nosy. She loves writing and she often write stories and critiques about things like teenage life and psychologies. She likes to medddle in others business and tend to talk her mind. She is insensitive with her surrounding making people sometimes get annoyed with her.  But that what makes her critique unique nd loves by her readers. 

background: Min Jung was born in a very rich family in Busan. Her father married a girl from Vietnam and she was born. Her mother dies when she is 3 years old and her father get married with a new wife. Her stepmother never talk to her, she even tried to get her kidnapped without her father's consent and knowledge but she was safe. Her father then hired 7 assistants, 4 maids and 3 butlers to look after her. Her stepmother knows she can't do anything to Min Jung after she was announced as the official heiress of the family... or she will lose her share.

Min Jung loves sports. She play tennis, ice skating and also gymnastics. But when she was 15 years old, she and her father were involved in an accident after she won on a national tennis league. Her father died in that accident and she was paralyzed for a few months. Because of her strong will, she started walking again but she can't do any sports anymore. It also cause her to start having syncope (brief ;oss of conciousness caused by a temporary decrease of blood flow to the brain). She then starts to love writing and wish to continue her mother job as a critic.

Her stepmother then decided that she should try to live like normal girls as she's quite stress after her father's death. She starts to care about her more, because she afraid that it might affect her mental state. Her stepmother have to take care of her until she is 21 and get her married if she wants her share in the company.

persona: Angel of critique

loves: Magazines, books biscuits, necklace, handbags, white chocolates, flowers (especially carnation and white lilies)





































hates: Apples, mirrors, frogs, snakes, carrot, dark places, being alone

fears: Fire, accident, speed, height.

hobbies: writing, reading, playing chess, sewing, knitting, flower arrangement.

habits: Touch her lips when thinking, scratches her herad when confused, clenched her fist when angry. kicking random things when annoyed, cheering loudly when she is happy, mess her hair when she is frustrated.

trivia: She hates apple because she was nearly choked to death by apple when she is young and her father restrain her from eating apple after that.

She hates mirror because she once loses her stepmom's mirror as a birthday gift for her and she has to starve just to save her money to buy a new one for her.

Her mother died in a fire incident which makes her fear of fire.

She will faint if she was too anxious, too excited, surprised or too sa.

She never believes in happy ending because she haven't found her happy ending yet.

She hates to be alone because she afraid she might be too anxious and fainted without anyone notice.

She hates fainting but she can't help it.

She loves singing and she has perfect pitch.

















 prince:   Prince   (Florian / Ferdinand) 
  love interest: Choi Minho

          birthdate + age: 9 December 1995
          major: Photography

  personality: on the outside look, he is a very cool and charismatic guy. He is a strong build guy and have a very hansome face. But inside, Minho is actually a cute and shy guy. He loves to show affection to people around him.

Although he looks cold and distance, Minho is actually very kind and helpful. He always help his people in need and never hesitates to help anyone in need.

Along with photography, Minho also loves soccer. He always found dozing off in class becuase he stays up all night just to watch soccer.

  relationship: Min Jung and Minho met each other when their parent met them up in a marriage date. They met again as                                                                  Minho was studying in the new school where Min Jung was transfeered. Mino tries to surprise her but she fainted.                                                                            Minho was also Kibum's best freind which made them closer. They always hang out together and Minho loves using her                                                                    as a model for his photography projects.

 back-up: Cho Kyuhyun







company name: Andromeda Sdn Bhd.
focus of company: Magazines (from cooking to fashion to interior design to education)

scandal(s): The accident that cause her father's death.

Scandals with Minho - Minho steal her kiss when she's fainted.

Scandal of a fight between her and Minho's cousins.

"interview time!"

1.) how do you feel about your parents sending off to a normal school so suddenly? 

I feel, great. I was tired of being pitied fter the accident and I want to try a new environment. 

2.) what do you think of your new school? 

My new school is fine. I made friends and they were all good to me.

3.) what class interests you the most?

Of course in music class. I can be with all of my friends and it's fun being together with them.

4.) when you finally take notice of your prince, how do you plan on telling him? or do you not tell at all?

I will tell him to just continue with our parent's plan. We get married and our parent will establish a great coorperative firm.


5.) why did you fall in love with your prince? 

Because he is very kind to everyone. He loves helping people and he's cute inside although he looks tough and cold outside.


6.) of all students in the school, who peeves you off? 

Minho's cousins, Choi Sulli and Choi Sooyoung.

7.) why do you decide to argue with your enemy? 

Because they always try to separate us and keep sending threat letters to me. They also say that I'm bringing bad luck to my famil because of the death of my parents.

8.) how did you become enemies? 

They saw Minho steal my kiss and they becomes mad. Minho didn't really like them because they kinda control him and stop any girls from being closer to him. 


scene requests: Minho steal Min Jung's kiss when she's fainted for the third time and he get caught.

comments: Hope you like the princess as well as the plot lines that was made by me. 

Please tell me if anything is wrong. :)




















































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