My Ideal Type [Stolen from PrincessCharming4999]

1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?
I'm not gonna lie here and say "Oh no, looks don't matter; it's only what's on the inside that counts~" Nah, I will be falt out honest. And with how the society, economy, etc. is today, many may deny it; but it is pretty much true.

I would prefer good looks. But I am not as picky on looks; such as, I don't expect to have a boyfriend that looks like an exact replica of a Kpop star. No, I'm a bit more realistic(I guess??)


2. Smart?
Yes; very much so. I do want someone that is smart; I really do like guys that are intelligent ^^


3. Preferred age?
Maybe a guy that is no more than a year or so older than I. I do care about age, since I rather have someone that is closer to my age.


4. Preferred height?
Taller than I, of course ^^ but, since I'm short, that shouldn't be too hard >< (everyone is taller than I > n <)


5. How about sense of humor?
YES YES YES YES YES YES! I really really want the guy to have this kind of trait > u < someone that is funny and a bit witty > u < and since I am majorly sarcastic, I really wouldn't want to offend the guy > n <


6. How about piercings?
Personally, I think peircings look pretty cool on guys ^^ But, not a lot of peircings. No more than two stud earings is enough for me > u < lol, sorry; just not a fan of many many peircings. But, I do think that guys with a one stud earing is pretty hawt *o* /shot


7. Accepts you for who you are?
Of course ^^ I don't want to have to act fake just so the guy likes me. "Either you choose me, or you lose me." -sWooZie


8. Pink hair?
Cool! I don't care much about the hair color > u < They could bleach it blonde for all I care * u *


9. Mushy or no?
Not, sorry but I like a guy that is affectionate and can have his moments; but TOO fluffy and mushy just might push me far too over the edge > n <


10. Thin or fat?
In between. No sticks, no mushy bones; someone in between.


11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?
What kind of question is this? I don't even understand some of these metaphors??


12. Long hair or short hair?
Short. I really don't agree with guys having long hair. Sorry...


13. Plastic or metal?
What does that mean?? /bricked


14. Smells good?
Yes. (that's it.)


15. Smoker?
No thanks. I don't want the guy risking his life for drugs.


16. Drinker?
Like a "Responsible drinker"? If so, then that would be fine. Like a person that drinks on special occassions and know there limit ^^ but those non-stop alcoholics..sorry, no.


17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?
I am fine with that~


18. Muscular?
Like "Steroid-style muscles"? If so, then no. But, have some muscle is good ^^


19. Plays piano?
I don't mind either way~ but, if he were to play piano, then I would enjoy listening to him play ^^


20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?
Once again, it does not matter; but if he does play, then I would gladly love to listen~


21. Plays violin?
*same as above


22. Sings very good?
As long as he can sing, I'm okay


23. Vain?

No thank you.


24. With glasses?
Yes! I don't know why, but I find guys with glasses and a stud earring to be very attractive *o* LOL


25. With braces?
Doesn't matter. But, good thing I got my braces off; cause then we could've locked braces by accident if we kissed xP


26. Shy type?
I think guys that are a bit shy are cute~ So, sure ^^


27. Rebel or Good boy?
Good boys, but are able to stand up for themself and make their own decisions ^^


28. Active or passive?


29. Tight or bomb?


30. Singer or dancer?
Either is fine, though I prefer the guy to be a dancer, so he can teach me too! LOL


31. Stunner? as in looks? or like a schmoozer?
Schmoozer? As in a guy that is a sweet-talker? No, thanks. So, Stunner, I guess??


32. Hiphop?
Yea! I love hiphop! But, about the guy liking it as well? It doesn't matter.


33. Earrings? multiple piercings; maybe just a small stud earing would be fine for me > n <


34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-until-you-drop?
Please, no. "Do not let the past steal our present~"


35. Dimples?
I don't mind either way.


36. Bookworm?
Lol, maybe he could be the first person to get me into reading~


37. Mr/Ms. love letter?
Aww, what a cute way to communicate with one another > u < So, yep~


38. Playful?
Playful, yes! Childish, no.


39. Flirt?
As long as it is not with another person, then I am fine with it ^^


40. Poem writer?
Either way is fine ^^


Serious about..relationships? Yes. Work? Sure. School/studies? Why not. Going out with someone to win a bet? I don't think so. (LOL I didn't know what to put for the last one xP)


42. Campus crush?
A what?


43. Painter?
Cool! I am also into painting, but I guess the guy will be a better one xP LOL


44. Religious?
Why not; but I do prefer someone of the same religion. Not that I hate the others or dislike them in anyway; I just prefer someone similar to I, I guess.


45. Someone who likes to tease people?

Sure, as long as it causes no harm. Playful teasing is nice~

46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?
I feel like I am both; but, I think internet freak is my preference xP


47. Speaks 20 languages?
Ummm...if he has the patience and drive to do that, then by all means go for it. But, I don't see as to why it would be necessary??


48. Loyal or faithful?
I prefer both~


49. Good kisser?
Ummm, sure? I don't really know what a "good kisser" is or who is one, so...yea.


50. Loves children?
Yes! A kind-hearted guy that is good with and cares for kids~ But, as long as "loves children" is no more than a fatherly or caring type of love. Nothing more, nothing less.


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#12 All I was thinking was: You don't approve of Taeman with long hair D: wae?! But he looked actually good in those extensions! TT ㅡ TT